e enjte, tetor 25, 2007

Hillary Campaigners Try to Censor Ron Paul

Hillary Clinton Rally at Auraria Campus, Denver, CO. Hillary’s campaign staff admit to being told to Censor Ron Paul’s campaign and were caught in the act.

Ron Paul RIGHT NOW! Nov. 5th TREG

LDD hap fushatën e saj me 26 tetor (e premte) në Prishtinë në sallën “1 Tetori” në ora 13:00

Shtabi zgjedhorë i LDD-së mbajti një konferencë për media, në të cilin takim edhe i njohu gazetarët me agjendën e tubimeve të kësaj partie, si dhe shpalosi programin e Lidhjes Demokratike të Dardanisë, me ç’rast u njohën të pranishmit me prioritetet e partisë.

Iraqi blood is 'on your hands,' anti-war protester tells Condi

FBI agents shoot dead 'arsonist' as police reveal California fires were started deliberately

Turkey: U.S. objections won’t stop Iraqi move

Turkish President Gul knows all too well that the US is incapable of defending Iraq's northern border (in light of the fact that we're barely holding on to Baghdad), and impotent to stop the PKK cross-border raids into Turkey.

With no new evidence, Fox continues to ask: Did al Qaeda burn California?

"No evidence" is the motto these pathetic excuses for news readers live by!

If you can't lie through your teeth with a straight face, you have no place among the FOX staff.

US to order sanctions against Iran military

The United States will Thursday order sanctions against the Iranian military, media reports said a day after Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice singled out Iran as the biggest threat to US security.

It is also the first the United States has directly sanctioned another country's military, the Post said.

Cheney Nods Off During Meeting On Calif. Wildfires

"Wake me when we get to the part where we can blame it on Iran."

YouTube - Governor Schwarzenegger Fends off Reporter

Governor Schwarzenegger Fends off Reporter who questions complaints from Orange County about the California Fires, comparing it to Katrina.

Beyond Differences

This is a story about 10 students from two conflicting places, Serbia and Kosovo, who came to live together in Prishtina(Kosovo). By living .... Sep 22, 2007.          do a search on google video if the link dont open up

Radicals predict December 9 elections

BELGRADE -- Tomislav Nikolić says that presidential elections will soon be announced for December 9.

Skefer: S'ka asnjë arsye që trupat e NAT0-s të mos mbesin në Kosovë

Evakuohen mbi 1 milion njerëz nga zjarret në Kaliforni

Kosovo Foundation for Medical Development - KFMD