e premte, tetor 12, 2007

War fears in Kosovo as Moscow veto looms

E Verteta4_U: Re-Posted by reader request.

Paul Envisions Smaller Government, Less Global Intervention

As part of an ongoing series of in-depth interviews with presidential candidates, Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, explains his vision of limited government, decreased U.S. intervention in conflicts abroad and details his stance as an anti-war Republican.

Ron Paul in NYC

We found out tonight that CNN and local New York media will be covering a rally
tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 10:00 AM at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Midtown
Manhattan. Ron Paul will be making an appearance.

Your attendance will be very much appreciated by Dr. Paul.

Let's send a message to the Mainstream Media that Ron Paul is in it to win!

Grand Hyatt website: http://www.grandnewyork.hyatt.com/hyatt/hotels/index.jsp

The International Murdoch Media Smearing Of Ron Paul Begins

Me fat festa e fiter bajramit !

SRSG’s message on the occasion of Fitr Bajram

PRISTINA – Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in Kosovo (SRSG)
Joachim Ruecker issued the following message on the occasion of Fitr Bajram

Al Gore dhe Paneli i OKB-së për klimë, fitues të Nobelit për paqë

Aktivisti i fushës së ndryshimeve klimatike, ish nën kryetari amerikan Al Gore, si dhe Paneli Ndërqeveritar i OKB-së për Ndryshimet Klimatike janë fitues të Çmimit Nobel për Paqe. Do shiqptare kan kujtu se fiton Martti Ahtisarrii Heheheheehehehhehe !

9-11 Truth at Mount Rushmore

Ron Paul Girl - Register Now!

The Nobel: Dynamite or damp squib?

The Nobel Peace Prize has a long history of being awarded to people who seem ill-deserving of it, and the current award to Al Gore underscores that the Peace Prize can be and often is decided on political agendas.

Cop shoots man. Cop cuffs man. Then he pistol whips him. All on video. No charges laid. No investigation.

M. Ferati & Sh. Behluli

3. Me fat Bajramin          ENJOY !    And from all of us here at E Verteta we wish you all a happy bajram !   ME FAT BAJRAMI !  EID MUBARAK !

No, Really by Rick Fisk

Fundraising is another indicator of real support. Ron Paul raised 5 million last quarter which isn’t as much as Thompson, Romney or Giuliani. But it represents a 114% increase over second quarter fundraising. It will also be used far more efficiently than other campaigns which have yet to acquire significant grass roots support for the money they’ve raised and spent so far. This is a very important issue. Romney has been running millions of dollars worth of television ads and does not have much to show for it. And more and more, old media members continue to hop on Ron Paul’s bandwagon.

Kryetari Daci uron besimtarët mysliman

Me rastin e festes së Fiter Bajramit, ju shprehi urimet e mia më të sinqerta të gjithë besimtarëve të fesë islame, si dhe kryetarit të Bashkësisë Islame myftiut Naim Tërnava.

Kavaje, Berisha vizitoi Xhamine me rastin e Bajramit

Me rastin e Festes se Fiter Bajramit Kryeministri Berisha, i shoqeruar nga bashkeshortja, vizitoi paraditen e sotme Xhamine e qytetit te Kavajes, ku u prit nga Myftiu i xhamise Besnik Leçini, Imami Xhaferr Shkodra dhe besmitare te tjere.

`Eid astronomically on October 13

Muslims will celebrate `Eid Al-Fitr, the feast that marks the end of Ramadan, on Saturday, according to astronomical calculations.


It is clear from this article that the powers-the-think-they-are are very afraid of Ron Paul. This is just one of several articles which have appeared all at the same time trying to sell the idea that Ron Paul's popularity is a manufactured illusion that exists only on the internet. This of course ignores his recent fundraising success, and the very obvious support that shows up at every public venue where Ron Paul speaks.

There is also a certain arrogance displayed in these articles which implies that the internet is somehow not part of the real world, and of course, an implied message that the mainstream media is somehow more to be trusted than the internet, even though the media repeated without question the myth that Iraq had nuclear bombs, while the internet blogs reported correctly that the claims were bogus.

As I mentioned before, the current media-war is not just about Ron Paul. At stake is the future direction of American politics and whether the US Mainstream Media will continue their self-appointed role of pre-screening all candidates before the voters ever set foot in the polls, or if We The People will restore our right to choose for ourselves which candidates shall be on the ballots.

Rev. Yearwood: "Ron Paul is Better than a Lot of Democrats!"

Ron Paul fundraising shocks the media: 5 million! (MSNBC)

Austrian president wades into deportation debate

VIENNA, Austria: Austria's president on Thursday waded into a national debate about deportations of foreigners, saying he remembered a time when Austrians fled to other countries, and were admitted.

Brussels encourages Kosovo talks

BRUSSELS, NEW YORK -- The European Union wants “all efforts” to be put into securing a status solution via negotiations.

Kondoliza Rajs dhe Robert Gejts në Moskë, bisedojnë edhe për Kosovën

Sekretarja amerikane e Shtetit, Kondoliza Rajs dhe Sekretari i Mbrojtjes, Robert Gejts, kanë filluar sot bisedimet strategjike në Moskë me homologët rusë në përpjekje për të zbutur mosmarrëveshjet për statusin e Kosovës dhe për planet amerikane të raketave në Europë.

U mbajt ceremonia qendrore e faljes së Fitër Bajramit

Kryetari i Bashkësisë islame të Kosovës, myftiu Naim Tërnava edhe në ceremoninë qendrore bëri thirrje për dashuri në mes njerëzve, tolerancë e mirëqenie të përgjithshme. Ai kërkoi nga të gjithë besimtarët që festa e Bajramit të Madh të shërbejë për forcimin e lidhjeve familjare e vëllazërore në mes tyre. Në ceremoninë e faljes së Bajramit të Madh në Prishtinë morën pjesë edhe përfaqësues të partive politike dhe qytetarë të shumtë.

Free RON PAUL 2008 stickers

Free vinyl stickers...Ron Paul 2008 red , white or blue (specify) Appx 3"x 7".. with self-addressed, stamped envelope. This is not paid for or in any way compensated by the Ron Paul campaign. We have called and gotten approval from them to do this as long as we make this clear. (tax purposes) We are just patriotic Americans who would love to see a real change in our country.We are doing this on our own. Send a self-addressed stamped envelope (one stamp is sufficient) to: Ron Paul sticker offer 19754 McKillop Rd. N.E. Scotts Mills, Oregon 97375 Any donations will go into more stickers...:) Or better yet, donate to Ron Pauls campaign at www.ronpaul2008.com