PRISTINA – Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in Kosovo (SRSG)
Joachim Rücker announced today after meeting with the Team of Unity that Kosovo
will hold Municipal and Assembly elections on 17 November.
e premte, gusht 31, 2007
SRSG announces elections date for Kosovo
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/31/2007 0 komentet
Me 17 nentor mbahen zgjedhjet e pergjithshme ne Kosove
Zgjedhjet e pergjithshme dhe ato lokale ne Kosove do te mbahen me 17 nentor paralelisht me procesin e zgjidhjes se statusit. Keshtu ka vendosur shefi i Misionit te Kombeve te Bashkuara ne Kosove, Joachim Ruecker, pas takimit me Ekipin Negociator te Kosoves
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/31/2007 0 komentet
Plane with U.S. lawmakers fired on while leaving Iraq
"But trust us, the surge is working!" -- Official White Horse Souse
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/31/2007 0 komentet
Marine 'ordered to kill women and children'
"I told him there were women and kids inside there. He said 'Well, shoot them,''' Lance-Cpl Mendoza told prosecutor Lieutenant Colonel Sean Sullivan.
"And what did you say to him?'' Lt-Col Sullivan asked.
"I said 'But they're just women and children.' He didn't say nothing.''
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/31/2007 0 komentet
Diana 'converted to Islam'
PRINCESS DIANA considered converting to Islam during her relationship with the Pakistani heart surgeon Hasnat Khan, according to a new book.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/31/2007 0 komentet
Who was Azem Hajdari ?
Azem Hajdari (March 11, 1963 - September 12, 1998), married with two children, was an Albanian politician. Hajdari was a close aid of Sali Berisha, the Prime Minister of Albania. After his assassination, for which Berisha blamed the Socialist Party of Albania and its leaders, there were several demonstrations, some of them violent. No one was convicted of Hajdari's murder, although many people were eventually fingered as having participated in his assassination. Many of these suspects were in turn assassinated or killed under different circumstances.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/31/2007 0 komentet
Koštunica: UN will never grant Kosovo independence
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/31/2007 0 komentet
Kosovo split possible if both sides agree: Russia
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia will accept a partition of Serbia's Kosovo province if that is the solution agreed by Belgrade and Kosovo's ethnic Albanian majority, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Friday.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/31/2007 0 komentet
Top 10 Political Websites
Top 10 Political Websites
This list features the websites for key political party websites based on US Internet usage for the week ending August 25, 2007. This ranking list has been customized to feature only select websites.
Rank Website Market Share
1. 5.74%
2. 5.37%
3. 3.09%
4. 2.23%
5. 2.23%
6. 2.09%
7. 2%
8. 1.95%
9. 1.86%
10. 1.75%
Note - the Hitwise data featured is based on US market share of visits, which is the percentage of online traffic to the Lifestyle - Politics category, from the Hitwise sample of 10 million US Internet users. Hitwise measures more than 1 million unique websites on a daily basis, including sub-domains of larger websites. Hitwise categorizes websites into industries on the basis of subject matter and content, as well as market orientation and competitive context.
Source - Hitwise - week ending August 25, 2007 - based on market share of visits.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/31/2007 0 komentet
e enjte, gusht 30, 2007
Ekipi i Unitetit ka bërë gabime të shumta
Kryetari i Lidhjes Demokratike të Dardanisë akademik Nexhat Daci bashkë me nënkryetarin prof.dr.Berim Ramosaj, pritën në një takim kryetarin e Partisë Liberale të Kosovës z.Gjergj Dedaj me bashkëpunëtorë.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/30/2007 0 komentet
"the goddess on the throne"
"the goddess on the throne" was made by members of the Bardhosh culture about six thousand years ago. As the United Nations' Special Representative of the Secretary-General Michael Steiner said, "she is not the expression of any ethnic group, but represents something that transcends ethnicity and politics - she represents the culture and richness of the whole region".
E verteta4_U:
This might also be on Kosovo's new flag. What a shame if it is. A muslim nation to have a pagan goddess as its flag.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/30/2007 0 komentet
Kosovo Belongs To...............!!
