Speaking on CNN's "American Morning," Brian Morgenstern -- a 23-year-old Camden County resident, according to his MySpace page -- described how two men brought him a videotape to transfer to DVD in late January 2006.
He said he went home that night and told his family what he had seen: Ten men at a firing range with handguns, rifles and what he thought were fully automatic rifles. Authorities later said they were chanting in Arabic, "Allah Akbar," or "God is Great."
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Can you say, "Obvious set-up?" Of COURSE you can!
e martë, maj 29, 2007
Fort Dix tipster goes public
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Ryker: Statusi i Kosovës do të zgjidhet për disa javë
I pyetur per disa përshtatje të mundshme të planit të Ahtisarit, kryeadministratori i Kosoves konsideron se substanca e statusit është në duart e Këshillit të Sigurimit
Pragë/Prishtinë - Kryeadministratori Joakim Ryker shfaqi mendimin se UNMIK-u nuk duhet të merret me datat për zgjidhjen e statusit të Kosovës. “Administrata e Kombeve të Bashkuara është duke e ndihmuar procesin e statusit, por vendimin për statusin e merr Këshilli i Sigurimit në Nju Jork” tha Ryker ne nje interviste për Radion Evropa e Lirë, duke shtuar se bëhet fjalë për disa javë dhe jo me muaj.
I pyetur per disa përshtatje të mundshme të planit të Ahtisarit, Ryker konsideron se substanca e statusit është në duart e Këshillit të Sigurimit, duke vleresuar si të rëndësishme deklaratën e marsit të Sekretarit të Përgjithshëm të Kombeve të Bashkuara që ka mbështetur tërësisht planin e Ahtisarit. Shefi i UNMIK-ut tha se shpreson që KS do të adoptojë rezolutën në bazë të planit të Ahtisarit dhe nuk beson se do të dështojë procesi.
Duke folur për sfidat që gjenden përpara për ta bërë Kosovën një shtet funksional, Ryker tha se tani ekzistojnë "bazat për funksionimin e demokracisë, për funksionimin e sundimit të ligjit dhe të ekonomisë së tregut", ndonëse sipas tij, "përmirësimet e mëtejshme janë të nevojshme". Ne vijim Ryker tha se qe nga rezoluta e Këshillit të Sigurimit e deri tek dorëzimi konkret i pushtetit nga UNMIK, në institucionet e përkohshme dhe komuniteti ndërkombëtar, duhet të sigurohet miratimi i ligjeve që janë paraparë me pakon e Ahtisarit. "Me këto ligje, Kosova jo vetëm që do të bëhet një entitet funksional, por njëkohësisht do të mundësohet edhe zbatimi i vetë pakos. Kjo është baza e statusit", nënvizoi Ryker.
Duke folur per kundërshtimet ndaj pakos së Ahtisarit nga përfaqësuesit e komunitetit serb, Ryker vlereson se ka shenja se të paktën një pjesë e madhe e këtij komuniteti është duke e pare nga afër pakon e kryenegociatorit. "Ata e dijnë se propozimi gjithëpërfshirës u jep atyre jo vetëm një të ardhme të sigurtë, por gjithashtu një të ardhme në të cilën serbët dhe pakicat tjera në Kosovë, do të kenë perspektiva politike dhe ekonomike", tha Ryker. Kryeadministratori tha se shpreson që udhëheqësit serbë në veri të Kosovë do ta rishikojnë me kujdes edhe një herë planin e Ahtisarit dhe përmbajtjen e tij. Kosova
E Verteta4_U
Ryker Po rrenë shume !!!!!!!!!!!
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Ministrat e BE-se biseduan me homologet nga Azia edhe per Kosoven
BE ka shfaqur shpresen qe Kina dhe Indonezia te shfaqin bashkepunim me te mire, duke e mbeshtetur rezoluten e KS per pavaresine e mbikqyrur te Kosoves
Hamburg- Ministrat e Jashtem te Bashkimit Evropian jane takuar ne Hamburg me homologet e tyre nga Azia. Bashkimi Evropian ka shfaqur shpresen qe Kina dhe Indonezia te shfaqin bashkepunim me te mire, duke e mbeshtetur rezoluten e Keshillit te Sigurimit per pavaresine e mbikqyrur te Kosoves.
Por, sipas BBC-se, shefi i politikes se jashtme dhe te sigurise se BE-se, Havier Solana, nuk ka arritur te binde ministrin e jashtem kinez qe te mbeshtese planin per pavaresine e mbikqyrur te Kosoves. Shefi i diplomacise kineze Jang Eçi ka deklaruar qe Pekini deshiron nje zgjidhje per statusin e ardhshem te Kosoves e cila do te ishte e pranueshme edhe per serbet edhe per shqiptaret e Kosoves. (Kosova)
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“Kosovo solution will be postponed”
LONDON -- Tim Judah says it is only a matter of time before Western diplomats admit Kosovo’s status solution should be postponed.
