Kryetari i LDD-së akademik Nexhat Daci priti në një takim kandidatët e LDD-së për kryetar të komunave të Kosovës për zgjedhjet e 17 nëntorit.
e premte, tetor 19, 2007
Kryetari Daci u takua me kandidatët e LDD-së për kryetarë të komunave
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 10/19/2007 0 komentet
Establishment Media Finally Admits Ron Paul Is Top Tier Candidate; Could Win Nomination
Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul has broken through to the top tier of Republican candidates running for president. He knows it, GOP voters know it, and as previously reported; media outlets are grudgingly admitting it.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 10/19/2007 0 komentet
Washington wants Kosovo conference, with no vetoes
E Verteta4_U: Okay now what this is folks is just nother reason to delay the dec. 10th deadline and to have a conference just like they did in dayton and we all know what happen their Bosnia got some land taken away from them. So now the Kosovo status might look like this : the north tip of Kosova ( Mitrovica area) will go to the serbs. With the energy and coal mining sector (Trepca) being on Kosovas side ready for the west to get their hands all over it. Of course both sides will be very upset but rember this conference has no vetos in it.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 10/19/2007 0 komentet
"UNMIK mission in Kosovo – failure"
E Verteta4_U: I think Vetevendosje leader Albin Kurti and I are the only Albanians who have said this for years now. "UNMIK = failure"
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 10/19/2007 0 komentet
Në Prishtinë dhe Mitrovicë fillon "Java e luftimit të varfërisë"
Prej sot e deri më 24 tetor në Prishtinë dhe Mitrovicë me një varg aktivitetesh do të shënohet "Java e luftimit të varfërisë", që synon ngritjen e vetëdijes për çështjet që kanë të bëjnë me Kosovën.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 10/19/2007 0 komentet
Kosova nuk mund të mbetet peng i një statusi të papërcaktuar, tha Topi
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 10/19/2007 0 komentet
Çmimi i bukës prej sot 45 cent
Shoqata e furrtarëve të Kosovës në takimin e mbrëmshëm në Prishtinë, ka vendosur që çmimi i bukës nga sot do të ngritet në 45 cent.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 10/19/2007 0 komentet
Grossman: SHBA-ja nuk do të pret gjatë pas 10 dhjetorit
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 10/19/2007 0 komentet
Ekipi i Unitetit nuk pranon bisedime tjera pas 10 dhjetorit
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 10/19/2007 0 komentet
St. Pete Times Attacks Ron Paul
He's unimportant amd irrelevant, says the St. Petersburg Times, so that's why they ran a major hit piece, complete with the obligatory "Angry Ron" photo.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 10/19/2007 0 komentet
Putin briefs Israeli leader on Iran trip
Israeli President Shimon Peres, whose position is largely ceremonial, issued a statement on Thursday comparing Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Hitler and saying there was proof Iran was manufacturing nuclear weapons.
"Even if President Putin says he's not sure that Iran is developing nuclear power for war... many intelligence services around the world have proof that Iran is looking to make nuclear arms for war and death."
Posted Oct 19, 2007 07:45 AM PST
Category: IRAN
Memo to Shimon Peres: Putin has not said that he " not sure that Iran is developing nuclear power for war": he has stated firmly that they are not.
It is Russian technicians doing the work on installing the power plant, so Putin is, let us say, in a rather decent position to know.
El Baradei of the IAEA has stated that the Iranians are not building a weapons plant.
And if you are going to make the claim that "....many intelligence services around the world have proof that Iran is looking to make nuclear arms for war and death", why have these intelligence services not come forth and told the world the facts of what they have found?
The bottom line is, you have utterly no proof of these allegations, or you would have presented it in this statement. (MR)
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 10/19/2007 0 komentet
Finally, Action! Ron Paul Introduces Bill to Defend Constitution!
On Monday, Rep. Ron Paul, the outsider Republican presidential candidate who has long upheld these values and who was an early voice warning of the grave danger to all of us of these abuses, introduced the AFA's legislative package into Congress. (The mainstream press has an irrational habit of disparaging outsider candidates -- as if corrupt money and machine endorsements equal seriousness of purpose -- even though the Founders hoped that the system they established would lead citizens, ideally those unembedded in the establishment, to offer their service to the nation.) It is the American Freedom Agenda Act of 2007 [PDF], and you should read it in its entirety: just as accounts of the recent abuses send chills down your spine, this beautifully argued document feels historic and has the ring of great power to correct great injustice.
Posted Oct 19, 2007 08:12 AM PST
The problem is that we already HAD laws that made the actions of the current administration illegal. Congress and the Judiciary simply ignored that inconvenient fact.
I'm understand why Ron Paul is introducing this legislation; he is committed to working within the system. And while Congress may well pass this bill in order to make themselves look good for the 2008 elections, common sense will tell you that they have no more intention of enforcing the new law than they have the old until We The People force the Congress to do their job.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 10/19/2007 0 komentet
Nooses Found Hanging Inside N.J. Home Depot
The candidates are desperate to have issues they can campaign on going into 2008. The one issue they do not want to talk about is the war. That is a losing issue for any candidate who refuses to end the war.
So, expect desperate attempt to create new issues to distract voters from the war. Global Warming is already faltering due to bad science. Illegal immigration is already losing immediacy. So, we get birth control pills to 6th graders, and nooses and swastikas to try to stir up the dust somewhere else, ANYWHERE else, anywhere but the war and the lies that tricked us into them.
So, to my black brothers and white brothers and red brothers and green brothers, please do not get suckered in. All of this noose nonsense is just desperate attention-getting by candidates who create a problem, then demand your vote to fix it. This is no different than when Hitler had his Brown Shirts cause trouble all over Germany, then ran for office with a promise to make the trouble stop. Germany feel for it, and look what happened to them.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 10/19/2007 0 komentet
How a Second Terrorist Attack Will Benefit George W. Bush
Bush may not have been warning of World War III but threatening it. There is always the possibility that World War III is already begun.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 10/19/2007 0 komentet
Putin calls on U.S. to set pullout date in Iraq
MOSCOW, Russia (CNN) -- Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday called on the United States to set a date for withdrawal from Iraq, saying the U.S. military campaign had become a "pointless" battle against the Iraqi people
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 10/19/2007 0 komentet