Pentagon Awards Contract Worth Up To $300 Million To Amateurs.
e diel, mars 30, 2008
Verdict: Why America Hates Washington Mar. 27, 2008
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Efraim Diveroli talks with Kosta Trebicka
A telephone conversation between 22 year old Efraim Diveroli, President of Miami based AEY, Inc. and Mr. Kosta Trebicka, an Albanian businessman in regards to ammunition purchases for US and Afghan troops. AEY Inc. became the main supplier of munitions to Afghanistan's army and police forces in 2003 and provided ammunition that was more than 40 years old and in decomposing packaging. The House Oversight Committee is currently investigating why the the Pentagon gave the inexperienced 22 year old a $300 million contract to provide ammunition to Afghanistan.
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US gave $300m arms contract to 22-year-old with criminal record
The Pentagon entrusted a 22-year-old previously arrested for domestic violence and having a forged driving licence to be the main supplier of ammunition to Afghan forces at the height of the battle against the Taliban, it was reported yesterday.
AEY also supplied weapons to US agencies, and rifles to Iraqi forces.
Okay, this deal needs a full investigation. How did this kid, with criminal record and fake driver;s license, wind up with the contracts to supply arms to the Army, the Iraqis, and Us Government agencies like DEA and FBI? (MR)
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Supplier Under Scrutiny on Arms for Afghans
The younger Diveroli's munitions experience appeared to be limited to a short-lived job in Los Angeles for Botach Tactical, a military and police supply company owned by his uncle, Bar-Kochba Botach.
Botach Tactical's website is HERE
Interesting logo.
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"Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves." Former Israeli Prime Minister Menechem Begin
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VIDEO - Elephant Paints Self Portrait
Another reminder that humans are not as far removed from the other animals as they sometimes like to imagine they are. (MR)
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Weird Al Gore, 'environmentalist'
Since the U.S.-led NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, the incidence of cancer in Serbia, which received the brunt of the bombing, has at least doubled. Thousands of tons of bombs and missiles carrying depleted uranium were dropped on the country. The radioactive dust was inhaled not just by those nearby, but others unfortunate enough to be downwind. In addition, at least some of the deadly residue has seeped down to contaminate the water table in certain regions of Serbia.
Kosovo, whose Albanian population was supposed to be "saved" by the bombing, has become a DU dump. No one has the exact figures of the incidents of cancer among the majority Albanian population now. The United Nations, which is in charge of the civil administration of the province, is either not releasing figures, not conducting the necessary studies or not revealing what it knows. However, a number of NATO soldiers, especially from Italy, have gone home ill, some terminally.
Nearby, in Bosnia, during 1994-95, U.S. planes dropped DU ordnance on or near several population centers. In one of them, Hadzici near Sarajevo, cancer reached epidemic proportions by the late 1990s.
The thousands of overflights made by U.S. and other NATO planes on their bombing sorties heavily damaged the ozone layer above the Balkans. The thunder heard during storms for several weeks after the 78-day bombing was unnaturally loud, the lightening spectacular. On the other hand, the sun baked with a special vengeance that summer. The difference in its intensity was palpable; sunburn occurred in a matter of minutes.
All the above environmental havoc happened during the watch of Al Gore, the freshly anointed Nobel Peace Prize winner, while he served as vice president of the United States. No words of protest were heard coming from him at that time.
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Efraim Diversoli... why not state that he is a Jew?
If he was a Muslim, you would not find one mainstream report that neglected to shove that fact down your throat. Is this self-censorship in the press? And do I have to troll the blogs to find the kind of info about Government-funded Jewish crime paid for by our tax dollars???
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