e martë, prill 01, 2008

Could the Bucharest NATO Summit Give Birth to an EU Army?

Ron Paul Interview - WOR Radio New York - 3/31/2008

Liberty Maven has posted the audio of this morning's interview on WOR New York Radio. The interview runs just over 13 minutes with the commercials removed. Dr. Paul discusses taxes, government expansion, economics, and his new book.

LISTEN HERE. Thank you Liberty Maven, thank you Ron Paul.

FACTBOX- Profiles of NATO hopefuls Albania, Croatia, Macedonia

Following are key facts about Albania, Croatia and Macedonia, the Balkan countries hoping to be invited to join NATO this week. All three already have small contingents of troops serving in United Nations and NATO-led missions.

Çështja Fort Diks: Gjykata dënon Agron Abdullahun me 20 muaj burg

Në Shtetet e Bashkuara, një emigrant shqiptar u dënua me 20 muaj burg për shkak se në bashkëpunim kishte furnizuar me armë një grup që akuzohet se komplotonte të sulmonte ushtarët në bazën Fort Diks të Nju Xhersit.

Botach Tactical and AEY Inc., family arms dealerships

Efraim's dad, Michael Diveroli, told the media that he had nothing to do with his son's arms trading.

"I would prefer he became a nice Jewish doctor or lawyer rather than an arms dealer. He's never asked for my approval on the company. He doesn't always take my advice, I don't influence him. As a father of a boy genius he's hard to control," Michael Diveroli told WFOR-TV.

That's hard to believe. Fedvendor.com lists Michael Diveroli as AEY's sales manager and its government business contact. The elder Diveroli incorporated AEY in 1999 and installed his son as president in 2005. Michael Diveroli also has two businesses of his own that get government contracts for police equipment and office supplies.


Watch the following video to see how Muslims are treated in the USA.... and the reactions of the others when they witness it...