e diel, shtator 30, 2007


The Albanians

Hasan Prishtina - Deri në vdekje, Pjesa 1

Kosovo's status process can be concluded soon, top UN envoy says

Life in Kosovo Talks About Sexual Education

Universiteti i Prishtinës

Ceku: Shpallim pavaresine nese s'ka marreveshje

Interviste me kryeministrin e Kosoves Agim Ceku - Marre nga Zeri i Amerikes

3 Young Ethnic Albanians Shot Dead in n Skopje

Three young men, ethnic Albanians, have been shot dead late on Friday on a busy boulevard in Skopje, the Bulgarian national radio reported.

The Iran War is on the Front Burner

The real script being prepared to justify a new war in the eyes of public opinion, however, is in the making, namely that Iran is responsible for rising casualties among U.S. troops in Iraq. According to this new Hollywood-style fiction, Iran has been sending in weapons, especially the deadly IEDs, to kill American GIs, and train Shi'ite militias to fight American forces in Iraq. Anyone with a brain in his head, or, a functioning Internet connection with access to international news wires from the region, knows that these are lies. of the same caliber as those churned out by Tony Blair in the months leading up to the war on Iraq that Saddam Hussein's Iraq had sophisticated WMD, which could strike down the West in 45 minutes. Dick Cheney (the man who organized the stove piping of disinformation before the Iraq fiasco) is foremost among those propagating this line. On Sept. 14, Cheney delivered a speech in Grand Rapids, Mich., reiterating his harangue against Islamic terrorists, who, he claimed, seek to "establish a radical empire covering a region from Spain ... to Indonesia.'' According to Cheney, this justifies which the war on terrorism anywhere, everywhere, and forever:

YouTube - Lesson of Loyalty

Ummmm ... yeah.  ( M R)

Israel sold weapons to Myanmar Junta, then lies about the sales.

Now hold on to your seats as this may come as a shock, but Israel has been lying thru its teeth about weapon sales to the Burma/Myanmar junta that is violently opposing a peaceful uprising, by shooting Buddhist monks.

Scenes From An Iraki Childhood

The Americans have once again deliberately bombed a civilian area from the air knowing, and not caring, that they were going to kill and maim women and children.

There is no "if" about these dead children.

There is no "if" about these dead men.

And there is no "if" about who killed them. The Americans killed them.

Warning: very graphic pictures.

These people do not hate us "because we are free": they hate us because we are occupying their sovereign country to steal their oil: it's just that simple. ( M R)


Presidential hopeful calls Israel "the single greatest strength America has in the Middle East"

Says Jonathan Pollard deserves leniency but not a pardon.

In an exclusive Shalom TV interview, US Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-DE) emphatically stated his commitment to the State of Israel, calling the country "the single greatest strength America has in the Middle East."

"I am a Zionist," stated Senator Biden. "You don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist."
Thanks, Senator Biden, for revealing to the American people, so clearly, which country's interests truly represent. (M R )

Ron Paul Campaign Site Attacked

For more than two weeks, RonPaul2008.com has been under increasing and increasingly powerful attack from very sophisticated enemies. It is no coincidence that the site went down temporarily just before the total reached a million tonight.

9/11 Is Over

I will not vote for any candidate running on 9/11. We don’t need another president of 9/11. We need a president for 9/12. I will only vote for the 9/12 candidate.

What does that mean? This: 9/11 has made us stupid. I honor, and weep for, all those murdered on that day. But our reaction to 9/11 — mine included — has knocked America completely out of balance, and it is time to get things right again.

What Our Tax Dollars Pay For (Brace Yourself)

And here I was thinking that our tax dollars went to build schools, roads, bridges, flood control, and to develop new technologies on which new industries (and jobs) could be built. ( M R)

Aspartame Causes Cancer in Rats at Levels Currently Approved for Humans

A statistically significant increase in the incidence of malignant tumors, lymphomas and leukemias in rats exposed to varying doses of aspartame appears to link the artificial sweetener to a high carcinogenicity rate, according to a study accepted for publication today by the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP). The authors of the study, the first to demonstrate multipotential carcinogenic effects of aspartame administered to rats in feed, called for an "urgent reevaluation" of the current guidelines for the use and consumption of this compound.

Blackwater Road Massacre

The video displays mercenaries in Baghdad killing other motorists on road. Note, these are all innocents including full families with children in the cars. Is this what America stands for?

Lidhja Demokratike e Dardanisë

enjoy the video!

Fuqia profesionale është e madhe në LDD

Ruecker raporton sot në Këshillin e Sigurimit për gjendjen në Kosovë

Kosovo agreement impossible, says Thaci

PRIŠTINA -- Hashim Thaci says Belgrade and Priština "cannot reach an agreement" over the future status of Kosovo.

Israel and the USA plotting to attack Iran

Do Bush, Cheney & Co. indeed intend to attack Iran?

I don't know, but my suspicion that they might is getting stronger.

Why? Because George Bush is nearing the end of his term of office. If it ends the way things look now, he will be remembered as a very bad – if not the worst – president in the annals of the republic.

