e mërkurë, tetor 31, 2007

Buildings Topple Over

Compare these photos of genuine building collapses with WTC-7.

Ron Paul Banners engulf MSNBC Dem Debate ANTI-WAR

Ron Paul's Presidential Odds Drastically Slashed

Britain's biggest bookmaker William Hill has drastically slashed Ron Paul's odds of becoming president from 66/1 to just 12/1, putting him on course to go head to head with Rudolph Giuliani for the Republican nomination, which will be decided in the next six months.

Obama, Edwards attack; Clinton bombs debate

We now know something that we did not know before: When Hillary Clinton has a bad night, she really has a bad night.

Ipkonet tests new GSM network

Telekom Slovenije, Mobitel, and Ipkonet have made a successful test call using the new Kosovo GSM network (area code 049).

Comment: Kosovo - is Time a Healer?

The US draft document on freezing Kosovo’s status until 2020, could - if adopted - open the way to a mutually-acceptable solution.

Man pleads guilty to weapons charge in Fort Dix plot case

Why Americans Will Believe Almost Anything

Even the most undiscriminating viewer may suspect that TV newsreaders and news articles are not telling us the whole story. The slightly more lucid may have begun to glimpse the calculated intent of standard news content and are wondering about the reliability and accuracy of the way events are presented. For the very few who take time to research beneath the surface of the daily programming and who are still capable of independent thought, a somewhat darker picture begins to emerge. These may perceive bits of evidence of the profoundly technical science behind much of what is served up in mass media.

Ron Paul Is Not Being Included In Polls

A cursory glance of national polling data will reveal to anyone, even the most diehard supporter of corporate media’s integrity, that the mainstream polls used as statistical proof of Ron Paul’s low chances more often than not do NOT include Ron Paul in the polls.

Westerners are preparing for a unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo

Boy confesses to starting California fire

E Verteta4_U: Fox is saying the boy is Affiliated with Al qaeda aka ( the toilet)

"Vetëvendosja" vazhdon fushatën kundër zgjedhjeve

SHBA-të mohojnë të kenë plan të ri për Kosovën

e martë, tetor 30, 2007

Ron Paul on tonights show with Jay Leno

Tune in at 11:30 est ( check local listings )

Ron Paul's Iowa dreams becoming more real

E Verteta4_U: Note how the media puts this bad photo of Ron Paul in order to make the voter think bad of him. Its sad to say but most people vote only on how these candidates look now a days.

Prishtina, capital city only by name

The “Strategy 2020” is a utopian and unclear vision. The plan is based on wild assumptions and
unreliable data, said Verena Knaus, analyst of ESI.

Ron Paul Gaining Ground In New Hampshire

A newly released presidential primary preference poll indicates that Ron Paul is gaining significant ground in New Hampshire and dispels the mainstream media myth that the Congressman is not amongst the top tier candidates.

Front page of Todays Express Newspaper

Ceku on front page.

Kosovo PM: Independence not for Sale

“Nobody can cheat us by offering money instead of independence”, said Ceku for Express daily on Tuesday. “Independence is not for sale”

Belgrade rejects Ischinger Kosovo idea

BELGRADE, BERLIN -- Prime Minister Vojislav Koštunica has announced his participation in the November 5 Kosovo talks in Vienna.

'War on terror' is now war on Iran

One can imagine what would happen if any developing country branded the US industrial-military complex as "terrorists" - and any number of countries would have plenty of reasons to do so. By stretching its "war on terror" logic to actually naming names, the Bush administration has boxed itself into no other option than regime change in Iran.
Posted Oct 30, 2007 09:26 AM PST
Category: IRAN

It appears that Bush and his minions have absolutely created a "no exit" strategy leading to some kind of strike on Iran.

The only question is when.

Does World War III Loom Large?

If the US and Russia continue a course of mutual belligerency — albeit gloved — the road to Armageddon will be short.

The West must understand that Russia newly flushed with energy wealth is no longer an underdog but a major world player. Russia, in its turn, must quit sending its bombers to tease Western countries. The US should come to terms with the fact it's no longer the only policeman on the block.

War protests: Why no coverage?

Russian FM in surprise Iran trip

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is to go to Iran on Tuesday for a previously unannounced visit.

Albania's president wants general prosecutor Sollaku to step down

Albania's PM and Prosecutor Fight Corruption – and Each Other

irana's efforts to curb corruption are held hostage to the government's feud with the prosecutor-general.

Albania Lobbies Islamic Conference over Kosovo

Tirana _ Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha has called on Egypt to persuade the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, OIC, member-states to recognize en bloc a possible declaration of independence by Kosovo.