“According to usually well informed sources, Russia did tentatively float the idea of cooperation over Kosovo with the U.S. in exchange for its backing down over its planned missile shield, to which it objects,” Judah, a leading Balkan commentator, writes in BIRN’s online edition.
“This is believed to have happened in talks with Condoleezza Rice, the U.S. Secretary of State, in Moscow ten days ago. The idea made no headway. Since then the possibility of a compromise being struck over Kosovo has narrowed significantly.”
Judah adds that while some still hope a deal might be struck at the G8 summit in June, similar hopes rose before Condoleezza Rice's trip to Moscow and then again before the ill-fated EU-Russian summit in Samara a week ago.
“Russia now appears to have put itself in a position whereby anything that opened the door to Kosovo's independence would be a humiliation; therefore its interests seem to dictate that it has no choice but to continue to block this,” Judah concludes.
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Russian official: EU and U.S. may agree to Kosovo delay
BRUSSELS -- Russia says the West may agree to put off a decision on the final status of Kosovo, EUobserver reports.
"We should find a text that would allow all the parties [including Serbia and Kosovo] to continue to work on the acceptable terms of a solution," the head of the Europe desk at the Russian foreign ministry, Sergei Ryabkov, told press in Brussels on Tuesday.
The comment comes despite earlier promises to Kosovo Albanians they would have independence by June.
"If this is accepted, we would be more than happy to continue working on the language [of a UN resolution]. There are some signs that this is the case," he added, following UN talks in New York last week and a telephone call between Bush and Putin on Monday.
At the time, senior U.S. diplomat Nicholas Burns said Washington expected the deal to be adopted in late May or early June. Kosovo Albanian prime minister Agim Ceku also predicted that the region would gain independence in a matter of "weeks."
But a Russian official told EUobserver Moscow would only agree to a UN resolution that calls for further talks under international supervision between Belgrade and Priština on Kosovo's status.
It would also agree to a new resolution that calls for the full implementation of resolution 1244 on the rights of the ethnic Serb minority, with a new EU police mission and the old NATO force to stay and keep the peace until 1244 has been fulfilled.
"There is no political force in Russia, on the left or right, that would accept Kosovo independence, at least not right now," the head of the Russian parliament's foreign affairs committee, Konstantin Kosachev, said on Tuesday.
"This is not an urgent decision that we need to have at any price by a certain date."
Meanwhile, another element of uncertainty was added this week by reports in leading Croatian daily Jutarnji List on Monday that the U.S. and Russia were close to a deal that would involve Russian peacekeeping troops in Kosovo and U.S. side-promises not to expand NATO to Ukraine and Georgia.
The report cited Russian officials "close to" president Putin.
But EU, UN and Russian officials poured cold water on the information on Tuesday. "I would take it with a big pinch of salt," an EU official said. "It looks like provocation or wishful thinking," a Russian diplomat said.
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International presence generates sex trade
In the second half of 1999, 40,000 KFOR troops were deployed and hundreds of UNMIK personnel arrived along with staff from more than 250 international NGOs. Within months of KFOR’s arrival, brothels were reported around the military bases occupied by international peace-keepers. Kosovo soon became a major destination country for women trafficked into forced prostitution. A small-scale local market for prostitution was transformed into a large-scale industry based on trafficking predominantly run by organized criminal networks.
Some sectors of the economy grew rapidly, through increased prices paid by international personnel for rented property and services, resulting in an increase in disposable income in certain sections of the population.
By late 1999 the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) had reported on significant organized prostitution in four locations close to major concentrations of KFOR troops. Most of the clients were reported to be members of the international military presence, while some KFOR soldiers were allegedly also involved in the trafficking process itself. Eighteen premises were identified, including in the Gnjilane/Gjilan area, where clients included US military personnel; in Prizren, where users reportedly included German KFOR soldiers and other internationals; in Pejë/Peæ, where residents reported Italian KFOR soldiers as clients; and in Mitrovicë/a, where French KFOR reportedly patronized make-shift brothels.(33)
Since then, there has been an unprecedented escalation in trafficking in Kosovo. From the 18 establishments identified in late 1999, by January 2001, some 75 such premises were listed in the first "off-limits list" issued to UNMIK staff. This listed bars, clubs and restaurants where trafficked women were thought to work, and which had been declared "off-limits" to UNMIK and KFOR personnel (see Chapter 6). By 1 January 2004, there were 200 bars, restaurants and cafes on the "off-limits list".(34)
KFOR and UNMIK were publicly identified in early 2000 as a factor in the increase in trafficking for prostitution by the International Organization for Migration (IOM).(35) In May 2000, Pasquale Lupoli, IOM’s Chief of Mission in Kosovo, alleged that KFOR troops and UN staff in Kosovo had fed a "mushrooming of night clubs" in which young girls were being forced into prostitution by criminal gangs. "The large international presence in Kosovo itself makes this trafficking possible."(36)
Nevertheless, in February 2001 the IOM had cautioned, "[t]he fact that you have 45,000 foreigners in Kosovo could be one element in the equation, but it is definitely not the whole equation."(37) The trafficking industry was also assisted by Kosovo’s proximity to source countries and well-established trafficking routes via Albania to the European Union (EU), as well as cooperation between Serbian, Albanian, Kosovo Albanian and Macedonian organized criminal networks. A lack of sufficient and experienced police officers and a weak criminal justice system also enabled the development of trafficking.
