e hënë, janar 28, 2008

The State of My Union Address

Perhaps the number one topic today is the economy, equal to or followed closely by the war in Iraq. We'll address the economy first. Let's see. I was employed in an IT job for 7 years from 2000 to 2006 until my entire department was outsourced. Falling back on my construction knowledge, I went through two jobs until I was laid off last October. Since then, I have applied at 40+ companies in the area and have had 2 interviews. I am collecting unemployment, living check to check. My wife still has her job, thank goodness, but the lengthy commute results in higher cost as gas prices rise. Rising food prices are also a factor as we try to feed a family of four. As far as I can tell, the outlook on the employment and economy don't look so good. Sorry I don't have better news, but I don't see our corrupt and thieving government turning things around.

The war in Iraq rolls on, a dismal failure by any measure. It began with lies, continues only to profit business and continues to kill our finest. With no exit strategy, looks like nothing will change anytime soon and I don't see any of the leading candidates getting us out any time soon either.

Here is an experiment. After you get tired if listening to Bush, turn off the sound and just watch his face. That will tell you more about the real state of the union than his speechification ever will. (MR)

Ron Paul Progress

Dr. Paul reports on the progress of his campaign for president.

Dr. Rand Paul Rally Nashville part 2

Kosovo readies for blockade

Kosovo Albanians are preparing to counter possible economic measures from Belgrade if the province declares independence.

7/7 Ripple Effect

Duration 57 minutes.

Kurti returns to the streets (Express)

Vetëvendosja leader Albin Kurti announces his return to the streets saying that immediately after a declaration of independence, there will be mass demonstrations against Kosovo institutions, UNMIK and the EU mission.

Remarking on the deployment of an EU mission to Kosovo, Kurti said Kosovo should instead move toward the EU rather than the other way round.

UNMIK Police evacuate their families, get ready for status (Koha Ditore)

According to Koha Ditore, UNMIK’s police leadership has ordered staff to evacuate their families from Kosovo as the territory inches closer to a decision on status. An unnamed source told the paper that the order was given for two reasons: personal safety and secondly, it is assumed that the police officers will be more efficient in performing their tasks if they don’t have to worry about the safety of their families, the source reportedly said.

However KPS spokesperson Veton Elshani told the paper he did not have any information about such an order

Kosovo Leaders Discuss Independence

Pristina _ Kosovo’s top three leaders have discussed details of the process by which their UN-administered homeland will declare its independence from Serbia.

President: Bulgaria not to immediately recognize Kosovo's independence

Likely next steps to Kosovo independence

EU discreetly prepares Kosovo mission

EU foreign ministers on Monday worked quietly on sending a police mission to Kosovo, while not formally launching it so as not to jeopardise pro-European Serb President Boris Tadic's re-election hopes.

Kosovo Calm as Territory Awaits Outcome of Serbian Election