Troika Sets out Principles for Kosovo Talks

Kryetari Daci priti në një takim udhëheqësit e partisë turke BBP

Kryetari i Lidhjes Demokratike të Dardanisë akademik Nexhat Daci priti në një takim udhëheqësit e partisë turke (Buyuk Birlik Partisi) BBP, në krye me z.Muhsin Yazicioglu –Kryetar i BBP-së dhe deputet në parlamentin Turk, dr.Ahmet Sanverdi – nënkryetar i BBP-së, z.Eyup Gokhan- anëtar i kryesisë së BBP-së etj.

U.S. pushes to get Russia on its side

BERLIN: The United States is prepared to offer concessions to Russia over the Conventional Armed Forces in Europe Treaty to try to persuade Moscow to soften its positions on Kosovo and Iran, diplomats said Monday.

Ishinger propozon marrëveshjen midis dy gjermanive nga 1972, si model për raportet Kosovë- Serbi?

Can Kosovo play the game?

Sport is one bright side of the after-war period in Kosovo. It is also one of the few things that has made the most gains and maintained those throughout the years. Mind you, it has not been an easy road, but it just seems that when it comes to sports, the exuberance is unsurpassed in other fields of life.
Sport is the only field of life that has transpired the ethnic divisions on the national level. For example, you have a basketball club from the northern, Serb part of Mitrovica playing the team in the southern, Albanian part. Basketball and other sports matches are pretty much all the interaction that the two ethnicities get there, despite living a bridge apart from each other. Other basketball and football teams incorporate players from Bosnia, Croatia, Albanian, Montenegro, and Macedonia on top of the sport powerhouse nations such as the United States. The girls of my hometown handball team recently got the chance to play a team from Serbia. Imagine the cathartic event considering that out of a couple of thousands of Serbs before the war, none lives there today, and that, hundreds of Albanians are still missing and many others found in mass graves in Serbia.
Kosovars care deeply about sports will all the major championships and leagues broadcast and followed religiously. Pick up any newspaper or TV program schedule and you will see what I mean.
That is why the current isolation of Kosovar sport is unacceptable. Rather than finding reasons to keep Kosovo’s sports teams from international participation, relevant authorities should look instead in ways to make it possible. The fact that Kosovo is not independent yet does not carry much water because many other regions with unique identities such as Scotland, Northern Ireland, and the Faroe Islands have been participating in international competitions without second thoughts. Moreover, whatever form Kosovo status resolution takes in the future, it is understood even by Serbia’s own admission that Kosovo will be able to represent itself in international sporting events.
But we do not have to and should not go that deep into the murky water of politics. We only have to consider those cheese video spots you get during sporting events: sport is a major force for good and it can makes friends out of enemies. I know this because I have seen it in the last eight years in Kosovo.
Just let Kosovo play!

January 5, 2020 - Kosovo's Moment of Truth?

The US draft proposal to freeze Kosovo’s status until 2020, should not be dismissed, if it helps achieve Kosovo’s political and economic independence.

State Department: No new plan for Kosovo

WASHINGTON, PRIŠTINA -- The U.S. State Department has denied claims that a new administrative plan for Kosovo is being formulated.

Ischinger pushes 1972 German model

BERLIN -- Wolfgang Ischinger will ask Belgrade and Priština to settle the Kosovo status crisis according to the 1972 Berlin Agreement.

YouTube - FOX News working to censor Ron Paul

Apparently the other copy of this video has been taken down.

e hënë, tetor 29, 2007

Strike threatens Hollywood; reality shows loom

TV viewers hooked on cliffhanger episodes of hit shows such as "Heroes" and "Grey's Anatomy" could be left dangling if writers walk off the job.

U.S. destroyer pursuing hijacked ship in Somali waters, military says

A U.S. destroyer has entered Somali territorial waters in pursuit of a Japanese-owned ship loaded with benzene that was hijacked by pirates over the weekend, military officials said Monday.

US Ponders Freezing Kosovo's Status until 2020

E Verteta4_U: Swell

Kosovo Albanians Reject Delay on Status

29 10 2007 Pristina _ Kosovo Albanian leaders have warned they will not accept any delays to the independence of their UN-administered homeland after reports that a US draft document is considering a lengthy postponement.

No Mystery As To Why Young Americans Love Ron Paul

Ron Paul Set for Jay Leno

TOmorrow night's show

COMMENT: Time to Mobilise Kosovo Behind Ahtisaari’s Resolution

Berat Buzhala is editor of the Kosovo daily newspaper Express. Balkan Insight is BIRN’s online publication

Jeta Ne Kosove 25 tetor

Bill Clinton "9/11 was not an inside job"

Life in Kosovo roadshow on municipal elections rolls on

Over 300 people participated in each of the Life in Kosovo debates on local authority elections that have been held so far in nine of Kosovo's 30 municipalities.

TMK kërkon ndalimin e keqpërdorimit të saj në fushatën e AKR- së

Ron Paul TV Ad: #2 for New Hampshire

Help introduce Dr. Paul to New Hampshire voters with this TV ad. Donate today so we can buy air time. Go to RonPaul2008.com.

