e mërkurë, tetor 24, 2007

Anti-War Protest in NYC

On Oct. 27, the people will be heard around the country to say, "This war has got to end and it has got to end now!"

Rally at 12 noon
Assemble on Broadway, south of 23rd Street (Please use 23rd St. subway stations)
March at 1:00 p.m.
2 Minutes of Silence to Honor those who have died - 2:45 p.m.
Peace and Justice Fair       Also the e verteta crew will be there live 

Bomb Iran? U.S. Requests Bunker-Buster Bombs

FBI: al-Qaeda detainee spoke of fire plot

The last report from the International Space Station is that the remains of the WRH Bovine Excrement Meter just missed the shuttle Discovery on their way into outer space.
Film at 11.


This memo is actually from 2003, but FOX News is claiming this is a new development.

Even for Bush, this is pretty low. Bush is desperate to distract from the fact that, like Louisiana, Southern California is taking it in the teeth from a natural disaster because federal funds for wildfire control and needed equipment were cut, and the money spent on the wars in Iraq. In both cases, Bush sent most of the National Guard to Iraq.

And remember, Al Qaeda (translation: "The Toilet") is actually a phony front for CIA and Mossad.

Ron Paul Million Dollar NH Push?

Jeffersonian conservative GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul (R-Tex) visited his new New Hampshire Concord-based headquarters in the early afternoon of October 23 and sources came away convinced that the campaign was serious about putting its resources to work to do as well as possible in this critical state.

Serb threats ahead of Kosovo polls must stop: UN

U.S. pins Kosovo force on NATO's Afghan commitment

KIEV (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates will consider shifting U.S. troops from Kosovo to Afghanistan next year if NATO allies do not fulfill their commitments, U.S. government officials said.

Kosovo Albanians reject extending talks deadline

PARIS (Reuters) - Kosovo Albanians ruled out extending negotiations over the future of the breakaway province past a December 10 deadline, saying on Sunday they wanted the issue resolved as soon as possible.

Controlling the News

It was felt at the time that Mr. Cheney would understand this matter and be able to make a presentation to the President. In a number of substantive talks with Mr. Cheney, it was mutually decided that the attacks should proceed. The reasons agreed upon were that it would at once give the President the opportunity of securing great domestic power with the legislature and the public. It would also permit, and most important, that the U.S. could attack Saddam Hussein.
Posted Oct 24, 2007 08:09 AM PST

Now that the official story for 9-11 has collapsed, we see the various parties trying to shift the blame onto each other. Here is the "Well, Arabs still did it, but the US government allowed it to happen", provided (as the article states quite clearly) by Israeli sources. (MR)

Ron Paul: A New Hope

Another great video out on youtube

Bush offers to bomb Kurds

"We can put off levee maintenance and dead-brush clearing another year to pay for it!" -- Official White Horse Souse (MR)

McCain, Giuliani, Paul Officially Join Ballot

CONCORD, N.H. -- Three Republicans officially joined the Republican presidential primary ballot on Tuesday.

Dega e LDD-së Prishtina IV promovoi kandidatët e saj për zgjedhjet e nëntorit

Në selinë e LDD-së dega e LDD-së Prishtina IV promovoi kandidatët e saj për këshilltar të kuvendit komunal dhe për deputet në Kuvendin e Kosovës.

EU mission “preparing for Kosovo”

Pasnesër fillon fushata zgjedhore

Çeku: Vendet e Kuintit kanë dhënë sinjale për njohjen e pavarësisë së Kosovës