e diel, mars 30, 2008

Efraim Diveroli talks with Kosta Trebicka

A telephone conversation between 22 year old Efraim Diveroli, President of Miami based AEY, Inc. and Mr. Kosta Trebicka, an Albanian businessman in regards to ammunition purchases for US and Afghan troops. AEY Inc. became the main supplier of munitions to Afghanistan's army and police forces in 2003 and provided ammunition that was more than 40 years old and in decomposing packaging. The House Oversight Committee is currently investigating why the the Pentagon gave the inexperienced 22 year old a $300 million contract to provide ammunition to Afghanistan.

1 koment:

Unknown tha...

Mr Owner i ketij blogu. Avatari i faqes tende 'Ju mund te mashtroni te gjithe..." etj nuk eshte thene nga Bob Marley [megjithese dhe ai e ka nje kenge te tille] por nga Abraham Lincoln.