Dollar falls to new record low against euro

The dollar sank to a new record low against the euro in Asian trade Monday as market players grew increasingly confident about the prospect of another US interest rate cut this week, analysts said.

Video evidence of Ron Paul support being censored by Fox

We have obtained some exclusive footage of the Mackinac Republican Conference on Mackinac Island on September 22nd, 2007 where a producer of Fox News is instructing the cameramen to censor the support of Ron Paul at the Conference. In the video you can clearly see and hear him saying to a cameraman not to film the Ron Paul people and to just film people eating and to use voice overs and "crap like that".

Not so nice facts about israel

Protesters call for end to Iraq war

Anti-war demonstrators marched in a dozen U.S. cities on Saturday to call for an immediate end to the war in Iraq and a cut-off of funding by Congress.

Forumi i Rinisë i LDD-së prezantoi kandidatët e vetë për zgjedhjet e 17 nëntorit

e diel, tetor 28, 2007

Surroi: Independence before Christmas

VIENNA -- A Kosovo Albanian leader has chosen Christmas as the benchmark for the declaration of the province's independence.

Shtajnmajer thotë se Gjermania mbështet negociatat, nuk ka qëndrim për Kosovën

30% of Americans Dont Know When 9/11 Attacks Occurred!!

Ron Paul on the NBC Evening News

The mainstream media catching on to the Ron Paul Revolution.

Ron Paul TV Ad: Catching On

Help introduce Dr. Paul to New Hampshire voters with this TV ad. Donate today so we can buy air time.

e shtunë, tetor 27, 2007

Stockholm's road tax

A fee for drivers in Stockholm has resulted in fewer traffic jams and less pollution.

Rumsfeld flees France fearing arrest

"Bad boy, bad boy, what you gonna do What you gonna do when they come for you?"


Voto për mua mashtrimi i radhës zgjedhjet 2007 Vetëvendosje

Behgjet Pacolli youtube

Zgjedhjet 2007

Who Killed JFK?

Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy "...Conspiracy theories abound regarding the Kennedy assassination. However, a new well-written and documented book sites compelling evidence that the Israel’s Mossad and David Ben Gurion were behind the assassination. The reason: Kennedy's disagreement with Ben Gurion's nuclear program...."

"...What the book does say is that: When New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison charged businessman Clay Shaw with participation in the JFK assassination conspiracy Garrison stumbled upon the Israeli Mossad connection to the murder of President Kennedy. Shaw served on the board of a shadowy corporation known as Permindex. A primary shareholder in Permindex was the Banque De Credit International of Geneva, founded by Tibor Rosenbaum, an arms procurer and financier for the Mossad..."

Analistët amerikanë: Mundësitë e një marrëveshje baras me zero

A Foreign Policy of Freedom: Peace, Commerce, and Honest Friendship


By Ron Paul: A Foreign Policy of Freedom, [2007]; The Party System [2007] ; Challenge to Liberty: Coming to Grips with the Abortion Issue [1990]; Freedom Under Siege: the U.S. Constitution After 200 years [1987]; Abortion and Liberty [1983]; Gold, Peace and Prosperity : The Birth of a New Currency [1981]; The Case for Gold: a Minority Report of the U.S. Gold Commission [1982]

Flush With New Millions, Underdog Vies to Compete

Jeta Ne Kosove 18 tetor

Russia’s Win-Win Situation in Kosovo

Berat Buzhala is editor-in-chief of the daily newspaper Express. Balkan Insight is BIRN’s online publication.

War crimes indictee can run in Kosovo election -UN

ldd video

Festë e madhe në Prishtinë

Zonja dhe zotërinj, anëtarë dhe simpatizant të LDD-s
Ofertën e LDD-s për këto zgjedhje e kam titulluar


Kosova është vendi i pasurive natyrore të lakmueshme, ku popullsia e saj është më e reja në Evropë; mbi gjysma e popullatës është nën 25 vjeç.

Prandaj Dardan të dashur,

- A e duamë Kosovën në terr?

- A e duamë arsimin ( i cili e ruajti të pa tretur në mërgatë substancën kombëtare dhe krenarinë e traditës) në katër ndërrime pune, me dinjitet të nëpërkëmbur dhe të detyruar në greva të shpeshta?

- A duam Pleqëri të fyer dhe poshtëruar, që për të gjallëruar është shndërruar në lypsarë?

- A duam ekonomi të ngulfatur e mbërthyer në ngërçin e financimit, të investimeve të ulëta, të mosshfrytëzimit të burimeve potenciale, të papunësisë së lartë dhe të pamundësisë për të zbutur varfërinë?

