Nearly 400 passengers were stranded aboard a Cathay Pacific Airways jet for more than seven hours Tuesday at San Francisco International Airport, adding yet another planeload of angry consumers to a growing industry backlash.
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Maybe it's time to scrap the TSA and rehire those people to take CARE of the passengers instead of harassing them.
e enjte, qershor 21, 2007
SFO nightmare -- 400 stuck on plane 7 hours
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US, Israel finalise Iran strike plan
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert visited Washington yesterday and met with US President George W. Bush to finalise plans for a joint US-Israel strike on Iran's nuclear facilities.
Olmert also met with Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to obtain their broad support for military action against Iran.
Pelosi's comments welcoming the Prime Minister indicate that he is likely to get the backing he is seeking from the Congress.
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Well, folks, there you have it; such a strike will be a geopolitically insane act, but it appears that Olmert has the administration and congress ready to plunge right off this cliff.
And remember, it will be your kids fighting, getting maimed, and dying for yet another US - led war to accomplish Israel's political and financial agendas.
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Man caught with explosives... but no worry, police say he isn't a terrorist.
According to reports from Colorado, police confiscated nitroglycerin, ammonium nitrate, PETN, thermite, and sodium azide, none of which are used as rocket fuels. They also discovered laboratory-grade glassware worth thousands of dollars.
Ammonium nitrate is the basic ingredient in so-called fertilizer bombs; PETN is an ingredient in plastic explosives; sodium azide produces a toxic gas when it comes into contact with metal; and nitroglycerin is a well-known (and extremely unstable) liquid explosive. Thermite, as most 9/11 researchers know, can be used to cut steel and may have been involved in the demolition of the three World Trade Center buildings which disintegrated on September 11, 2001.
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I guess you can't be a terrorist unless you are a Muslim.
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Michael Moore: I intend to find some answers about 9/11
Okay, Mike, here are some things to look into.
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Company’s march toward student loan monopoly scary
Most well-read Americans are aware at this point that corruption is rampant in the U.S. student loan system.
Some university officials receiving kickbacks from student loan companies have been steering their students toward these lenders. Some financial aid administrators were holding stock in these companies and going on expenses-paid luxury vacations to exotic locations offered by lenders.
Even U.S. Department of Education officials have held stock in the very same companies they were supposed to be overseeing.
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Netanyahu departs for U.S. in bid to increase pressure on Iran
"You should send your kids to kill them for us!"
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Ron Paul, the Right Man With the Right Message at the Right Time
If you've never heard of Ron Paul, you probably have by now. This defender of American sovereignty and the Constitution is injecting his ideas into the Republican Presidential campaign and debates. The mainstream media have tried to ignore him, there have been threats to exclude him from the debates, and some have called him a nut. Nothing seems able to stop the Ron Paul revolution. His momentum is not manufactured and he has the most room to grow out of all the candidates. His appeal crosses all party lines and his message of non-intervention is such a contrast to the warmongering neo-cons. People are responding to his pledge for liberty and are sick of the government's lies and propaganda.
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TB scare in S.C. puts immigrants' health in spotlight
While not considered an immediate threat to Greenville residents, the number of infected workers reflects a concern about a growing health threat: immigrants increasingly carrying TB to the U.S.
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Filmmaker Michael Moore Now Says 9/11 Could Be Inside Job
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Iran poses no missile threat, Russia tells US
Russia yesterday bluntly told the United States that it saw no threat from Iran’s ballistic missiles and was perplexed how Washington could use this to justify a planned US defence system in Europe. “We do not see any kind of threat from Iran,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told reporters after a meeting in Tehran of foreign ministers from Caspian Sea states.
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The installation of the US-planned missile shield in Europe has nothing to do with Iran, and Russia knows this.
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Baghdad Green Zone under attack
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There are reports that an F-16 was shot down.
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Tyranny and the Military Commissions Act
Despite the fact that the MCA has received just a modicum of publicity from the mainstream press, it is undoubtedly the most ominous and dangerous piece of legislation in our lifetime. By suspending habeas corpus for foreigners, by adopting the executive branch’s “enemy combatant” designation for both Americans and foreigners, and by establishing military tribunals for foreigners, the law not only entails a fundamental reordering of our criminal justice system but also effectively places the U.S. military in control of the American people.
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If you're smugly sitting in your home, thinking that the Military Commissions Act could never, possibly be applied to you, you'd better think again.
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EU warns Kosovo against declaring independence
PRIŠTINA -- The European Union warned Kosovo on Thursday against an "irresponsible" declaration of independence.
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