Even the simpsons are talking about KOSOVO
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/30/2007 0 komentet
Leaders hold fresh Kosovo talks
Politicians from Kosovo and Belgrade are meeting international envoys in Austria to try to decide Kosovo's future before a December deadline.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/30/2007 0 komentet
Takimi tjetër Prishtinë-Beograd në shtator në Nju Jork, thotë kryeministri Çeku
Kryeministri i Kosovës Agim Çeku, menjëherë pas mbarimit të takimit me Treshen ndërkombëtare, në një intervistë për BBC në shqip, ka deklaruar se në Vjenë nuk është hapur çështja e statusit. Ai ka thënë se Treshja ka nxjerrë disa obligime për palën e Prishtinës dhe ka caktuar agjendën e takimeve të radhës.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/30/2007 0 komentet
Kosovo leader vows to declare independence if talks fail
VIENNA: The prime minister of Kosovo vowed Thursday to declare independence if internationally brokered talks failed to "open a way for us," staking out a tough position at last-ditch negotiations on the province's future.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/30/2007 0 komentet
Serbian FM: Direct Kosovo talks in New York
VIENNA -- Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić said agreement was reached for Belgrade and Priština to start direct Kosovo talks soon.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/30/2007 0 komentet
Kosovo talks to open with no hint of breakthrough
BELGRADE (Reuters) - Last-chance talks on the future of Serbia's breakaway province of Kosovo open in Vienna on Thursday, without even the glimmer of a breakthrough in sight.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/30/2007 0 komentet
e premte, gusht 24, 2007
"Serbs will be victims of Russian games"
" Albanians will be the victims of American games "
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/24/2007 0 komentet
Haradinaj trial: Witness changes statement
THE HAGUE -- The trial of Ramush Haradinaj, Idriz Balaj and Lahi Brahimaj continued at the Hague Thursday.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/24/2007 0 komentet
Jessen Petersen i zhgënjyer me qasjen e BE-së ndaj Kosovës
Ish shefi i UNMIK-ut Soren Jessen Peteres ka deklaruar për Evropën e Lirë se është i zhgënjyer me sjelljen aktuale të BE-së Ai tha se ka shpresuar se statusi i Kosovës do të zgjidhej shpejt.” Si shumë të tjerë, edhe unë kam keq-gjykuar qasjen e Moskës”, pranoi ai. ”Kisha shumë shpresë se çështja do zgjidhej në atë kohë, por tani jam tepër i zhgënjyer” tha ai.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/24/2007 0 komentet
e enjte, gusht 23, 2007
23 August is International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition
The International Slavery Museum, Liverpool United Kingdom
On August 23rd, 2007 National Museums Liverpool will inaugurate the International Slavery Museum. In line with the Liverpool City Council’s 1999 unreversed apology for its involvement in the European slave trade, the city once again aims to demonstrate its committment to shedding light on the slave trade by creating the world’s first permanent museum devoted to the transatlantic slave trade. MORE
Website (URL)
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/23/2007 0 komentet
India Independence Day 2007
E Verteta4_U:
After more than two hundred years of British rule, India finally won backs its freedom on 15th August, 1947. And maybe just maybe Kosovo will soon win back its freedom as well.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/23/2007 0 komentet
The Radius of Arab American Writers Inc. (RAWI) has just issued the following statement regarding the FORCED resignation of a Muslim school principal of New York City's first Islamic High School.... and replaced by a zionist.
Please read it and circulate it on your blogs.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/23/2007 0 komentet
Iran buys Russian passenger jets
Iran has signed a deal with Russia to buy five new Tupolev passenger planes.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/23/2007 0 komentet
EU must act on Kosovo or risk fresh bloodshed, thinktank warns
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/23/2007 0 komentet
Renowned Kosovo actor dies
PRIŠTINA -- Faruk Begolli, a Kosovo actor and drama professor, passed away in Priština Wednesday.