- A duam ekonomi para kollabimit si pasojë e Politikës Fiskale të bunkerizuar në bodrumet e vertikales nga Burokracia e kalbur?

- A u bë boll me mashtrime, jotransparencë, jo dinjitet njerëzorë dhe kombëtarë, fshehje të së vërtetës para popullit për të sotmen dhe të nesërmen e Kosovës, kriminalitet të të gjitha llojeve?

Të nderuar të pranishëm,

Përgjigjja Dardane është JO e madhe për të gjitha pyetjet e shtruara.

Të respektuara zonja dhe zotërinj,
Para nesh në këto zgjedhje janë dy opsione:

E para: ta shohim rininë tonë të frustrohet dhe të emigroj jashtë Kosove, apo

E dyta: Zgjedhjet ti fiton Lidhja Demokratike e Dardanisë e cila do ti mobilizon të gjitha burimet tona dhe përmes politikave operacionale të guximshme, të bëjmë më të mirën për rininë dhe tërë popullatën e Kosovës.

Prandaj, Dardan të dashur,
Ne duhet ta ndryshojmë Kosovën e jo Kosova ne. Garancë për këtë janë:


Prandaj VOTO LDD-në në numrat 117 për Parlament të Kosovës, dhe 112 për Pushtetin Lokal.

Qytetarë të dashur të Kosovës,
Që të përforconi besimin në LDD-në, ja


- Lidhja Demokratike e Dardanisë është parti politike e qendrës së djathtë, veprimtaria politike e së cilës është e bazuar në filozofinë politike dhe kombëtare të Dr. Ibrahim Rugovës.

- LDD mbledh të gjitha shtresat e shoqërisë dhe qytetarëve të Kosovës, duke u bazuar në vlerat dhe parimet e demokracisë, civilizimit evropian, traditën dhe identitetin e popullit.

- LDD është vazhdimësi e drejtpërdrejtë e veprimit politik të Presidentit Rugova dhe të akademik Fehmi Aganit e ideve dhe e veprimit autentik të tyre. LDD-ja e ka vazhdimësinë dhe traditën e veprimit 17 vjeçar.

- LDD është parti e djathtë ose thënë më saktë është parti e qendrës së djathtë. Angazhohet për qarkullimin e lirë të njerëzve ideve dhe të kapitalit. Mbron pronën private, mbron dhe garanton investimet.
- LDD politikën e saj e bazon në këto postulate: Kosova shtet demokratik, e lirë, e pavarur, prosperuese, në paqe me të gjithë dhe në miqësi të përhershme me SHBA dhe aleatët veriatlantik, e integruar në të gjitha Organizatat ndërkombëtare, si në NATO, UE, etj.

- LDD-ja në sistemin politik angazhohet për demokraci parlamentare, për sistem efikas të vendimmarrjes duke koncentruar fuqinë në Qeverinë e Kosovës, të dalë nga zgjedhjet e lira e demokratike. Vota e qytetarit do të respektohet dhe premtimet elektorale do të mbahen dhe do të dilet me raport të rregullt periodik për realizimin e programit qeveritar, në nivel qendror dhe në nivelin lokal.

- LDD angazhohet për një sistem politik dhe ekonomik liberal, ku rroli i shtetit do të jetë i kufizuar vetëm në lëmin e mbrojtjes, sigurisë dhe politikës monetare fiskale dhe funksionet klasike të çdo shteti.

- LDD-ja nxit zhvillimin ekonomik të Kosovës të bazuar në shfrytëzimin e kapaciteteve njerëzore dhe materiale të vendit dhe në shfrytëzimin e kapitalit vendor dhe të huaj. LDD nxitë prodhimtarinë vendore duke shfrytëzuar edhe kapacitetet gjeografike dhe klimatike, duke bërë që njerëzit të jetojnë dhe të punojnë duke shfrytëzuar resurset e veta.
- LDD-ja ju garanton bujqve , blegtorëve dhe të gjithë prodhuesve frytet e punës duke i ndihmuar në nismën e prodhimtarisë dhe duke ua garantuar çmimet. LDD angazhohet për zhvillim të harmonishëm regjional, do të nxisë zhvillimin e fshatit, do të bëjë kushte të barabarta për jetesë e punë në të gjitha vendbanimet, duke stabilizuar rrjedhat e migrimeve fshat qytet.

- LDD angazhohet për sistem perëndimorë të arsimit. Shkollim i obligueshëm fillor, shkollat e mesme të profileve të llojllojshme edukative dhe profesionale, shkollim superior të kombinuar privat – publik me kontroll të rreptë të cilësisë.

- Shëndetësi të modeleve më të përparuara perëndimore me theks të veçantë në mjekësinë parandaluese. Mjekësi familjare, sigurim shëndetësorë të qëndrueshëm për mjekësinë primare dhe sekondare dhe sigurime të kontraktuara për mjekësinë terciare.