There is only one year left to do something impressive and save his name in the history books. In such situations, leaders tend to look for military adventures. Taking into account the man's demonstrated character traits, the war option suddenly seems quite frightening.

US trains Gulf air forces for war with Iran

The American air force is working with military leaders from the Gulf to train and prepare Arab air forces for a possible war with Iran, The Sunday Telegraph can reveal.

An air warfare conference in Washington last week was told how American air chiefs have helped to co-ordinate intelligence-sharing with Gulf Arab nations and organise combined exercises designed to make it easier to fight together.

Kevin Barrett Questions Amy Goodman On Building 7

Note the obvious shills working the comments section on this one. ( MR)

The Internet: Our Last Hope for a Free Press

I consider the Internet to be one of the world’s great wonders. And also America’s last hope for a free press.

Intervistë e Albin Kurtit dhënë gazetës ILLYRIA

Përderisa politikanët e Kosovës durojnë dhe presin prej tyre do të kërkohet vetëm një gjë: që të durojnë dhe presin. Pra, atyre u sugjerohet që të mos bëjnë asgjë (që nuk do t’u thuhet). Kësaj radhe nuk po flasin se deri kur duhet të pritet por prej kur duhet të fillohet të pritet. Dihet se për 120 ditë nuk do të ketë kurrsesi përcaktim (të ri) të statusit dhe më pastaj duhet të fillohet pritja e paafatizuar. Sigurisht që problemi kryesor është përmbajtja e varfër, dhe gjithnjë e më e varfër, e asaj për të cilën na ftojnë ta presim. Maksimumi teorik tashmë nuk është pavarësia por Pakoja e Ahtisaarit e cila e shpërbën Kosovën në baza etnike dhe fetare ndërsa autoritet suprem e bën kreun e një misioni të BE-së që e trashëgon dhe zëvendëson UNMIK-un.

New Kosovo talks ‘constructive’, leaders to meet again

New York: Leaders of Serbia and Kosovo held direct talks on Kosovo’s political future for the first time in six months and agreed to meet again within a month to try to end their deadlock.

Nuk ka lëkundje nga pavarësia, thotë presidenti Sejdiu

Presidenti Fatmir Sejdiu ka deklaruar pas takimit të djeshëm në Nju Jork se delegacioni i Kosovës e ka shtyrë përpara "traktatin për marrëdhënje të mira fqinjësore me Serbinë, si dy shtete sovrane, por fatkeqësisht Beogradi vazhdon të jetë i ngurtë në qëndrime. Qëndrimi ynë është i njohur se nuk ka lëkundje nga pavarësia, sepse ky është vullneti i popullit të Kosovës, ka pohuar presidenti Sejdiu.

Nju Jork: Takimi Prishtinë Beograd pa rezultate konkrete

Në bisedimet e drejtpërdrejta ndërmjet Prishtinës dhe Beogradit, është miratuar e ashtuquajtura deklarata e Nju Jorkut dhe është rënë dakord, që takimi i ardhshëm i drejtpërdrejt të mbahet më 14 tetor në Bruksel, ka deklaruar përfaqësuesi i BE-së, në treshen ndërmjetësuese Volfgang Issinger.

e shtunë, shtator 29, 2007

Who really rules Israel?

In light of the battle between Olmert, Netanyahu and Barak for the next premiership, the public debate focuses on the question on who of these three politicians is the "strong leader" many Israelis yearn for. At the same time, the failures of all Israeli leaders throughout history and their inability to implement their policies are attributed to a series of elements, including political instability, the plethora of parties, and the low popularity of all government institutions.

e premte, shtator 28, 2007

Mediators optimistic after talks on Kosovo status open in New York

Kosovars confident as negotiations reopen

Kosovo: Two killed, two wounded in shooting

PRIŠTINA -- Two persons were killed and two wounded early Friday in a shooting in the village of Dubrava near Kačanik, Kosovo.

New York Kosovo talks end, next round in Brussels

NEW YORK -- The Belgrade and Priština negotiating teams will meet for direct talks on Oct. 14, in the Belgian capital.

Unilateral call on Kosovo may strengthen Putin

Instead of thinking what Ahtisaari deemed unthinkable -- a partition of Kosovo with a small part of the north going to Serbia and the rest linked to the Kosovars' ethnic brethren in Albania or a separate state -- the US plans to act without the UN's blessing, arguing that only an independent Kosovo will bring stability to the Western Balkans.

Call for progress in Kosovo talks

Serbia and Kosovo Albanians have started direct talks on Kosovo's future in New York, with world powers appealing to the two sides to agree a deal.

ROUNDUP: New Kosovo talks "constructive", will meet again

New York (dpa) - Leaders of Serbia and Kosovo held direct talks on Kosovo's political future for the first time in six months Friday and agreed to meet again within a month to try to end their deadlock.

Crucial talks in New York on Kosovo’s Future

The talks between Kosovo and Serbian leaders will be mediated by negotiators from the United States, Russia, and the European Union in order to establish good relationship between the two countries.