E Verteta4_U:
SAD news, I remember when i was just a kid watching his films.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/23/2007 0 komentet
SHBA e mbështesin pavarësinë e Kosovës
" Shumica dërmuese e anëtarëve të Këshillit të Sigurimit të Kombeve të Bashkuara si dhe vendet anëtare të Bashkimit Evropian dhe vende të tjera, e mbështesin pavarësinë e mbikëqyrur të Kosovës", tha zëdhënësi i Departmentit të Shtetit, Gonzalo Gallegos duke shtuar se edhe në bisedimet shtesë plani i Ahtisaarit do të jetë "bazë për bisedime të reja."
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/23/2007 0 komentet
Kreyminstri Çeku thotë se BE duhet ta njohë pavarësinë menjëherë pas 10 dhjetorit
Evropa, duhet të ketë rol më të theksuar dhe qasje më të guximshme për Kosovën, sepse Kosova është në Evropë dhe është çështje e saj. Për ne, Bashkësia Evropiane është partnere dhe inspirim, është e ardhmja dhe qëllimi ynë, tha kryeministri, Agim Çeku, pas takimit të sotëm me shefin e Zyrës Ndërkombëtare Civile të Bashkimit Evropian në Kosovë, Jonas Jonson.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/23/2007 0 komentet
e martë, gusht 21, 2007
7 inmates escape from Kosovo prison; NATO helicopters back police in manhunt
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/21/2007 0 komentet
Niset trimi per n'gurbet
pershendet shokt e vet
perqafon o babe e nane
e mer malli per vatan
amanet po ua la
kurre n'gurbet mos me rra
buke e krype ne vater tone
je çelik pergjithmone
Zemra i djeg kur i len fmijte
qe kane malle per dy prind't
lotet rrjedhin si burim
m'kalon jeta ne permallim
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/21/2007 0 komentet
A brave man begins his journey away from home.He says farewell to all this friends, hugs his father and mother goodbye, for he will miss his homeland Take my word, never take the path of immigration bread and salt in our fireplace, you are always steel The heart breaks when the child is without his parents tears flow like a stream, life goes on in saddness.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/21/2007 0 komentet
e hënë, gusht 20, 2007
Philosophy and recycling in Albania
After spending the last couple of years studying environmental conservation, Kieran Cook reports on the unusual people he met in Albania coping with an ever increasing mountain of discarded material.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/20/2007 0 komentet
e shtunë, gusht 18, 2007
Serbia urges return of its military and police to Kosovo
BELGRADE, Serbia: Serbia urged the return of its army and police to Kosovo, an official said Friday, a move that could increase ethnic tensions in the breakaway province.
" From the looks of it another war may loom this winter in KOSOVO."
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/18/2007 0 komentet
Bulletproof Backpack For US Schools
A bulletproof backpack is being sold to parents in the US to protect their children against another Columbine-type attack.
Another wonderful reason to home school.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/18/2007 0 komentet
A creeping suspicion
Karl understands that assaulting Hillary means abetting Hillary. He never opens his mouth without some calculated, strategic purpose, and in this case the purpose is vastly obvious: He's actively trying to help the Clinton campaign.
The why is easy. The Bushes and Clintons have been working together since the days of Iran-Contra. Bush senior had to leave the White House after just one term because he knew he could not hold off the Iran-Contra investigation for another four years after Eugene Hassenfuss's plane crashed and tore the lid off the guns and drug running operation Bush Sr. had run out of the Reagan White House. But, when Bush left, he needed to leave the White House in the hands of Democrat just as eager to keep the lid on the whole mess, so he tapped the Democratic Governor of Arkansas, the US end of the guns and drugs pipeline, Bill Clinton. That is why the CIA controlled media worked hard to wreck any Democratic challengers to Bill Clinton as well as covering up Bill's political liabilities.
So, the Clintons got the White House for 8 years and kept the lid on the real secret behind Iran-Contra/Whitewater; CIA drug running used to fund unapproved covert operations.