- Për LDD-n janë të shenjta vlerat universale si: liria e mendimit, liria e shprehjes, organizimit politik, besimit fetar, liria e përdorimit të gjuhës amtare dhe kulturës së çdo individi dhe qytetari të Kosovës.

- Për LDD-n Kosova është një dhe e pandarë në të gjithë territorin e saj.

- LDD mërgatën e Kosovës e konsideron pjesë vitale të qenies së saj kombëtare dhe shtetërore.

- LDD kulturën, trashëgiminë historike, fetare, urbanistike dhe popullore i konsideron pasuri kombëtare të shtetit dhe popullit të Kosovës dhe për to do të përkujdeset në mënyrë të veçantë.

- Fëmijët, rinia, nënat, pleqtë dhe njerëzit me nevoja të veçanta janë kategori e qytetarëve të mbrojtur në mënyrë të veçantë.

- LDD do të jetë mbrojtëse fanatike e dinjitetit njerëzor dhe do të bëjë të pamundurën që popullit të Kosovës ti kthehet optimizmi, buzëqeshja dhe vullneti për të punuar dhe jetuar në atdheun e vet.

Dhe krejt në fund, moto e LDD-s për këto zgjedhje është
“ Akademik Daci dhe LDD realizojnë atë që premtojnë”

Prandaj, Zonja dhe zotërinj në Kosovë dhe mërgatë,
Që oferta publike të bëhet realitet në Kosovë dhe për qytetarët e saj Ju ftoj me besim të plotë në Ju që me 17 Nëntor masivisht të dilni në votime dhe të votoni LDD-n në 117 dhe 112.
Zoti e bekoftë Kosovën, Dardaninë Antike, Dr. Ibrahim Rugovën dhe LDD-n.

Në vazhdim pjesëmarrësve iu drejtua edhe akademik Mark Krasniqi i cili tha se PSHDK-ja është përkrahëse e LDD-së dhe se rrugëtimin tonë që 17 vite do e vazhdojmë akoma. Ai kërkoi nga populli i Kosovës që të votohet ky koalicion i përbërë nga këto dy subjekte politike, si dhe kërkoi që, ( siç u shpreh ai) të mos votohen hajnat por vota të shkoj ne subjekte politike që e mbajnë fjalën. Sipas tij, koalicioni LDD-PSHDK do e dëshmoj se do e mbaj fjalën dhe premtimet e saj do i bëjë realitet në kohë të afatizuar.

Pas disa çasteve të kaluar nën tingujt e muzikës artistike që interpretoheshin nga këngëtar të ndryshëm të estradës kosovare, u bë edhe promovimi i kandidatëve të LDD-së për Kuvendin e ardhshëm të Kosovës si dhe për kryetar të komunave të Kosovës.

Serbian nationalists ratchet up rhetoric on Bosnia as decision on Kosovo's fate looms

Attack Iran and you attack Russia

The barely reported highlight of Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to Tehran for the Caspian Sea summit last week was a key face-to-face meeting with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

A high-level diplomatic source in Tehran tells Asia Times Online that essentially Putin and the Supreme Leader have agreed on a plan to nullify the George W Bush administration's relentless drive towards launching a preemptive attack, perhaps a tactical nuclear strike, against Iran. An American attack on Iran will be viewed by Moscow as an attack on Russia.

Posted Oct 26, 2007 07:37 AM PST

Does any sane government heads really want to be at war with Russia (and notice, I used the word "sane"?)

Thought not.

e premte, tetor 26, 2007

Olbermann: ‘I heard Al Qaeda causes night to fall’

MSNBC host Keith Olbermann says the realistic threat of terrorism is being so overstated by the Bush administration — and in turn, by Fox News — that it’s downright funny.

Putin warns Europe over Iran, Kosovo ahead of summit with EU leaders in Portugal

Putin is moving like a chess master on these issues.

First, with regard to Kosovo: it has the largest mineral resources in Europe outside of Russia.The big fuss about it is who gets the big pieces of that "mineral wealth pie".

An American attack on Iran will be viewed by Moscow as an attack on Russia.

Shades of JFK and the Cuban Missile crisis ... in reverse!

Now, a lot of people wrote in some very angry emails when I predicted over a year ago that the ultimate game plan for Israel was to trick the US and Russia into war against each other, a mutually ruinous war which would leave both the US and Russia shattered and Israel, armed with nuclear weapons, in control of what remains of Earth's oil.

Read this article and ask yourself if it looks like war between the US and Russia seems all that fantastic now.

Peace Conference: New Case for War

The Middle East peace conference proposed by the Bush administration is clearly a smokescreen, aimed at concealing the true intentions of US foreign policy in the region. In the predictable process of rewarding 'moderate’ allies and chastising 'extremist’ foes, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas will most likely receive the accolades befitting a peacemaker, while his protagonists in Hamas are reprimanded, demonized and further isolated. But the ultimate goal of this charade is not even so much to isolate Hamas, but rather to set in motion events that will further isolate Iran and Syria.