No breakthrough on Kosovo status

The leaders of Serbia and its breakaway Kosovo province have failed to make any major progress at their first direct talks on the territory's future status.

e enjte, shtator 27, 2007

Cka ne te vertete ndodhi me 9/11?

9/11 truth in Albanian ! Check it out !  ( Any good Albanian translators plz contact me so we can translate loose change and terror storm in Albanian)

UN mission in Kosovo under a cloud

Pristina: The American deputy UN chief of mission in Kosovo said yesterday he was under investigation over allegations of "aggressive" behaviour and being too close to an indicted war crimes suspect.

UNMIK deputy chief under investigation


Munter: Supervised independence best Kosovo solution

The newly appointed U.S. ambassador to Serbia, Cameron Munter, gave an interview to B92 LAST WEEK

Kosovo independence unacceptable, Tadić tells UN

E verteta4_U: If they give serbia 17% of the land ( north mitrovica) Than Tadic yes Kosovo will get its independence.  Thats the deal thats going to be reached come DEC 1oth.  If not than WAR!

Shkurte Fejza - Lutja e të varfërit

Ti je Legjend per popullin Shqiptar zbashku me Shyhrete Belulin. I keni mbajt Kosovaret te gjall me muzik shqipe ne kohet me te veshtira!!

EU defense ministers to discuss Kosovo, Africa

Kosovo independence could destabilize world: Serbia

E verteta4_U: kosovo will be independent but it will lose 17% of its  land in the north where that part will remain with serbia. This is the only deal i see that 
Ruissa, US, and EU will agree on.    They are going to divide kosovo. Just like in Bosnia.

Why I admire Ernst Zundel

Some more on the Zundel story, it never ceases to amaze me how such a blatant violation of everything we in "democratic" societies hold dear can occur under the very noses of all of us. This story puts us all to shame. None of the cowards in the mainstream media dare speak of the influence of the Zionist Scum for fear of being sacked and labeled an "anti-semite" well guess what? I do! If loathing the vile, racist, violent, bloodthirsty, hateful and corrupt state of Israel, or opposing the imprisonment of anyone for expressing an OPINION is anti-semitism then, by gum, I am an anti-semite and bloody well proud of it! The ignorance in this world will be the fuel by which hundreds of thousands of innocents burn. Our "civilisation" is nothing of the kind, we are a primitive, barbaric child-race not much different to a bunch of baboons!

Shkurte Fejza - Oj Kosova Nana Ime

e mërkurë, shtator 26, 2007

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Columbia University

Video @ the university

Kosovo is looking forward

By Agim Ceku

U.S. and EU are ready to recognize Kosovo independence

BERLIN: The United States and the European Union will recognize Kosovo if the Balkan province declares independence from Serbia in early December when last-ditch negotiations end, senior U.S. and European officials said Monday.

Kosovo PM Urged to Drop Hijab Ban

PRISTINA — Kosovo's independent ombudsman on Wednesday, September 26, pleaded with Prime Minister Agim Ceku to scrap a ban on the wearing of hijab in schools, few days after the expulsion of three students for wearing the Muslim headscarf.

Ahmadinejad flays US, West in UN attack

Neocon Logic 101.

ABCNNBCBS FOX NEWS press release.

An interview with Satan cough I mean Ahmadinejad Satan

"So Ahmadinejad do you still eat live babies? "

What on earth are you talking about?

Excerpts of Iran Leader's UN Speech

Iranian University Chancellors Ask Bollinger 10 Questions

The Big Question: Is America right to demonise President Ahmadinejad of Iran?

The lessons of Ahmadinejad at Columbia

Ahmadinejad urges world to renounce Satan; U.S. walks out

Iranian President Ahmadinejad Delivers Remarks at U.N. General Assembly Meeting

Ekipi i Unitetit niset për në Nju Jork, nesër mblidhet Grupi i Kontaktit, pasnesër takimi direkt me palën serbe

Ekipi i Unitetit udhëtoi sot për në Nju Jork, i bindur dhe i vendosur se nuk do të pranohet asnjë zgjidhje tjetër përveç pavarësisë së Kosovës. Udhëheqësi i Ekipit, presidenti Fatmir Sejdiu theksoi se çdo ofertë tjetër do të jetë e papranueshme për Kosovën dhe tha se do të kërkojë nga bashkësia ndërkombëtare që ky proces të përmbyllet më 10 dhjetor.

Policia ndalë një 72 vjeçar- merrej me prostitucion

"Kosovo hotbed of crime, UNMIK corrupt"

STOCKHOLM -- A Swedish journalist has made damning comments about the work of the UN mission in Kosovo.
"Kosovo has become the hotbed of injustice, anarchy, crime, a European center of women and drugs trafficking," daily Politika quotes Zaremba, who spent six months in Kosovo.

Could Dayton-style conference work for Kosovo?

BELGRADE -- Dušan Janjić said Tuesday an international conference on Kosovo's future "has not been ruled out."

