e diel, janar 13, 2008

9/11 - 2/1/2006 BYU Professor Steven E Jones WTC Lecture UVSC

BYU Physics professor and founder of SCHOLARS FOR 9/11 TRUTH Steven E Jones presents his presentation on the collapse of WTC Buildings 1,2, ... all » and 7 on 9/11. A very informative and scientific presentation that raises serious questions about the official account of the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7


magine being sent forward in time from 1968 to 2008. Instead of gas costing 25 cents a gallon, it's $3.00 or more. A decent home, intead of costing $15,000, costs $250,000 or more. Imagine your shock that the average American family owes $9000 on their credit cards. Imagine entering a society where less than 2% of the cars on the road are owned by those that drive them, and less than 1% of the homes are owned by the people who live in them. Welcome to the debt based slave state of America in 2008. It is all symbolic of how the globalists have America right where they want it, and are eager to finish it off.

Dollar in Danger- The Greatest Threat to America

ron paul march

The next worldwide march has been moved up to Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, January 21, 2008! The march will coincide with the next major donation day

freeatlast2008 Money Bomb for Ron Paul

Please join us this January 21st as we honor Dr. Martin Luther King, by acting together to support Dr. Ron Paul, a new hero who fights for the same American principles of liberty and justice for all.

Free at last?

Remember to donate on January 21st! (Ron Paul Money Bomb)

Michigan people you're doing a good job - New Polls!

Serbian PM demands that EU drop plans to send mission to Kosovo

SHPK: Bie numri i aksidenteve

E Verteta4_U: THANK GOD !

Kryeministri Thaçi tha se nuk ekziston pjesa veriore ose jugore e Kosovës

Këshilli i Sigurimit takohet të mërkurën për Kosovën

"U.S., EU may have to apply brakes to Kosovo promise"

NEW YORK -- Serbia refuses to give up Kosovo, even if it means giving up the EU, Newsweek reports.

Jeremić warns of possible Kosovo partition

BERLIN, BELGRADE -- Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić says that despite Serbia's wishes, the north of Kosovo could separate.

Alex Jones w/ Mike Rivero 1-7-08 pt 1of2

Alex is also joined by independent journalist and editor of whatreallyhappened.com to discuss shenanigans at the Iowa caucus, an incident in Iran that U.S. officials called "a serious provocation" and more.

"Hostile" Iranian Ships Hyped By War-Hungry Neo-Cons On Eve Of Bush Trip.