PRIŠTINA -- Kosovo president Fatmir Sejdiu told Spain’s El Pais daily that “Albanians know Kosovo status agreement will come very soon”.
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How soon Mr. President ? Albanians were told that an agreement will be reached by the end of 06 but that was a LIE. Albanians were told Right after Serbia's election the status will be over with, but it was another Lie. Mr Ceku which you picked to be your PM told LIES to the Albanians " Kosova will be free by end of May " Ceku said. Well Mr. President maybe a March 04 should take place because the Albanians had enough of these LIES being told to them!
Never forget this Mr. President " Liria nuk jepet por duhet me marre vet !" Freedom does not come itself you must take it yourslef !
e shtunë, maj 26, 2007
Sejdiju: March 2004 will not repeat
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Sekretari i Përgjithshëm i OKB, Ban Ki Moon, mbështet planin Ahtisaari
"Çështja e statusit të Kosovës tanimë është para Këshillit të Sigurimit", tha dje zëdhënësja e Sekretarit të Përgjithshëm të Kombeve të Bashkuara Michele Montas, duke bërë të qartë përgjigjen ndaj kërkesës së Beogradit për bisedime të reja për Kosovën.
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How many times are they going to tell us they support the Ahtisarri Plan ??????
Everyday its russia saying they dont support the plan , than the next day its the US saying they support the plan. But in the end nothing is being done to end the Kosova status problem.
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Serbian government demands fresh Kosovo talks
BELGRADE -- The Serbian government will officially ask UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to launch fresh round of Kosovo talks.
The government in its session held Friday adopted “The Initiative of the Republic of Serbia for launching a new phase of negotiations on the future status of Kosovo-Metohija,” and forwarded it to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.The text of the initiative reads that negotiations on the future status of Kosovo-Metohija, conducted from February 21, 2006 to March 10, 2007, did not lead to a solution based on agreement, the government reported on its web site.
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It has taken 6 months for serbia to form a government ( Lets not forget that) . Which means they can never be able to show the world that they can run Kosova the way they say they can.
But they asked for a delay before i dont see why not Ban ki boon would not listen to them now.
I smell more delay in the status of Kosova !!!
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