Bush quietly advising Hillary Clinton, top Democrats, says new book

President Bush is quietly providing back-channel advice to Hillary Rodham Clinton, urging her to modulate her rhetoric so she can effectively prosecute the war in Iraq if elected president.

In an interview for the new book “The Evangelical President,” White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten said Bush has “been urging candidates: ‘Don’t get yourself too locked in where you stand right now. If you end up sitting where I sit, things could change dramatically.’ ”       
These gestures sound very conciliatory, but mask the real reason that Bush appears to be helping Clinton: it's to insure the continuation of the massive cover ups that run from Iran-Contra to Mena, from Eugene Hassenfuss to the "neutralization" of Vince Foster to 9/11.

Just as in 1993 when Bill Clinton -from literally out of nowhere - received the Democratic party's nomination (courtesy of some interesting moves by Bush Sr.), Bush Jr. has to hand off the presidency to someone who won't blow the cover on the terrible abuses of power and outright deceptions which have been been perpetrated against the American people under the presidencies of Bush Sr., Clinton, and Bush Jr.  (MR)

Transcript: Ahmadinejad Interview (cbs)

Presidency of The Islamic Republic of Iran News Service

Ahmadinejad's web page.

Transcript of Ahmadinejad's U.N. Speech

Don’t let the talking heads tell you what he said, read it all the away through for yourself. (MR)

U.S.: Only independent Kosovo can stabilize Balkans

Only independence for Kosovo can bring stability in the Balkans, Condoleezza Rice said Monday.


""The determination by the U.S and NATO, at all costs, to occupy Kosovo and virtually all of Yugoslavia, is spurred on by the enticement of abundant natural resources. Kosovo alone has the richest mineral resources in all of Europe west of Russia. The New York Times observed that "the sprawling state-owned Trepca mining complex, the most valuable piece of real estate in the Balkans, is worth at least $5 billion." producing gold, silver, pure lead, zinc, cadmium, as well as tens of millions of dollars in profits annually. "Kosovo also possesses 17 billion tons of coal reserves and Kosovo (like Serbia and Albania) also has oil reserves."

So folks, just as with Iraq (and possibly soon, Iran) it all boils down to who controls Kosovo's resources, period, end of discussion.

e hënë, shtator 24, 2007

Ahmadinejad: Iran, US not headed for war; Lawmaker wants New Yorkers to 'make his life miserable'

Adem Ramadani-Palestine

Sad video about Palestine

Solana, Ren e Skefer marrin pjese ne takimin per Kosoven ne Nju Jork

Solana, Ren dhe Skefer do ta marrin pjese te enjten ne mbledhjen e takimit ministror te Grupit te Kontaktit per Kosoven ne Nju Jork.

Ron Paul's Straw Poll Results

Can Ron Paul be stopped ?  

Kosovo bomb blast kills two

Independence was once thought to be inevitable, but a newly resurgent Russia has strongly backed Serbian opposition and many analysts believe the west lacks the stomach for a diplomatic showdown on the issue.

Holbrooke investigated for dealing with fugitive

The latest such allegation was published in a book written by Florence Hartmann, a former spokeswoman for the U.N. war crimes prosecutor, who said that both Russia and the United States have intervened to prevent the capture of Karadzic, listed by the Netherlands-based U.N. court as the most wanted fugitive.

2 të vdekur dhe disa të lënduar nga një shpërthim në Prishtinë

Naim Murati nga Bresalci i Gjilanit dhe Pleurat Sllamniku nga Prishtina, janë viktimat e shpërthimit të mbrëmshëm në Bulevardin Bill Klinton, në lagjen Dardania në Prishtinë. Drejtori i Klinikës Emergjente, Basri Lenjani thotë se njëri nga të lënduarit ende e ka jetën në rrezik, 3 janë ndalur për trajtim të mëtejshëm kurse 6 janë lëshuar në shtëpi. Zëdhënësi i SHPK-së, Veton Elshani ndërkaq nuk e mohon e as nuk e pohon ndërlidhjen e mundshme të këtij rasti me vrasjen e policit Triumf Riza.

Deadly blast hits Kosovo (Video)

Sep. 24 - The explosion tore through shops in the capital of the breakaway province early on Monday.

Currency Conversion

Deadly blast hits Kosovo capital

The blast occurred at 0210 (0010 GMT) in the business area in which some coffee shops and restaurants were still working."

Kosovo blast kills two

Two dead, 10 injured in Kosovo blast

PRISTINA, Kosova- Officials say a powerful blast ripped through Kosovo's capital early Monday, killing two and injuring 10 others.


Radio Dukagjini Radioja me e degjuar ne Kosove

RADIO DUKAGJINI the most listened to radio show in Kosova. E Verteta4_U: Thanks to them I got the news about the Explosion in Kosovo this morning that killed 2.

Explosion in Kosovo capital kills two people

PRISTINA, Kosova(Reuters) - An explosion killed two people and injured 11 when it tore through shops early on Monday in the capital of Serbia's breakaway Kosovo province. E Verteta4_U: Sounds like a False Flag Operation.

