e hënë, nëntor 19, 2007

Talk by Naomi Wolf - The End of America

Talk by Naomi Wolf author of "The End of America: Letter of Warning To A Young Patriot" given October 11, 2007 at Kane Hall on the University of Washington campus.

Our Road to Kosovo (Documentary by James Saldana)

Documentary project about several students' trip to Kosovo during the Serbian/Albanian conflict.



LDD-ja fituesi moral i zgjedhjeve

Nën kryesimin e kryetarit të LDD-së akademik Nexhat Daci u mbajt takimi i rregullt javorë, i pari takim pas zgjedhjeve të 17 nëntorit.

Fallon: Iranian behavior unhelpful

The Iranians need to realize that the U.S. is ready to stand up to them and the region is concerned about their radical rhetoric, the top American commander in the Middle East said Sunday.

Memo to Admiral Fallon: precisely what do you mean in terms of Iran whey you way that "The Iranians need to realize that the U.S. is ready to stand up to them"?

Are we truly talking about a military strike, when Russian political officials have stated very publicly that an attack against Iran will be viewed as an attack against Russia? (MR)

Why Attack Iran?

More and more people seem to take it as given that a nuclear-armed Iran would use its nuclear weapons to attack the United States. Yet there is no plausible argument, and very little evidence, for that conclusion.

Indeed, for the U.S. government to attack a country that has not attacked us and isn't even threatening to do so would be to commit an immoral, and probably illegal, act. But that's another story.

Hashim Thaci, Kosovo's 'Gerry Adams,' is poised to be province's next prime minister

As a rebel leader, Hashim Thaci masterminded the insurgency that ended Serbia's rule over Kosovo. Now he's poised to become not only the province's next prime minister, but the man expected to lead it into statehood.

Talks on Kosovo's Future Sour Amid Spat

Kosovo warned over independence

Foreign ministers from several EU countries have urged Kosovo Albanians not to declare unilateral independence following Saturday's elections.

EU urges Kosovo not to rush towards independence

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union countries on Monday urged Serbia's breakaway Kosovo not to rush into a declaration of independence, with its backers insisting any such move should be coordinated internationally.

Balkans to splinter if Kosovo breaks away- Serbia

EU leads new bid to break Kosovo deadlock

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - International mediators launch new talks with Serb and Kosovo Albanian leaders on Tuesday in a bid to break the deadlock over Kosovo's future, but diplomats say prospects of a deal remain bleak.

EU ministers advise Thaci against unilateral moves

"Kosovo is de facto independent from Serbia. I don't think Kosovo wants to be independent from the international community,"

Personalitete të ndryshme urojnë Hashim Thaçin me rastin e fitores së PDK-së në zgjedhjet e 17 nëntorit

Kryetarin e Partisë Demokratike të Kosovës Hashim Thaçin vazhdojnë ta urojnë personalitete të jashtme dhe të botës shqiptare me rastin e fitores së PDK-së në zgjedhjet e 17 Nëntorit.

Pas rezultateve zyrtare Sejdiu thotë se do të kërkojë fillimin e bisedimeve për konstituimin e shpejtë të qeverisë

Dëshiroj me këtë rast të vlerësoj lart procesin e zgjedhjeve të organizuara në Kosovë më datë 17 nëntor, në të cilat qytetarët e Kosovës treguan pjekuri të lartë politike duke qenë pjesëmarrës të rëndësishëm në një proces me domethënie të veçantë në të cilin po kalon Kosova. Megjithatë, duhet të shpreh keqardhjen time për përqindjen e ulët të pjesëmarrjes së qytetarëve të Kosovës në këto zgjedhje, edhe pse kjo nuk e zbeh shkallën e lartë të kulturës demokratike të demonstruar.

Pasdite KQZ-ja shpallë rezultatet e para zyrtare të zgjedhjeve të 17 nëntorit


NATO, UN to Get Tough in Kosovo

Belgrade, Pristina _ NATO and the UN police in Kosovo are reportedly planning to tighten their control over the predominantly-Serb north, if Kosovo declares its independence after talks on its future end next month.

Albania Welcomes Kosovo Vote

Tirana _ Albania’s top politicians have unanimously hailed the weekend poll held in Kosovo as an important step towards the UN-administered entity’s independence.