e enjte, gusht 30, 2007

Ekipi i Unitetit ka bërë gabime të shumta

Kryetari i Lidhjes Demokratike të Dardanisë akademik Nexhat Daci bashkë me nënkryetarin prof.dr.Berim Ramosaj, pritën në një takim kryetarin e Partisë Liberale të Kosovës z.Gjergj Dedaj me bashkëpunëtorë.

"the goddess on the throne"

 "the goddess on the throne" was made by members of the Bardhosh culture about six thousand years ago. As the United Nations' Special Representative of the Secretary-General Michael Steiner said, "she is not the expression of any ethnic group, but represents something that transcends ethnicity and politics - she represents the culture and richness of the whole region".

 E verteta4_U:

This might also be on Kosovo's new flag. What a shame if it is.  A muslim nation to have a pagan goddess as its flag.

Proof Rugova converted

Kosovo, Rugova si converte simpatia per il cristianesimo

                                                                Peter Rugova 1944-2006

Kosovo Belongs To...............!!

Even the simpsons are talking about KOSOVO

Leaders hold fresh Kosovo talks

Politicians from Kosovo and Belgrade are meeting international envoys in Austria to try to decide Kosovo's future before a December deadline.

Euro News Videos On Kosovo

Takimi tjetër Prishtinë-Beograd në shtator në Nju Jork, thotë kryeministri Çeku

Kryeministri i Kosovës Agim Çeku, menjëherë pas mbarimit të takimit me Treshen ndërkombëtare, në një intervistë për BBC në shqip, ka deklaruar se në Vjenë nuk është hapur çështja e statusit. Ai ka thënë se Treshja ka nxjerrë disa obligime për palën e Prishtinës dhe ka caktuar agjendën e takimeve të radhës.

Kosovo leader vows to declare independence if talks fail

VIENNA: The prime minister of Kosovo vowed Thursday to declare independence if internationally brokered talks failed to "open a way for us," staking out a tough position at last-ditch negotiations on the province's future.

Serbian FM: Direct Kosovo talks in New York

VIENNA -- Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić said agreement was reached for Belgrade and Priština to start direct Kosovo talks soon.

Kosovo talks to open with no hint of breakthrough

BELGRADE (Reuters) - Last-chance talks on the future of Serbia's breakaway province of Kosovo open in Vienna on Thursday, without even the glimmer of a breakthrough in sight.