The Albanian Islamic Press in the first half of XX century

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on 60 MIN.

e diel, shtator 23, 2007

New Cathedral Symbolises Catholic Rebirth in Kosovo

New Cathedral in a Muslim-dominated Kosovo??? What gets me even more mad is the muslims asked if they can build a big Mosque and Unmik UN mission in Kosovo told them they can not build a muslim mosque.

Inspired by the past to build a better future – BP

Inspired by the past to build a better future – BP

Inspired by the past to build a better future –
Behgjet Pacolli, the renowned entrepreneur and philanthropist and the founder of New Kosova Alliance, will be visiting New York to present to the Albanian community the program of his party and his vision of new Kosova. Guests will have a unique opportunity to ask Mr. Pacolli direct questions regarding the future of Kosova under his leadership.
Please join us into welcoming Mr. Pacolli by attending one of the following events:

Hosted and moderated by Lumi Hadri
Hosted and moderated by Valbona Shujaku
Special guest performance – Blina Sheholli on piano
Events will be held at:
Tony’s Di Napoli 147 West 43rd Street 212/221-0100
Complimentary open bar and dinner
Discount parking at Hippodrome Parking 50 West 44th Street between 5 and 6 Avenues

VERY LIMITED SEATING - Please RSVP via email at: newkosovanyc@gmail.com
Include your first and last name, phone number, profession and the evening of attendance.
For more information on Mr. Pacolli and New Kosova Alliance, please visit: behgjetpacolli.net

Rudy Hides on Ferry From Ron Paul Supporters

There was a Ron Paul earthquake on Mackinac Island registering a 9.0 on the presidential support scale - Rudy had to ride on the boat back to the mainland with 200+ Ron Paul supporters - it was great!

U.S. Stalls on Human Trafficking

Garofalo to O'Reilly: "Kiss my Fat Ass" Real Time 9/21/07

CIA Secret Prison in Kosovo

Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo

A NATO base in UN-administered Kosovo is home to a US-run secret prison.

CIA aided Kosovo guerrilla army

AMERICAN intelligence agents have admitted they helped to train the Kosovo Liberation Army before Nato’s bombing of Yugoslavia. The disclosure angered some European diplomats, who said this had undermined moves for a political solution to the conflict between Serbs and Albanians.

CIA's Role In Causing Revolt Against Milosevic In Kosovo Revealed

The CIA encouraged former Kosovo Liberation Army
fighters to launch a rebellion in southern Serbia in an
effort to undermine the then Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic.

The New Military Humanism: Lessons from Kosovo

Book By Noam Chomsky

Jobs fears as euro gets stronger

More cuts may have to be made at Airbus if the euro continues to remain strong against the dollar, an executive at the European planemaker has warned.

Kosovo students banned over Islamic headscarf

SRBICA -- Three Kosovo Albanian students were suspended from school this week for wearing Muslim headscarves.

Tadić, Jeremić in New York ahead of Kosovo talks

NEW YORK -- The president and the foreign minister left for New York on Saturday for a series of bilateral meetings. Prime Minister Vojislav Koštunica and Kosovo Minister Slobodan Samardžić will join Tadić and Jeremić on Wednesday.  E Verteta4_U: MMM  Serbia in New York a week before talks start. This might mean that the west is letting Serbia know a head of time that we are taking Kosovo away from you guys. Or this may be the turning point and let Serbia know that Kosovo will remain with serbia.

e shtunë, shtator 22, 2007

COMING WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 24: Clips of all the films of the 9/11 Film Festival, 2007!

E Verteta4_U: What the ??? 9/11 film festival ? Are you kidding me 9/11 is a sad day for us americans. I guess not to the americans working in the pristina office in kosovo.

Independence for Kosovo is off the agenda, envoy reveals

E Verteta4_U:  This is what happens when you depend on the west for getting your freedom. No one will ever give you your freedom. You need to get it yourself. I hope Mr. Ceku learned hes lesson now.


Some Norwegian Soldiers in Kosovo having fun and making a music video spoofing the old 80s hit Kokomo. The video is very well done and pretty funny.  ( Posted for readers request)

OSCE Mission in Kosovo

The OSCE Mission in Kosovo, the largest OSCE field operation, forms a distinct component of the United Nations Interim Administration.

Kfor's website

Information about KFOR, its activities and participants

E Verteta's site posted on whatreallyhappened.com

special report Kosovo
Posted Sep 22, 2007 11:08 AM PST

Website of Tim from New Jersey who called the GCN show this morning.  

special report Kosovo

Link for Mr. Rivero from whatreallyhappened.com

Drifting from promise of independence

Once seen as inevitable, Kosovo's separation from Serbia now seems a fading prospect.


E Verteta4_U:

This link is for you Mike.

Kosovo nickel mine back on track (video)

The Ferronikeli mining and smelting complex is back in production, almost 9 years after being severely damaged by NATO bombardment during the war in Kosovo.

E Verteta4_U:
The Ferronikeli mining complex is one of the reasons why America is controling kosovo.

Pope to visit Albania in near future

TIRANA -- Pope Benedict XVI has accepted an invitation from Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha to visit Albania in the near future.