Then, the White House was handed back to the Bush dynasty, and now that Bush Jr. has had his eight, the Oval Office needs to go back to another Clinton, because the instant a President who was NOT involved with Iran-Contra drug money gets elected, the cover-up will collapse.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/18/2007 0 komentet
Mattel toys in Israel have no lead paint
Israeli parents who are worried that they may have possibly bought dangerous toys containing lead paint can relax: Tests conducted by the Israel Standards Institute on Mattel toys taken from store shelves show that all of the products meet the safety standards.
E Verteta4_U:
Mr. Rivero from made a good point by saying :
" Mattel had to know about the lead paint in order to make sure that toys painted with the lead paint did not get shipped to Israel, but decided it was okay to sell the lead-painted toys here in the US (until they got caught) ????????"
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/18/2007 0 komentet
e mërkurë, gusht 15, 2007
What Really Michael Rivero
Alex talks with editor Michael Rivero about the alternative truth movement, brainwashed pro-war imbeciles, the Dyncorp sex slave scandal and more.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/15/2007 0 komentet
AP interview: NATO commander in Kosovo warns of trouble if no deal struck
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/15/2007 0 komentet
e hënë, gusht 13, 2007
Kosovo Talks Unlikely to Come to Anything
E Verteta_4U
As far as EU diplomats are concerned, the main purpose of all this is to buy time in which to build what they call a "critical mass" of EU states ready to recognise an independent Kosovo when the talks eventually fail.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/13/2007 0 komentet
Ceku Says Kosovo Is On The Way to Independence
Xharra: What will be the topics of the new talks with Belgrade? 120 days can be a long period. What will you talk about?
Ceku: We have said very clearly to our friends in the US too, that there is no reason to resume talks. There’s nothing left to talk about! We can meet. Serbia is our neighbor, we cannot ignore this reality and we have to have normal neighborly relations in the future. We live in the same region. We have a joint European future and we have to cooperate. These will be the topics! If we meet, this is what we will talk about. Also for some technical issues for which groups for technical dialogue have been created. The issue of missing people, the issue of documents, movement of citizens, return of funds, documentation, there are many issues, but above all we will use these meetings to tell them and the international community that independent Kosovo will be a factor of stability. That Kosovo is interested in building good relations. We will talk about post-independence issues, to invite Serbia to be a part of a sustainable peace.
E Verteta4_U
Dont let this guy fool you, If the west wants more talks the west will get more talks. The only real person who has POWER in kosovo is Joakim Ruker. (Head of UNMIK)
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/13/2007 0 komentet
e diel, gusht 12, 2007
Tunisian sent home from Guantanamo says he was beaten by US soldiers
E Verteta4_U
The United States of Torture: doesn't it make you proud what is being done with your tax dollars and in your name?
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/12/2007 0 komentet
John Berlin: Karadzic and Mladic will never really “do time”
2007-08-11 | General Ratko Mladic remains at large. Mr Radovan Karadzic remains at large. The men responsible for the Srebrenica massacre and for many other atrocities on the Balkans in the 1990s may never see a prison cell from the inside. They’re on the ICTY’s wanted list; several European and other intelligence services are on the lookout for them; EUFOR is on the lookout for them; there’s a multi-million-dollar-reward for information that leads to their arrest … It makes you wonder how it is possible that twelve (!) years after Srebrenica, Mladic and Karadzic, both now in their early sixties, are still free men. Clearly something is wrong.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/12/2007 0 komentet
U.N. OBSERVER & International Report ( Website)
Purpose: The Inside Stories
The United Nations
Behind the scenes stories of what the U.N. really does -- and doesn't do!
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/12/2007 0 komentet
Arafat's doctor: There was HIV in his blood, but poison killed him
By Danny Rubinstein , Haaretz Correspondent
E Verteta4_U
Now the question remains.... WHO POISONED HIM?
This too will take years to determine as the chief suspect lies comatose on his own deathbed.... only he knows the real truth.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/12/2007 0 komentet
Powers say partition may be an option for Kosovo
E Verteta4_U
Hey Emin I told you so.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 8/12/2007 0 komentet