e hënë, nëntor 12, 2007
Jeta ne Kosove - 01 nentor
1 hr 34 min 44 sec
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 11/12/2007 0 komentet
The Web Takes Ron Paul for a Ride
The Mainstream Media finally realizes that they do not have a lock on choosing the candidates. (MR)
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 11/12/2007 0 komentet
2.3 million US Soldiers vs 11.7 million Iranian Soldiers = DRAFT
You young people in high school and college, please pay attention to this.
The numbers do not lie. Bush cannot win a war in Iran without a draft here in the US, to grab you away from your home and family, hand you a gun, and send you out to kill the enemy, or be killed or crippled in return.
This is not Nintendo; this is the real world, and there is no reset button when you get killed. (MR)
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 11/12/2007 0 komentet
Democratic Party:New International Mission in Kosovo Is Unacceptable to Serbia.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 11/12/2007 0 komentet
Kosovo parties resume same old speech at election campaign
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 11/12/2007 0 komentet
Thaci: West will recognize Kosovo independence
Hashim Thaci says the Western powers had promised to recognize the independence of Kosovo in December.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 11/12/2007 0 komentet
Kosovo's self-determination
Why should the leaders of Kosovo not agree with the desire of 90 percent of Kosovars for independence from Serbia?
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 11/12/2007 0 komentet
“Vetëvendosje” kërkon lirimin e Albin Kurtit nga arresti shtëpiak
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 11/12/2007 0 komentet
Rice: Kosova ende pa ekonomi- Bosnja ende nuk është shtet
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 11/12/2007 0 komentet
Rice: Kosovo has no economy, Bosnia not real state
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 11/12/2007 0 komentet
ron paul rally philadelphia
Philadelphia Rally on 11/10/07
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CNN Interviews Ron Paul After Philadelphia Rally (11/10/07)
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 11/12/2007 0 komentet
LDD-ja bëri përmbylljen e fushatës parazgjedhore në Prizren, Istog dhe Kline
Kryetari i Lidhjes Demokratike te Dardanisë akademik Nexhat Daci dhe kryesia e LDD-së morën pjesë në përmbylljen e fushatës parazgjedhore të partisë në qytetin e Prizrenit, Istogut dhe Klinës.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 11/12/2007 0 komentet
Jeremić: Two scenarios likely after Dec. 10
One scenario could mean unilateral moves, which would jeopardize security and stability not only in our region, Jeremić warned.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 11/12/2007 0 komentet
Ahtisari bën thirrje për një vendim sa më të shpejtë rreth Kosovës
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 11/12/2007 0 komentet
Latest AP poll does not include Ron Paul [DIRECT ACTION NEEDED]
That's right folks, the poll from 11-5 through 11-7 does not include Congressman Paul. It did, however, include Newt Gingrich and Sam Brownback who are not even in the race.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 11/12/2007 0 komentet
TV Delirium in Twenty-First Century America
Television is a thief. It robs the human spirit of creativity, achievement, originality and motivation. The brain becomes passive and the intellect dull.
Unlike what happens when you read blogs like this, which stimulate reasoning and logic. (MR)
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 11/12/2007 0 komentet
I have received the following message numerous times. IT IS A SCAM to get your account info.... DO NOT REPLY TO IT. It could result in the deletion of your Blog... TRASH IT AS SOON AS YOU GET IT!
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 11/12/2007 0 komentet
Bush marks Veterans Day in Texas
"The enemies who attacked us six years ago want to strike our country again, and next time they hope to kill Americans on a scale that will make 9/11 pale by comparison."
One has to wonder the about the certainty with which Bush appears to predict another attack on the US.But here's the real problem; if there is another 9/11 on a larger scale, every sacrifice of our civil liberties, every indignity suffered when we travel, and every evisceration of the Constitution and Bill of Rights we have witnessed under his watch will have been shown to have had no real effect on our safety. (MR)
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 11/12/2007 0 komentet