E Verteta4_U:
Theres only one reason why this pope would give millions of dollars to build the biggest church in the balkans inside kosovo and would visit Albania. To get rid of Islam in these countrys.

Ekipi i Unitetit mori ftesën për takimin e 28 shtatorit në Nju Jork

Ekipi i Unitetit ka marrë ftesën për takimin e 28 shtatorit në Nju Jork, me Treshën e negociatorëve ndërkombëtarë dhe delegacionin serb. Delegacioni i Kosovës në bisedimet për statusin ka vendosur që edhe në takimin e drejtëpërdrejtë me palën serbe të paraqesë Traktatin e fqinjësisë së mirë me Serbinë, dokument ky i hedhur poshtë nga pala serbe.

e premte, shtator 21, 2007

Life in Kosovo Discusses Justice

03 08 2007 Friday’s “Life in Kosovo” TV debate discussed the judiciary in Kosovo and the prolonged detention of criminal suspects in cases such as that of Albin Kurti, the leader of the Vetevendosje movement.

Clinton vs. Giuliani

NEW YORK (Reuters) - With Rudy Giuliani and Hillary Clinton leading the presidential pack, anticipation is growing that they could face off for the White House in 2008 in a New York street fight that has brewed for years.

One of these two will be our next president in 2008 ( rudy cause hes a 9/11 hero or Clinton because last time a Bush left office a Clinton took over.)    E verteta4_U

e mërkurë, shtator 19, 2007

Ekipi i Unitetit takohet me Treshen negociatore

Ekipi i Unitetit kryesuar nga presidenti Fatmir Sejdiu, u takua në Londër me Treshen ndërkombëtare për statusin e Kosovës. Udhëheqësit më të lartë të Kosovës para treshes paraqitën një traktat miqësie me Serbinë, me të cilin propozohet vendosja e marrëdhënieve të reja në fusha të ndryshme. Në vazhdim sjellim në tërësi dokumentin e Ekipit të Unitetit...

Priština paper: Ischinger was misinterpreted

PRIŠTINA -- Koha Ditore reported Wednesday Wolfgang Ischinger told Fatmir Sejdiu The Independent misinterpreted his words.

E Verteta4_U:

folks Ischinger meant every word he said yesterday.

Kosovo will be independent, the province's prime minister says

LONDON: International efforts to resolve the status of Kosovo must end in the province's independence, ethnic Albanian leader Agim Ceku declared Wednesday.

Inspired by the past to build a better future – BP

Inspired by the past to build a better future –
Behgjet Pacolli, the renowned entrepreneur and philanthropist and the founder of New Kosova Alliance, will be visiting New York to present to the Albanian community the program of his party and his vision of new Kosova. Guests will have a unique opportunity to ask Mr. Pacolli direct questions regarding the future of Kosova under his leadership.
Please join us into welcoming Mr. Pacolli by attending one of the following events:

Hosted and moderated by Lumi Hadri
Hosted and moderated by Valbona Shujaku
Special guest performance – Blina Sheholli on piano
Events will be held at:
Tony’s Di Napoli 147 West 43rd Street 212/221-0100
Complimentary open bar and dinner
Discount parking at Hippodrome Parking 50 West 44th Street between 5 and 6 Avenues

VERY LIMITED SEATING - Please RSVP via email at: newkosovanyc@gmail.com
Include your first and last name, phone number, profession and the evening of attendance.
For more information on Mr. Pacolli and New Kosova Alliance, please visit: behgjetpacolli.net

E Verteta4_U:

I guess I will go and listen to what he has to say. Hey its a free dinner why not right ?

Take a look at the new LDD team from Junik

This team lead my Shpejtim Gacaferi are ready for the upcoming elections on november 17th 2007.

e martë, shtator 18, 2007

Russia in new warning on Kosovo

Russia has warned that a unilateral declaration of independence by Kosovo could start a chain reaction.

Serbia, EU sign visa, readmission deals

BRUSSELS -- Serbia and the EU signed on Monday agreements regulating the relaxation of visa requirements and readmission.

E Verteta4_U:

I like this . Wish the US would do this so my family members can come and visit. Visa readmission deals would work for the US its the least they can do i mean the Albanians have a love affair with this country.

Kosovo talks continue in London

BELGRADE, PRIŠTINA -- The international Troika mediating the Kosovo status negotiations will hold consultations in London today.

Ceku to ask Ischinger to "clarify remarks"

LONDON -- Agim Ceku said Tuesday he would ask EU envoy Wolfgang Ischinger to "clarify his statement" to a British daily.


Dident i say look for something big to happen?

Bush dhe Socrates diskutuan për Kosovën

Kosova dhe uniteti evropian rreth çështjes së saj ka qenë njëra nga temat kryesore në takimin e djeshëm në Shtëpinë e Bardhë në Washington midis presidentit amerikan George Bush dhe kryeministrit të Portugalisë, Jose Socrates.

E Verteta4_U:

I Think Kosovo is the last thing on bushs mind right now as he is heading this country into yet another war with Iran.

