e enjte, qershor 07, 2007

Are we heading towards a new Cold War?

The Russian foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, has accused the West of acting in the spirit of the Cold War by deciding to build part of a missile shield in central Europe.


Kosovo urges UN vote, Russian veto or not

PRISTINA, (Reuters) - Kosovo is prepared to make a unilateral declaration of independence and is pressing the West to go ahead with a vote at the United Nations even if Russia is likely to veto the proposition.

In twice delaying the decision from last year to accommodate Serbia, Surroi said, Kosovo had become collateral damage in the West's worsening relations with President Vladimir Putin's Russia.

E Verteta4_U

"Kosovo had become collateral damage" This is the best thing Surroi has said all year!

Its about time they are seeing the truth ( e verteta ) over there.


Vendet e G8-es shtyjne votimin per rezoluten e Kosoves

Presidenti frances, Nicolas Sarkozy, ka propozuar sot, ne mbledhjen e vendeve te G8-es, nje afat suplementar 6-mujor per te reflektuar mbi statusin e ardhshem e Kosoves.

E Verteta4_U

 For all those non albanian speakers, this is a news alert on the Kosova Status settlement.  " Kosova status is going to be delayed for 6 months"  thats right 6 MONTHS !!!




UN Prosecutor "Optimistic" Mladic Arrest "Within Weeks"

DOW JONES NEWSWIRES -- Ratko Mladic, the Bosnian Serb wartime army commander accused of genocide, could be arrested "within a few weeks", the chief prosecutor at the U.N. tribunal in The Hague has said, The Financial Times reports Wednesday.


Serbia's president says leaders all in agreement to arrest Mladic

BELGRADE, Serbia-Serbia's leaders are all determined to arrest most-wanted U.N. war crimes fugitive Gen. Ratko Mladic, the president was quoted as saying in an interview Wednesday, hours before he was due to meet with chief U.N. war crimes prosecutor for the former Yugoslavia.


Futboll: Zyrtarizohet transferimi i Riberisë tek Bajerni

Mesfushori i kombëtares franceze dhe anëtari i deritashëm i Olimpikut të Marsejës, Frank Riberi ka nënshkruar kontratë katërvjeçare me Bajernin e Munihut, ka bërë të ditur presidenti i Olimpikut, Pape Diuf.

E Verteta4_U

Why would this be todays headline news in Kosova ?


Janë vendosur kriteret për simbolet e Kosovës

Flamuri i shtetit të Kosovës duhet të jetë origjinal dhe të mos i përngjaj ndonjë flamuri kombëtar apo partiak. Kështu është bërë e ditur pas takimit të grupit punues, ku janë përcaktuar kriteret për simbolet e shtetit të Kosovës. Në takimin i cili është mbajtur me shefen e Zyrës amerikane Tina Kaidanov dhe përfaqësuesin e BE-se Torbjon Solstrom, grupi ka arritur t`i harmonizojë qëndrimet dhe të propozoj kriteret dhe dinamikën e procesit të përcaktimit të simboleve.


KS pezullon votimin e rezolutes per statusin e Kosoves

Ambasadori amerikan në OKB bashkë me ambasadorin gjerman vendosën që ky proces të (shtyhet) deri sa të përfundojë samiti i liderëve te G8.

Bush, Clinton put U.S. on edge of new Cold War with Russia

Anti-Russia hawks are now pushing to bring Ukraine and Georgia into NATO. If they succeed, we could be dragged into future confrontations with a nuclear-armed Russia about who has sovereignty over the Crimea and whether South Ossetia should be part of Georgia.

Are these vital U.S. interests worth risking a war? Why are we moving a U.S.-led military alliance into the front yard and onto the side porch of a country with thousands of nuclear weapons? Would we accept any commensurate Chinese or Russian move in the Caribbean?

E Verteta4_U

And please remember one thing: the only people who 'win' a cold war are the weapons manufacturers and dealers.

Paris Hilton out of jail

Paris Hilton was let out from jail Thursday morning, just days after she began serving her 45-day sentence for violating probation, a spokesman for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department said at a press conference.

E Verteta4_U

Proving once again that there is one set of laws for the ultra rich, and another entirely for the rest of us.