Although the development of trafficking can be attributed to the presence of the international community, the sex industry has subsequently developed to serve a wider client-base. Over the past three years it has increasingly served the local community, which both the IOM and the CPWC estimate now make up around 80 per cent of the clientele.
Given low levels of prostitution and trafficking of women prior to July 1999, all the available evidence suggests that without the presence of the international community and an influx of ready-made western consumers, Kosovo would have remained a relative backwater in the Balkan trafficking industry.
E Veteta4_u
Not only does Kosova let the international community play around with their future but their women to ! How SICK
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Don't ignore Putin's warning
In a startlingly blunt speech at a Munich security conference, Russia's president accused Washington of seeking world domination, undermining the UN and other international institutions, monopolizing world energy resources, destabilizing the Mideast by its bungled occupation of Iraq, and unleashing a new nuclear arms race by planning to deploy anti-missile systems in Eastern Europe.
This column has long maintained that while one sympathizes with the desire of Eastern European states to take shelter from old foe Russia by joining NATO, pushing the alliance to Russia's doorstep was dangerously provocative and militarily ill-advised.
full story here : http://www.edmontonsun.com/Comment/2007/02/25/3664389-sun.html
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US-Russian relations face ‘potential crisis’
Konstantin Kosachev, chairman of the international affairs committee of the Russian Duma, says that President Vladimir Putin’s strongly-worded speech in Munich last month criticising US unilateralism was not a declaration of a new cold war.
Instead, it was a call for the White House to return to a multilateral framework for resolving issues such as the nuclear programmes of Iran and North Korea, or the future of the breakaway Serbian province of Kosovo.
Our failed foreign policy strikes yet again. - M. R.
FULL story here :
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Kremlin: Russia to revise military doctrine to respond to growing role of force in world
Russia's presidential Security Council said Monday it was developing a new national military doctrine that will take into account the growing role of military force in global politics.
The statement appeared to reflect increasing tensions in Russia's relations with the United States, strained over Moscow's harsh criticism of U.S. missile defense plans, disagreements over global crises and U.S. concerns about the Kremlin's democracy record.
Full Story here : http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/03/05/europe/EU-GEN-Russia-Military-Doctrine.php
The consistent, ham-fisted stupidity as expressed through what passes these days as US "foreign policy" triumphs again. M.R.
E verteta 4_U : Absoluty !
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Policia arreston në Prishtinë 4 persona për posedim ilegal të substancave narkotike dhe municionit
Përmes një komunikate për media policia ka njoftuar sot për arrestimin e 4 personave, të moshës 21 dhe 23 vjeç, për shkak të posedimit të substancave narkotike – marihuanë. Gjatë bastisje së shtëpisë së njërit nga të dyshuarit policia ka gjetur edhe një sasi municioni, kalibrash të ndryshëm. Të arrestuarit, me autorizimin e prokurorit janë dërguar në Qendrën Rajonale të Paraburgimit Prishtinë për hetime të mëtutjeshme.
Ngjarja ka ndodhur pasditen e djeshme, në lagjen Bregu i Diellit në Prishtinë, kur njësitë policore ndaluan veturën “Renault ngjyrë e bardhë“ pa targa, në të cilën gjendeshin katër persona, të cilët pasi që kishin vërejtur reagimin e policisë kishin filluar t’i hedhin përreth disa qese plastike me një përmbajtje ngjyrë të gjelbër, e dyshuar të jetë substancë narkotike.
Gjatë kontrollit të mëtejmë policia ka gjetur rreth 15 qese plastike me substancë, që dyshohet të jetë marihuanë.
Veprimet kanë vazhduar edhe me bastisjen e shtëpisë së njërit nga të dyshuarit me ç’ rast policia ka gjetur dhe ka konfiskuar dy karikatorë me 50 fishek të kalibrit EC-43 , 43 fishekë të armës automatike AK 47, 8 fishekë të pushkës automatike M 48, 9 fishek të pushkës së gjuetisë, 3 gëzhoja të fishekëve, një sprej , një dëgjuese, një bateri dhe një mbajtëse të radiolidhjes, si dhe disa gjëra të tjera, të cilat janë konfiskuar nga policia.
Të dyshuarit, dy nga 21 vjeç dhe dy nga 23 vjeç, pas arrestimit dhe pas marrjes së autorizimit nga ana e Prokurorit janë dërguar në Qendrën Rajonale të Paraburgimit Prishtinë për hetime të mëtutjeshme, njofton Zyra për marrëdhënie me publikun, pranë Komanda Regjionale e SHPK-së, në Prishtinë.
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