Liderët e Kosovës hedhin poshtë vlerësimet e Ishingerit

Ekipi i Unitetit përsëriti sot se pavarësia e Kosovës nuk ka alternativë dhe i hodhi poshtë deklaratën e përfaqësuesit të Bashkimit Evropian në Treshen ndërkombëtare, Volfgan Ishinger, se pavarësia e Kosovës nuk është në tryezën e bisedimeve në procesin ndërkombëtar. Udhëheqësi i ekipit, presidenti Fatmir Sejdiu, përkujtoi se treshja nuk ka mandat as të propozojë e as të imponojë formula për zgjidhjen e statusit të Kosovës.

Negociatorët kosovarë udhëtuan për në Londër

Ekipi negociator i Kosovës tha sot se është plotësisht i gatshëm për takimin e radhës me treshen e Grupit të Kontaktit ku do të paraqes traktatin për fqinjësi të mirë me Serbinë. Anëtarët e ekipit e cilësuan rast historik për ndërtimin e raporteve të mira me Serbinë, dokumentin që nesër do t’u paraqesin ndërmjetësve ndërkombëtarë.

E Verteta4_U:

Look for something big to happen at tomorrows talks in london.

e hënë, shtator 17, 2007



some beautiful photos of the Joys of Ramadan,courtesy of The Guardian.

e shtunë, shtator 15, 2007

IDF blocks West Bank Palestinians trying to reach Al-Aqsa Mosque

Palestinian worshipers waiting to cross the checkpoint near Bethlehem in order to pray at the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Friday. (AP)
Hundreds of Palestinians thronged two major West Bank checkpoints, trying to reach Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque on the first Friday of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, despite tight Israeli restrictions.

e enjte, shtator 13, 2007

Serbian leader cautions US its calls for Kosovo independence threaten Balkan stability

Kosovo PM says EU should not let others dictate its policies on the province's status

US seeks negotiated settlement of Kosovo's status


Serbs deny hint at Kosovo split as U.S. leaves it open

BELGRADE (Reuters) - Serbia on Tuesday denied a backdoor diplomatic bid to partition the breakaway province of Kosovo between majority Albanians demanding independence and Serbs who want to stay part of Serbia.

FEATURE-Kosovo's silent land swap sifts Serb from Albanian

MITROVICA, Serbia, Sept 11 (Reuters) - There is a silent land swap under way in Kosovo, sifting Serb from Albanian under the noses of Western powers who swore the breakaway province would never be split along ethnic lines.                                                                                                                                                                                                              

e mërkurë, shtator 12, 2007


My prayers go out to all the 9/11 families.

Photos by Everteta team live from ground zero on 9/11 6 years later.

9/11 - the big cover-up?

9/11 - the big cover-up?

Even the chair of the 9/11 Commission now admits that the official evidence they were given was 'far from the truth'.
Peter Tatchell

September 12, 2007 10:30 AM | Printable version

Six years after 9/11, the American public have still not been provided with a full and truthful account of the single greatest terror attack in US history.

What they got was a turkey. The 9/11 Commission was hamstrung by official obstruction. It never managed to ascertain the whole truth of what happened on September 11 2001.

The chair and vice chair of the 9/11 Commission, respectively Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton, assert in their book, Without Precedent, that they were "set up to fail" and were starved of funds to do a proper investigation. They also confirm that they were denied access to the truth and misled by senior officials in the Pentagon and the federal aviation authority;
and that this obstruction and deception led them to contemplate slapping officials with criminal charges.

Despite the many public statements by 9/11 commissioners and staff members acknowledging they were repeatedly lied to, not a single person has ever been charged, tried, or even reprimanded, for lying to the 9/11 Commission.

From the outset, the commission seemed to be hobbled. It did not start work until over a year after the attacks. Even then, its terms of reference were suspiciously narrow, its powers of investigation curiously limited and its time-frame for producing a report unhelpfully short - barely a year to sift through millions of pages of evidence and to interview hundreds of key witnesses.

The final report did not examine key evidence, and neglected serious anomalies in the various accounts of what happened. The commissioners admit their report was incomplete and flawed, and that many questions about the terror attacks remain unanswered. Nevertheless, the 9/11 Commission was swiftly closed down on August 21 2004.

I do not believe in conspiracy theories. I prefer rigorous, evidence-based analysis that sifts through the known facts and utilises expert opinion to draw conclusions that stand up to critical scrutiny. In other words, I believe in everything the 9/11 Commission was not.

The failings of the official investigation have fuelled too many half-baked conspiracy theories. Some of the 9/11 "truth" groups promote speculative hypotheses, ignore innocent explanations, cite non-expert sources and jump to conclusions that are not proven by the known facts. They convert mere coincidence and circumstantial evidence into cast-iron proof. This is no way to debunk the obfuscations and evasions of the 9/11 report.

But even amid the hype, some of these 9/11 groups raise valid and important questions that were never even considered, let alone answered, by the official investigation. The American public has not been told the complete truth about the events of that fateful autumn morning six years ago.

