e premte, dhjetor 14, 2007

Buy A Gun

Most of us are aware that the heroic actions of a brave woman at the New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado a few days ago saved the lives of perhaps scores, or even hundreds, of people. However, her bravery would not have counted for much had she not been armed.
Posted Dec 14, 2007 12:24 PM PST

There is one very good reason to own a gun right now. As the economy collapses, there will arise leaders who will, through some contorted logic and an imposed sense of community obligation, decide that the costs of the current melt-down should be passed onto the ordinary citizens, just as the S&L melt-down of the 1980s was ultimately paid for by the taxpayers who had been smart enough to stay out of the mess in the first place. Even now we are seeing banks hit by the sub-prime disaster seeking ways to pass those losses into their customers who did not even partake of the risky investments in the first place.

As the economy goes into full blown Chernobyl, expect the government to start to seize hard assets like gold and silver, "for the good of the nation." Despite the pretense of law, this will be looting of the population, plain and simple, and the people are morally entitled to defend themselves from such uniformed criminals.(MR)

Austria Nixes Kosovo Girl's Plea to Stay

A teenager who went into hiding for days to avoid expulsion to Serbia's restive Kosovo province will be allowed to finish the school year in Austria, but she cannot stay longer, the Interior Ministry said Friday.

UN Security Council agrees to hear Kosovo Albanians

UNITED NATIONS, Dec 14 (Reuters) - World powers reached a compromise on Friday to allow representatives of Kosovo to speak at a U.N. Security Council meeting next week on the future of the breakaway Serbian province.

An end to deadlines?

Ron Paul and Internet Politics

PBS 8 30 PM Tonight

Cat and mouse game

Scientists created a genetically modified mouse with no fear of felines and then put it in a room with a cat. What happened next...?

Kosovo: President Says 'We Won't Be Hostage To Any Country'

Kosovo ex-PM Haradinaj to be released by war crimes court for holidays

Ramush Haradinaj, Kosovo's former prime minister who is on trial for war crimes, will leave his jail cell to spend the holidays at home, the U.N. Yugoslav tribunal said Friday.

Haga do të lirojë për festa Ramush Haradinajn dhe Lahi Brahimaj

Topi: Pavarësia e Kosovës mund të realizohet në një periudhë shumë të shkurtër

House passes ban on waterboarding

EU to Send Mission to Kosovo

Brussels_ Leaders of the European Union have agreed in principle to send a police and justice mission to Kosovo, and to offer Serbia a fast-track path to candidacy for EU membership.

Kosovo's Ghosts

whatreallyhappened.com | Web Safety Ratings from McAfee SiteAdvisor

We work hard to keep our site safe for browsing, and apparently somebody noticed. (MR)

E Verteta4_U: To all those who think WRH can give them a virus on their computer.

Kosovo Faces Golden Future

Pristina _ A new geophysical survey says Kosovo has bigger deposits of gold and other metals than previously thought.

News of the fresh discovery came in a report, entitled, “Kosovo: A Place of Gold”, issued by Kosovo’s Independent Commission for Mines and Minerals, ICMM, on Friday.

“Especially gold, nickel and chrome deposits under Kosovo’s surface seem to be larger than known so far. But also aluminium, copper, iron metals and lead-zinc deposits are spread over Kosovo’s territory and represent a huge potential for investment”, the statement said.

The deputy director of the ICMM, Naser Peci, said at a news conference that “the survey has enabled us to establish where these metals and minerals are, but it has not determined the exact size of these deposits.”

Experts believe greater investment will come once the uncertainty over UN-administered Kosovo’s status has been resolved.

“Kosovo has hundreds of prospective areas. Several foreign companies are already exploring for minerals, and there are liable to be many more companies coming after [Kosovo’s] status has been resolved”, said Nick Burcham, technical programmes consultant for the ICMM.

It was not clear from reports where in Kosovo the fresh deposits are located. Most of Kosovo's existing mines are in the north in Serb-controlled areas.

The survey, launched in September 2006, was conducted by a low-flying plane, which covered most of Kosovo’s territory, apart from the Ground Safety Zone at the boundary with Serbia because the Belgrade authorities did not give permission for overflights.

After eight years under UN administration, Kosovo is expected to declare its independence from Serbia in the coming months, although its economy may face initial difficulties if Belgrade imposes trade sanctions in retaliation.

Kryetari Daci priti në një takim z.William Walker

Kryetari i LDD-së akademik Nexhat Daci priti në një takim ish shefin e misionit të OSCE-së në Kosovë z. William Walker.

EU SUMMIT Parlt's Poettering calls for consensus to recognise Kosovo UPDATE

BRUSSELS (Thomson Financial) - The president of the European Parliament Hans-Gert Poettering called on EU leaders to reach a consensus on action for recognising Kosovo as it moves to independence over the next few months

EU Backs Independent Kosovo, Nears Clash With Russia

European Union leaders moved toward a showdown with Russia over influence in the Balkans by pledging to chart the way to statehood for Serbia's breakaway province of Kosovo.

Kosovo and Iran dominate Brown's first Brussels visit

Brown and his foreign secretary David Miliband will focus during their few hours with other EU leaders on Kosovo, Iran, globalisation and immigration.

Kosovo: Warning over Violence

Caglavica _ Kosovo’s minority Serbs may react violently when, as expected, Kosovo’s ethnic Albanian-dominated Assembly declares independence, according to a local political analyst.

Serbia Wants both EU and Kosovo

Belgrade _ Serbia’s team that took part in the abortive talks on UN-administered Kosovo’s status did not make any concessions which might insult its citizens’ dignity, according to President Boris Tadic.

EU Summit Debates Kosovo

Brussels _ Leaders of the 27 EU member countries are discussing their policy towards Kosovo, whose ethnic Albanian leaders are expected to declare independence from Serbia in the next few months.

Romania "will not recognize" Kosovo

Bucharest _ Romanian Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu said on Friday that his country would not recognize Kosovo’s expected unilateral declaration of the independence from Serbia.