Remember when he quipped about dictatorship? (MR)
e martë, janar 15, 2008
SHBA: Zgjedhjet paraprake presidenciale në Miçigan
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 1/15/2008 0 komentet
GOP candidates press for Mich. advantage
John McCain, campaigning in a funeral home, hoped for a large turnout by the living Tuesday as Michigan voters judged the Republican presidential pack in a snowy primary.
"John McCain, campaigning in a funeral home..."
I guess the dead are expected to vote in this election!
(MR)Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 1/15/2008 0 komentet
Prosecutors seek 25 years jail for ex-Kosovo premier
In their final trial brief dated January 14 and released on Tuesday, prosecutors said the circumstantial evidence against the three men was strong.
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Dr. Paul’s Writings Monetary Policy is Critically Important
Money is the lifeblood of any economy, and control over a nation's currency means control over its economic well being. Fed bankers quite literally determine the value of our money, by controlling the supply of dollars and establishing interest rates. Their actions can make you richer or poorer overnight, in terms of the value of your savings and the buying power of your paycheck. So I urge all Americans to educate themselves about monetary policy, and better understand how a small group of unelected individuals at the Federal Reserve and Treasury department wield tremendous power over our lives.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 1/15/2008 0 komentet
Ron Paul Could Capitalize on Michigan Primary Gaffes
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 1/15/2008 0 komentet
Serbia Poll Hope for Tadic
Belgrade _ One of Serbia’s leading pollsters has made available further details of a poll, published last week, which suggested President Boris Tadic would win re-election, but only if backed by other mainstream democratic parties.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 1/15/2008 0 komentet
Serbians prepare plan for Kosovo
Serbia, backed by Russia, insists Kosovo — considered the cradle of Serbia's medieval state and religion — should remain part of its territory, and has urged more negotiations with Kosovo Albanians.
The New York Times observed that "the sprawling state-owned Trepca mining complex, the most valuable piece of real estate in the Balkans, is worth at least $5 billion."
This is truly why the West is so eager to recognize an independent Kosovo. (MR)
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 1/15/2008 0 komentet
Ron Paul is the Real Candidate for Change, Not Barack Obama
Going into the New Hampshire primaries, polls showed that Barack Obama would win again for the Democrats, and Ron Paul was posed to finish third or fourth for the Republicans and improve his showing in the Iowa caucuses. It has been reported that both may have been cheated in NH by voting machines and hand count fraud. As a result there, will be a recount for both parties. Many fear that if no problems are found, it could further legitimize the electronic voting machines and hurt future recounts. Ron Paul does not endorse a recount, and instead has chosen to focus on the primaries to come. It was disappointing to finish in fifth place in NH, and I would have felt a lot better if he had finished ahead of Mike Huckabee and Rudy Giuliani. The good news is that there still isn't a Republican front runner. Giuliani failed to break into double digits in NH, finishing with 9%, only one percent more than Paul. Regardless of what happens, Paul is the true candidate for change.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 1/15/2008 0 komentet
Me një varg aktivitetesh sot u përkujtua Masakra e Reçakut
Me rastin e 9 vjetorit të Masakrës së Reçakut, sot në këtë fshat u mbajtën aktivitete të shumta për të përkujtuar këtë ngjarje të tmerrshme, ku forcat serbe vranë dhe masakruan 51 shqiptarë, përfshirë gra dhe fëmijë. Kjo ngjarje asokohe pat tmerruar botën demokratike. Ish-shefi i Misionit të OSBE-së në Kosovë, Viliam Voker e pati cilësuar atë masakër dhe krim ndaj njerëzimit, duke ndikuar kështu në vendime të shpejta të bashkësisë ndërkombëtare për të ndalur gjenocidin në Kosovë.
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Kryeministri Thaçi ka udhëtuar për në New York për të marrë pjesë në mbledhjen e KS të OKB-së
Kryeministri i Kosovës, Hashim Thaçi, ka udhëtuar mbrëmë për në Nju Jork, ku do ta shoqërojë shefin e UNMIK-ut Joakim Ryker në seancën e nesërme të KS, që do t’i kushtohet Kosovës. Kryesuesi i radhës i KS, ambasadori i Libisë, ka miratuar kërkesën e Thaçi për t’iu drejtuar ambasadorëve me një fjalim. Kryeadministratori Ryker do ta paraqesë raportin tremujor për situatën në Kosovë. Ndërkohë KS do të mbajë edhe sot një takim konsultativ për të vendosur mbi formatin e seancës së nesërme.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 1/15/2008 0 komentet
Hepatitis C Cases Alarm Bosnian Doctors
More than a decade after the end of the Bosnian war, there are increasing concerns about a rise in Hepatitis C cases, many of them caused by medical treatment of those injured in the conflict.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 1/15/2008 0 komentet
Albania to Build "1-Euro" Plant
Tirana _ Albania is set to launch one of its first investment projects under the “Albania for One Euro” initiative, when local trading company Al-Celik Vega builds a steel plant, at an expected cost of €50 million.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 1/15/2008 0 komentet
Thaci to Address Security Council
Pristina _ On his first official visit abroad as Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Hashim Thaci is to address the UN Security Council, his office announced on Tuesday.
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Unraveling the Myth of Al Qaida
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Crisis may make 1929 look a 'walk in the park'
Twenty billion dollars here, $20bn there, and a lush half-trillion from the European Central Bank at give-away rates for Christmas. Buckets of liquidity are being splashed over the North Atlantic banking system, so far with meagre or fleeting effects.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 1/15/2008 0 komentet