e shtunë, mars 22, 2008

New 9/11 Truth Film Preview

Why isn't Israeli involvement mentioned in any of the other films out there? Well its time to start bringing this topic to light. This is the first 10 minute clip of the new film being made by www.prothink.org

The Easiest Targets - Part 1

Part 1 - Five women -- Palestinian, American, Muslim, Christian, and Jewish -- tell stories of humiliation and harassment by Israeli border guards and airport security officials.

We Are Change Confronts Carl Cameron on Media’s 9/11 Truth Ignorance

E Verteta4_U: Good !

Cheney’s “peace” trip to Middle East prepares new wars

US Vice President Dick Cheney, during a trip to the Middle East aimed at consolidating Washington's position in its ongoing wars of aggression and preparing new ones, gave vent Wednesday to his utter contempt for the will of the American people.

Veton Surroi on Kosovo

The Kosovar statesman and publisher explains why the EU is a hostage to the new country's transitional period. ( AUDIO)