e mërkurë, nëntor 07, 2007

Message from Ron Paul

EU Countries Prepare to Recognise Kosovo Independence

07 11 2007 As a unilateral declaration of independence becomes increasingly certain, some EU countries may recognise Kosovo without waiting to secure consent of all member states.

Kosovo’s Daily Bread Gets Expensive

Increasing bread prices and market instability are pushing more and more Kosovars to the edge of poverty.

Longshot White House hopeful Paul takes in $4.3 million

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential longshot Ron Paul became an Internet fund-raising sensation this week by bringing in $4.3 million in 24 hours through a Web drive by supporters.

Përmbyllet fushata parazgjedhore e LDD-së në Fushë-Kosovë dhe Drenas

Kryesia e Lidhjes Demokratike të Dardanisë në krye me kryetarin e saj akademik Nexhat Dacin, morën pjesë në përmbylljen e fushatës parazgjedhore të LDD-së në Fushë-Kosovë dhe në qytetin e Drenasit.

Paul's Money Draws Attention

Who are Ron Paul's Donors?

Republican Raises Stunning $4.3 Million Online in 24 Hours.

"But trust us; you don't want to vote for him!" -- ABCNNBBCBS