e diel, nëntor 18, 2007

Kosovë: PDK-ja e Hashim Thaçit fiton shumicën në zgjedhje

Partia Demokratike e Kosovës e ka fituar shumicën në zgjedhjet parlamentare dhe vendore dhe kryetari i saj, ish-udhëheqësi i UÇK-së, Hashim Thaçi mesa duket do të jetë kryeministri i ri. Sipas sondazheve në dalje të qendrave të votimit, PDK-ja udhëheq me një shumicë të qartë, me 35 për qind të votave në zgjedhjet e së shtunës. Lidhja Demokratike e Kosovës ka marrë 22 për qind të votave. Nëse rezultatet paraprake konfirmohen, shanset janë që të dyja partitë të formojnë një koalicion qeveritar.

Nënkryetari i LDK-së pranon humbjen

Numri dy i Lidhjes Demokratike të Kosovës ka pranuar humbjen e partisë së tij në zgjedhjet parlamentare dhe ato komunale që u zhvilluan të shtunën.

Hashim Thaci


Empty voting booths in Kosovo's election - 17 Nov 07

Real uncertainty exists over the future of Kosovo, amid concerns that some may be boycotting the vote.

Ethnic Albanians - backed by the US and others - want independence. But Serbia - supported by Russia - is against it.

Belgrade is calling on Kosovo's Serbs to stay away, because it doesn't want to legitimise an administration which may soon decide to break away.

Barnaby Philips reports on the problems surrounding the vote.

Victory claim in Kosovo poll

youtube video

Vote tally shows ex-rebel's party leading in Kosovo elections

Ex-rebel leader claims victory in Kosovo election

A former rebel leader who has promised to declare Kosovo's independence if mediation efforts fail has claimed victory for his party in a parliamentary election, although official results had not yet been released Sunday.

Independence loses its magic in Kosovo vote

Kosovo Albanians who fought Serbia for independence eight years ago seem disillusioned as their dream nears fulfillment and the reality sinks in that prosperity is going to take years of work.

More than half of them did not bother to vote in an election on Saturday, despite the fact that the leaders it was choosing are those who will declare statehood within a month or two.

Hashim Thaci, Kosovo's prime minister-apparent

Former guerrilla commander Hashim Thaci and his Democratic Party of Kosovo have won a parliamentary election, making him favorite for the post of prime minister in the breakaway province.

Kosovo heading for grand coalition after election

Pristina _ Preliminary results published by independent observers early on Sunday morning show the opposition Democratic Party of Kosovo, PDK, leading

He also said that PDK candidate for the next mayor of Priština, Fatmir Limaj, had also won.

Opposition Party Leads in Kosovo Poll

Pristina _ Preliminary results published by independent observers early on Sunday morning show the opposition Democratic Party of Kosovo, PDK, leading after Saturday’s parliamentary elections.

Low Turnout in Kosovo Polls

Pristina _ Authorities in Kosovo said Saturday’s elections had been carried out successfully, although just over 40 percent of registered voters exercised their right to vote.

OSBE: Në votime morën pjesë 45 përqind e elektoratit

Meet Hasim Thaci

A certain Beqir Osmani from Drenica remembers well the youth of Thaci: “We know well who he is. We know what he did, how he was in school and what kind of education he received. Everyone on the Kosovska Mitrovica market had great problems with Thaci, who stole goods from traders. Even the customers complained. He fought in pubs of Mitrovica and Srbica. He has no education at all. He only attended two first classes of a certain secondary school. Today however he meets with international politicians. What he can actually discuss with them is far from being clear”.

Rezultate preliminare jozyrtare - zgjedhjet për Kuvend të Kosovës

PDK = 34%

LDK= 22%

AKR= 12%

LDD= 10%


ORA= 4%

E Verteta4_U: Heres what might happen : PDK + LDK+ORA = 60% which means they could run the government and leave AKR , LDD, AND AAK out of it all together.

Cut Israel Off

It is long past time for American politicians to quit carrying water for the state of Israel and its powerful U.S. lobby. Congress' craven obedience to the lobby is a disgrace.

Who is Hashim Thaci?

Ex-Kosovo fighter claims victory

Former guerrilla leader Hashim Thaci has claimed victory in Kosovo's parliamentary election, though official results are yet to be confirmed.

Ex-rebel leader ahead in Kosovo vote

Opposition Democratic Party claims Kosovo victory

"This is not about independence. Turnout was low because people are depressed. This is about the economic situation -- no water, no electricity, no jobs," said analyst Berat Buzhala of the daily Express.

Polls closed in Kosovo elections