Rumsfeld hit with torture lawsuit while visiting Paris

If Rumsfeld thought for one minute that the torture scandal was out of his life when he resigned from his job as Secretary of Defense, he was absolutely mistaken.

It will be haunting him for the rest of his life, if this lawsuit doesn't stick, there will be many more to come.

Merrill Lynch reports billions in losses amidst growing signs of US recession

Merrill Lynch & Co., the world’s largest brokerage firm, reported a net third-quarter loss of $2.4 billion Wednesday and acknowledged writing off $8.4 billion in assets from failed investments in subprime mortgage-linked securities.

Is a Second More Deadly 9/11 Now In the Works? There are good reasons to believe so

As you know, a B-52 bomber was equipped with six nuclear warheads mounted on Advanced Cruise Missiles and then flown from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana on August 30. They were mounted on the wings of the bomber.

According to Michael Madsen's sources, a group of officers within the US Air Force became aware of the theft of these missiles and their nuclear warheads and intercepted them at Barksdale.

Fillon zyrtarisht fushata parazgjedhore

Slovenia to focus on EU unity over Kosovo when it takes over bloc presidency

EU Parliament seeks more funds for R&D, Kosovo, Palestinians in 2008 EU budget

Serbia nationalists: If Kosovo splits, so should Bosnia's Serbs

Disputes on energy, food exports, Kosovo loom as Russia leader prepares for EU summit

Russia warns of Kosovo "precedent" for separatists

MOSCOW, Oct 24 (Reuters) - A Russian official gave a strong hint on Wednesday Moscow could recognise two separatist regions of Georgia as independent states if Western powers recognise Kosovo's split from Serbia.

U.S. slaps new sanctions on Iran

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States slapped new sanctions on Iran and accused its Revolutionary Guard of spreading weapons of mass destruction on Thursday but Russian President Vladimir Putin said such moves only forced Tehran into a corner over its nuclear program.

e enjte, tetor 25, 2007

Hillary Campaigners Try to Censor Ron Paul

Hillary Clinton Rally at Auraria Campus, Denver, CO. Hillary’s campaign staff admit to being told to Censor Ron Paul’s campaign and were caught in the act.

Ron Paul RIGHT NOW! Nov. 5th TREG

LDD hap fushatën e saj me 26 tetor (e premte) në Prishtinë në sallën “1 Tetori” në ora 13:00

Shtabi zgjedhorë i LDD-së mbajti një konferencë për media, në të cilin takim edhe i njohu gazetarët me agjendën e tubimeve të kësaj partie, si dhe shpalosi programin e Lidhjes Demokratike të Dardanisë, me ç’rast u njohën të pranishmit me prioritetet e partisë.

Iraqi blood is 'on your hands,' anti-war protester tells Condi

FBI agents shoot dead 'arsonist' as police reveal California fires were started deliberately

Turkey: U.S. objections won’t stop Iraqi move

Turkish President Gul knows all too well that the US is incapable of defending Iraq's northern border (in light of the fact that we're barely holding on to Baghdad), and impotent to stop the PKK cross-border raids into Turkey.

With no new evidence, Fox continues to ask: Did al Qaeda burn California?

"No evidence" is the motto these pathetic excuses for news readers live by!

If you can't lie through your teeth with a straight face, you have no place among the FOX staff.

US to order sanctions against Iran military

The United States will Thursday order sanctions against the Iranian military, media reports said a day after Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice singled out Iran as the biggest threat to US security.

It is also the first the United States has directly sanctioned another country's military, the Post said.

Cheney Nods Off During Meeting On Calif. Wildfires

"Wake me when we get to the part where we can blame it on Iran."

YouTube - Governor Schwarzenegger Fends off Reporter

Governor Schwarzenegger Fends off Reporter who questions complaints from Orange County about the California Fires, comparing it to Katrina.

Beyond Differences

This is a story about 10 students from two conflicting places, Serbia and Kosovo, who came to live together in Prishtina(Kosovo). By living .... Sep 22, 2007.          do a search on google video if the link dont open up

Radicals predict December 9 elections

BELGRADE -- Tomislav Nikolić says that presidential elections will soon be announced for December 9.

Skefer: S'ka asnjë arsye që trupat e NAT0-s të mos mbesin në Kosovë

Evakuohen mbi 1 milion njerëz nga zjarret në Kaliforni

Kosovo Foundation for Medical Development - KFMD

e mërkurë, tetor 24, 2007

Anti-War Protest in NYC

On Oct. 27, the people will be heard around the country to say, "This war has got to end and it has got to end now!"

