UNITED NATIONS, April 13 -- This week the UN dodged questions about two hotspots, Kosovo and Myanmar
e diel, prill 13, 2008
UN Dodges on Kosovo and Myanmar Votes, Pope Face-Time and Officials' Pay, Banner Day
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The Coming War with Iran: It's About the Oil, Stupid
The American oil wars are being launched out of weakness, not strength. The American economy is teetering and without control of the remaining oil it will collapse. There will be massive chaos in any case, when only enough oil remains for the American elite and whomever they choose to share it with.
It's not about greed any more. It's about survival. Because the leadership of this country was initially too greedy to switch from oil to solar, wind, geothermal and other renewable alternatives, it may now be too late. Had the hundreds of billions of dollars poured into the invasion and occupation of Iraq been put into alternative energy the world might have had a fighting chance. Now that is far from certain.
Sit back and do nothing, watching how it plays out?<>I wouldn't bet on it. (MR)
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Thoughts on the Bible by Michael Rivero
We cannot know what the real historical Jesus said and did because the written record has been subject to editing and alteration for 2000 years by church leaders with varying and often conflicting agendas.
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