Coinciding with the announcement on the closing down of ISOG, "The CIA has received secret presidential approval to mount a covert "black" operation to destabilize the Iranian government, according to current and former officials in the intelligence community... " (ABC News Report 22 May 2007).
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For all those who think arabs hate us because we are free are all wrong ! They hate us becuase we send the CIA in their country and try to destabilize their country by blowing things up and killing many women and children and than blaming it on their government in order to over throw it .
They have ever right to hate us !
e shtunë, qershor 02, 2007
CIA " Black Ops" directed against Iran
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"Islamic Terrorists" supported by Uncle Sam: Bush Administration "Black Ops" directed against Iran, Lebanon and Syria
The Bush administration has admitted that covert actions of an aggressive nature were applied against Iran and Syria. The stated objective was to wreck the countries' economies and currency systems.
Full story here -
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Former Guyana legislator arrested in U.S. plot defended at home
GEORGETOWN, Guyana: Colleagues of a former opposition member of Guyana's parliament expressed disbelief Saturday that he could be involved in an alleged plot to attack New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport.
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The Albanians should of done the same thing with the fort dix plot. Instead of apologizing for it. they should of expressed disbelief. because when you apologize its like an excuse for some fault you did, and Albania had no fault in the fort dix plot.
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'Shin Bet involved in 1976 hijacking'
Remember yesterday when I dared ABCNNBBCBS to run this story? And instead today's headline is how some Arabs are accused of TALKING about planning to maybe sort of kinda commit an act of terror against an airport?
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Israeli agents 'helped Entebbe hijackers'
I am keeping this near the top of the page because I think this is an important story and more than that, this is a real test for the US mainstream media.
This story, that Israeli intelligence agents helped stage an act of terror to frame the PLO with is a major story. It has bearing not only on current events like 9-11, but on a possible motive behind the attacks on USS Liberty and USS Cole.
So, we wait patiently to see how much coverage this story, which is prominent on the foreign press, receives from ABCNNBBCBS.
My prediction is, "damned little."
The defy is hurled, networks. Let's see you prove you are not under the control of pro-Israeli interests. ( Mike Rivero from
"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information." -- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.
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3 arrested in JFK Airport terror plot
Latest booga booga. This is another set-up by an informant. These patsies did not have any bombs, guns, or other devices. They did not actually do anything or even prepare to do anything. They talked about it (according to the informant).
It's another manufactured PR ploy to try to build support for more war on Arabs.
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Ban Ki Moon mbështet plotësisht planin për Kosovën
Ashtu siç u paralajmërua, bisedimet në nivel të ekspertëve të vendeve anëtare të Këshillit të Sigurimit për harmonizimin e mëtejmë të gjuhës përfundimtare të rezolutës mbi vazhdun në New York, ndërkohë që Sekretari i Përgjithshëm i Kombeve të Bashkuara, Ban Ki Moon ka ritheksuar edhe njëherë mbështetjen e tij të plotë për planin Ahtisaari dhe në mënyrë indirekte edhe për një pavarësi të mbikëqyrur për Kosovën siç e rekomandon ai.
Në pyetjen se a do të krijonte një bllokadë në zgjidhjen e çështjes së Kosovës një veto e mundshme ndaj planit Ahtisaari, të dërguarit të posaçëm të tij, sekretari përgjithshëm tha se është një dokument që ende në mënyrë aktive po shqyrtohet nga vendet anëtare të Këshillit të Sigurimit. "Nuk do të doja të bëj ndonjë
koment tani për tani, sepse duhet të presim dhe shohim si do të veprojë Këshilli i Sigurimit. Siç e kam thënë edhe më parë, unë i japë një mbështetje të plotë rekomandimeve të dërguarit tim të posaçëm", tha Sekretari i Përgjithshëm. Ndërkaq, kur është fjala tek rezoluta mbi Kosovën që në themel do të mbështesë rekomandimet e Ahtisaarit, zyrtarët amerikanë kanë theksuar se ata duan që për të të votohet javën e ardhshme në Këshillin e Sigurimit në New York. Sipas burimeve në Kombet e Bashkuara, tanimë ekzistojnë edhe votat e nevojshme për miratimin e saj nga anëtarët e Këshillit të Sigurimit, natyrisht me kusht që Rusia të mos përdorë veton. /S.gashi/
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How many times will they keep telling us ban ki moon supports ahtisarris plan ?????????
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