Rally at 12 noon
Assemble on Broadway, south of 23rd Street (Please use 23rd St. subway stations)
March at 1:00 p.m.
2 Minutes of Silence to Honor those who have died - 2:45 p.m.
Peace and Justice Fair       Also the e verteta crew will be there live 

Bomb Iran? U.S. Requests Bunker-Buster Bombs

FBI: al-Qaeda detainee spoke of fire plot

The last report from the International Space Station is that the remains of the WRH Bovine Excrement Meter just missed the shuttle Discovery on their way into outer space.
Film at 11.


This memo is actually from 2003, but FOX News is claiming this is a new development.

Even for Bush, this is pretty low. Bush is desperate to distract from the fact that, like Louisiana, Southern California is taking it in the teeth from a natural disaster because federal funds for wildfire control and needed equipment were cut, and the money spent on the wars in Iraq. In both cases, Bush sent most of the National Guard to Iraq.

And remember, Al Qaeda (translation: "The Toilet") is actually a phony front for CIA and Mossad.

Ron Paul Million Dollar NH Push?

Jeffersonian conservative GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul (R-Tex) visited his new New Hampshire Concord-based headquarters in the early afternoon of October 23 and sources came away convinced that the campaign was serious about putting its resources to work to do as well as possible in this critical state.

Serb threats ahead of Kosovo polls must stop: UN

U.S. pins Kosovo force on NATO's Afghan commitment

KIEV (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates will consider shifting U.S. troops from Kosovo to Afghanistan next year if NATO allies do not fulfill their commitments, U.S. government officials said.

Kosovo Albanians reject extending talks deadline

PARIS (Reuters) - Kosovo Albanians ruled out extending negotiations over the future of the breakaway province past a December 10 deadline, saying on Sunday they wanted the issue resolved as soon as possible.

Controlling the News

It was felt at the time that Mr. Cheney would understand this matter and be able to make a presentation to the President. In a number of substantive talks with Mr. Cheney, it was mutually decided that the attacks should proceed. The reasons agreed upon were that it would at once give the President the opportunity of securing great domestic power with the legislature and the public. It would also permit, and most important, that the U.S. could attack Saddam Hussein.
Posted Oct 24, 2007 08:09 AM PST

Now that the official story for 9-11 has collapsed, we see the various parties trying to shift the blame onto each other. Here is the "Well, Arabs still did it, but the US government allowed it to happen", provided (as the article states quite clearly) by Israeli sources. (MR)

Ron Paul: A New Hope

Another great video out on youtube

Bush offers to bomb Kurds

"We can put off levee maintenance and dead-brush clearing another year to pay for it!" -- Official White Horse Souse (MR)

McCain, Giuliani, Paul Officially Join Ballot

CONCORD, N.H. -- Three Republicans officially joined the Republican presidential primary ballot on Tuesday.

Dega e LDD-së Prishtina IV promovoi kandidatët e saj për zgjedhjet e nëntorit

Në selinë e LDD-së dega e LDD-së Prishtina IV promovoi kandidatët e saj për këshilltar të kuvendit komunal dhe për deputet në Kuvendin e Kosovës.

EU mission “preparing for Kosovo”

Pasnesër fillon fushata zgjedhore

Çeku: Vendet e Kuintit kanë dhënë sinjale për njohjen e pavarësisë së Kosovës

e martë, tetor 23, 2007

LDD finalizon programin për zgjedhjet e 17 nëntorit

Kryesia e Lidhjes Demokratike të Dardanisë mbajti takimin e saj të rregullt javor nën kryesimin e kryetarit të partisë akademik Nexhat Dacit.

The What Really Happened Show

If you missed some of the shows well now you can get them here !

Over 700 Calif. homes burned; more evacuations ordered


President Bush gambled with the Mississippi river region. He literally bet the safety of all those people living along the Mississippi River and the city of New Orleans itself that he could send the National Guard on his little war in Iraq. Bush bet he could take all those resources intended to protect New Orleans from a natural disaster and spend them on his war in Iraq, and he LOST that bet, and in the process, he destroyed New Orleans. The damage from Katrina was orders of magnitude worse than it would have been had the levees been properly maintained, and the resources left in place to deal with the catastrophe.

I warned at the bottom of this article that Bush had likely stripped the rest of the nation for not only National Guard but the material resources needed to deal with disasters.

Malibu is sadly proving the point. Most of the California National Guard is in Iraq. along with most of their heavy equipment and supplies. And, just as funding was cut for flood control to pay for the war, federal funding for wildfire prevention was cut, again to fund the war.

So, now we see that Bush has not just gambled New Orleans on his war, he has indeed bet the entire country. Never mind the danger from mythical terrorists, we as a nation are now totally defenseless against real dangers from natural disasters that really do happen and they do not harm us because we are free; they harm us because we are STUPID and unprepared!