What happened on 9/11 is fundamentally important in its own right. But equally important is the way the 9/11 cover-up signifies an absence of democratic, transparent and accountable government. Establishing the truth is, in part, about restoring honesty, trust and confidence in American politics.

There are dozens of 9/11 "truth" websites and campaign groups. I cannot vouch for the veracity or credibility of any of them. But what I can say is that as well as making plenty of seemingly outrageous claims; a few of them raise legitimate questions that demand answers.

Four of these well known "tell the truth" 9/11 websites are:

1) Scholars for 9/11 Truth, which includes academics and intellectuals from many disciplines.

2) 250+ 9/11 'Smoking Guns' a website that cites over 250 pieces of evidence that allegedly contradict, or were omitted from, the 9/11 Commission report.

3) The 911 Truth Campaign that, as well as offering its own evidence and theories, includes links to more than 20 similar websites.

4) Patriots Question 9/11, perhaps the most plausible array of distinguished US citizens who question the official account of 9/11, including General Wesley Clark, former Nato commander in Europe, and seven members and staffers of the official 9/11 Commission, including the chair and vice chair. In all, this website documents the doubts of 110+ senior military, intelligence service, law enforcement and government officials; 200+ engineers and architects; 50+ pilots and aviation professionals; 150+ professors; 90+ entertainment and media people; and 190+ 9/11 survivors and family members. Although this is an impressive roll call, it doesn't necessarily mean that these expert professionals are right. Nevertheless, their scepticism of the official version of events is reason to pause and reflect.

More and more US citizens are critical of the official account. The respected Zogby polling organisation last week found that 51% of Americans want Congress to probe President Bush and Vice-President Cheney regarding the truth about the 9/11 attacks; 67% are also critical of the 9/11 Commission for not investigating the bizarre, unexplained collapse of the 47-storey World Trade Centre building 7 (WTC7). This building was not hit by any planes. Unlike WTC3, which was badly damaged by falling debris from the Twin Towers but which remained standing, WTC7 suffered minor damage but suddenly collapsed in a neat pile, as happens in a controlled demolition.

In a 2006 interview with anchorman Evan Soloman of CBC's Sunday programme, the vice chair of the 9/11 Commission, Lee Hamilton, was reminded that the commission report failed to even mention the collapse of WTC7 or the suspicious hurried removal of the building debris from the site - before there could be a proper forensic investigation of what was a crime scene. Hamilton could only offer the lame excuse that the commissioners did not have "unlimited time" and could not be expected to answer "every question" the public asks.

There are many, many more strange unexplained facts concerning the events of 9/11. You don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to be puzzled and want an explanation, or to be sceptical concerning the official version of events.

Six years on from those terrible events, the survivors, and the friends and families of those who died, deserve to know the truth. Is honesty and transparency concerning 9/11 too much to ask of the president and Congress?

What is needed is a new and truly independent commission of inquiry to sort coincidence and conjecture from fact, and to provide answers to the unsolved anomalies in the evidence available concerning the attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon. Unlike the often-stymied first investigation, this new commission should be granted wide-ranging subpoena powers and unfettered access to government files and officials. George Bush should be called to testify, without his minders at hand to brief and prompt him. America - and the world - has a right to know the truth.

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This entry was tagged with the following keywords: 9/11 september11 terroristattacks twintowers worldtradecentre pentagon 911commission thomaskean leehamilton withoutprecedent patriotsquestion9/11 wtc7

e hënë, shtator 10, 2007

Protesting too much on Kosovo

Serbia demanding answers from U.S. on its stance on Kosovo

BELGRADE, Serbia: Serbia has demanded an explanation from the United States about reports saying Washington is prepared to recognize Kosovo if the province's separatist leadership declares independence, the foreign minister said Sunday.

US peacekeeper dies in Kosovo car crash, three others injured

A United States peacekeeper died in Kosovo and three others were injured when their car skidded off the road and overturned in eastern Kosovo, officials said Monday.

e diel, shtator 02, 2007

Phase III of Bush's War

Do të fillojë ndërtimi i Katedrales ‘Nënë Tereza’ në Prishtinë

E Verteta4_U: After betraying his country by going to exile in Rome during the war he converts to Catholism. 
(which i dont mind, but heres the problem) He goes and makes plans for the biggest Cathradral to be build in a 90% muslim population country. In the country in which he left and had a hard time getting back with all the Hatred towards him. Read more on
The short, unhappy return of Ibrahim Rugova  http://images.salon.com/news/feature/1999/07/16/rugova/rugova.jpg

Kosovo general election date set

The United Nations has agreed a date for the ethnic Albanian majority in Kosovo to hold general elections.

e shtunë, shtator 01, 2007

The Franklin Scandal

Read stroy below.

Larry Craig Pervert Scandal Is Tip Of The Iceberg

Revelations about Senator Larry Craig that have mired the Republicans in another sex scandal over the past few days continue to rumble across the media spectrum - but the true scale of perversion, organized child sex slavery rings and their connections to the elite is uniformly omitted from polite conversation