e premte, nëntor 09, 2007

A $20 Ron Paul Revolutionary Idea

The Ron Paul Liberty Rally

Saturday, November 10th, 2007

Ron Paul Schools Ben Bernanke Again


Lidhja Demokratike e Dardanisë video

Stop it on 30 sec.

Kuvendi i LDK-se, rrahja, nentor 2006

If you think about voting LDK next week think again !

U bë mbyllja e fushatës parazgjedhore të LDD-së në Malishevë,Rahovec dhe në Therandë

Kryetari i Lidhjes Demokratike të Dardanisë akademik Nexhat Daci dhe kryesia e LDD-së morën pjesë në përmbylljen e fushatës parazgjedhore të LDD-së në Malishevë,Rahovec dhe Therandë, ku u pritën nga një masë e madhe e simpatizantëve të LDD-së që kishin ardhur për të përkrahur LDD-në nëpër këto komuna.

Maqedoni, Flamuri Shqiptar vetem ne dite festash

"We, the Jews, control America"

The Justice Department’s Culture of Torture

America tortures: it is now a plain and simple fact of this administration's culture.

And the world knows it, no matter how much Bush attempts to deny it.

Azem Hajdari. 11 Mars 1963 - 12 Shtator 1998

Sali Berisha - Who let the dogs out

All eyes on Kosovo, but Bosnia can prove greater threat to Balkan stability

As the West tries to solve the future of Serbia's breakaway province of Kosovo, another related, and perhaps more dangerous threat to European security is lurking in the background — a possible disintegration of Bosnia, officials and analysts warn.

Land mine explodes in Kosovo; 4 children injured

The ethnic Albanian children were guarding their family's sheep herd Thursday when the blast occurred between two villages near the town of Urosevac, 35 kilometers (22 miles) south of the capital, Pristina.

me LDK apo me LDD , kush jane rugovistet e vertete?

Zgjedhjet 2007 - Fjalimi i z. Shefki Gashi - Prishtine

LDD 26.10.2007

Hapja e fushatës së LDD-së Video

Rugova in the voting lists

Ibrahim Rugova, Kosovo's late president, died in January 2006. However, he still remains in the voting lists as an eligible voters for Kosovo's elections of 17 November.

MEDA - ne - HAJVALI - by AKR .Behgjet Pacolli.

Behgjet Pacolli Hajvali

Behgjet Pacolli Vushtrri

FUSHATA 2007 ne Kosove

Advice sought on Kosovo force

Sejdiu bëri thirrje për dalje masive në zgjedhje

Major New Ron Paul Fundraising Assault Set For December

The Clinton Chronicles

Discover the story behind Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Mena Arkansas cocaine smuggling operation they ran, while Bill was governor, prior to the presidency. ( Video)

Iowa GOP and Ron Paul Campaign Headquarters: Ron Paul is not out of the debate