e premte, nëntor 02, 2007

Ron Paul Appearance on Tonight Show a Success?

Ron Paul is choice among local GOP

The results of a straw poll of Springfield Republicans Thursday night shows what Ron Paul backers say they already know.

Paul is a popular candidate in the conservative Ozarks.


They' tell us that ALL Muslims are bad. 'They' tell us that ALL Muslims are terrorists. 'They' point their fingers at all of them... without exception, humiliating them, dehumanising them... BUT... Right here, right now, just a week after the infamous Islamo-Fascist Week 'celebrations' sponsored by the Lobby in America, a group of Jewish Israelis honoured Muslims that saved their lives during the nazi occupation of Albania.

Yes, Muslims.... believers in ISLAM..... Hmmmm... what else has the Lobby been lying about??

Kosovo’s next era

Kosovo leadership is as united as ever on calling for unilateral independence on December 10 with the president, prime minister, political parties and public forming a rock-solid unity on the matter.

Birn: Ibrahim Rugova dhe personalitete tjera të ndjera ende figurojnë në listën e votuesve

Kosovo Dead Entitled to Vote

Pristina _ Kosovo’s late President Ibrahim Rugova is one of probably many deceased persons whose names are on the voters’ list ahead of the November 17 elections in the UN-administered territory, Balkan Insight has discovered.

BIA: Unilateral moves may spark conflict in Kosovo

Takimi mes Prishtinës dhe Beogradit mbahet më 5 nëntor

Ekipi i Unitetit takohet në Prishtinë për t’u përgatitur për raundin e ri të bisedimeve direkte me palën serbe, më 5 nëntor në Vjenë. Pritet që ndërmjetësit ndërkombëtarë së pari të takohen daras me delegacionet, ndërkaq më pas palët do të zhvillojnë bisedime sy me sy.

Moska e interesuar për Kosovën si ‘territor nën mandatin e OKB-së’ ?

Letter from Europe: Seeking rapprochement, if not a grand bargain

BERLIN: The United States and Russia are engaged in brinkmanship at NATO headquarters in Brussels, where both sides are trying to salvage an arms treaty that is considered one of the cornerstones of European security since the end of the Cold War.

But much more is at stake. The United States and its European allies, especially France and Germany, want to try to strike a grand bargain with President Vladimir Putin. Their hope is that if NATO allies make concessions over the Conventional Armed Forces in Europe Treaty, not only would Putin lift his threat to pull out of the accord on Dec. 12, but it could also be the start of a diplomatic rapprochement with Russia, helping to reach compromises over other big international disputes.

One is Kosovo. Despite Russia's staunch opposition, the ethnic Albanians are intent on declaring unilateral independence next month if talks with Serbia fail. The second is Iran, where the United States needs Russia's full support for stopping the Islamic Republic from obtaining the capability to produce nuclear weapons. And finally there is the U.S. plan to deploy part of its antiballistic missile shield in Poland and the Czech Republic, which Russia and indeed several West European countries believe is foolhardy.

Paul Surpasses Fred Thompson at InTrade