The only good news is that this is probably the wake up call for Hollywood that those of us in the film industry that were sounding the warning about Bush 7 years ago weren't just nuts and kooks to be kept off of film crews when Senator McCarthy called and denounced us as communists (or whatever the current incarnation of that dirtiest of dirty tricks is these days). All of you celebrities who stood by Bush, insisted the war was just, believed the obvious lies about WMDs and 9-11; that smoldering ruin which used to be your home is your reward for your loyalty. It isn't just the "dark" neighborhoods in New Orleans that got trashed, now it's the homes of the rich and famous.

And I hope you are as pissed as I am!

If anyone reading this actually lives in the colony please drop me a line. I would love to have you on my radio show this Saturday.

America's war without end

These days, terrorism seems to be whatever the Bush administration says it is.

Banning Ron Paul

RedState has now done what the rest of the GOP establishment would like to do: they've banned all discussion of Ron Paul from their bulletin boards, comment threads and interactive forums.

Seven CIA Veterans Challenge 9/11 Commission Report

Official Account of 9/11 a “Joke” and a “Cover-up”

Ron Paul is here to stay !

You raised $403,059.21 during the last three days for broadcasting our new radio ad in New Hampshire, Iowa, South Carolina and Nevada. Thank you!

This set an impressive pace, and keeps us well on our way to our fourth quarter goal of $12,000,000!

Jonathan Bydlak
Fundraising Director

Bush declares emergency over California wildfires

U.S. President George Bush declared an emergency early Tuesday in parts of Southern California. The move is aimed at speeding delivery of federal disaster relief to firefighters battling out-of-control wildfires in seven counties.

Gloomy weather may delay Discovery launch

NASA technicians prepared space shuttle Discovery for launch Tuesday morning despite the threat of gloomy weather delaying the start of the complex construction mission.


Defund the war in Iraq Refund human needs at home and in Iraq

The estimated cost of the first four years of the Iraq War is $1 trillion.

For what we have spent for just ONE DAY of the Iraq War, we could have funded:
95,364 Head Start Places for Children or
12,478 Elementary School Teachers or
163,525 People with Health Care or
34,904 Four Year College Scholarships or
6,482 Families with Homes

Talks on Kosovo's future sour as rival Serbs, ethnic Albanians clash anew

Takimi i Vjenës ka rezultuar me mospajtime të plota

Gjermania ka vendosur ta njohë pavarësinë e Kosovës


Mabetex coming to Kosovo soon.

Nation of Hawaii Soverignity Movement

Congrats to Whatreallyhappened

Coming in at number 1 !

e hënë, tetor 22, 2007


Qeveria: Do te ndertojme me borxhe rrugen Durres-Kukes

Asnje rezultat ne negociatat Prishtine - Beograd

Ka perfunduar serish pa ndonje rezultat konkret ne Vjene takimi i tretë i drejtpërdrejtë i Prishtinës dhe Beogradit me ndërmjetësimin e Treshes së Grupit të Kontaktit.

Iraq: US involved in terrorist acts

Wildfires sweep southern California, troops called

E Verteta4_U: What troops ? OH the ones all in Iraq !

U.S. puts pressure on airlines to cut JFK schedules

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government pressured airlines on Monday to cooperate with efforts to reduce delays at New York's John F. Kennedy airport by ensuring it can impose schedule cuts if carriers fail to act voluntarily.

Vienna: Cautious optimism from Belgrade team

VIENNA -- The third round of direct negotiations on Kosovo's future status concluded in Vienna this afternoon.

New Round of Kosovo Talks Concluded

Vienna _ Representatives of Serbia and the Kosovo Albanians have completed their third round of face-to-face talks under the auspices of an international Troika of mediators.

White House sends Congress expanded war funding request

The White House Monday plans to send Congress an expanded 189.3 billion dollar request for funding for military operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and the broader war on terrorism in 2008, a Pentagon spokesman said.

US Defense Secretary Robert Gates made the case for the additional war funding in congressional testimony on September 26, but Monday's action marks the formal request with the documentation to justify it.
Posted Oct 22, 2007 09:40 AM PST

In your communities, take a look at your roads, your schools, the infrastructure, and imagine, just for one brief moment, how even a tiny portion of that 189.3 billion dollars could improve the quality of life in your community.

But it's all going to this "war", and the people who profit from war.


Looks like we better get the National Guard out there to help the firefighters. Wait, I forgot; the California National Guard are in Iraq!


At an age when young children should be in school, they are in prison instead.... that's only if these children are Palestinian. Their crime? They are Palestinian, nothing more, nothing less. This is what occupation does, it makes 'criminals' of the oppressed.


Ron Paul on Hannity & Colmes. 10-21-07

Rice: Vetëm një Kosovë e pavarur mund të sjellë stabilitet në Ballkan

Rice në një intervistë për agjencinë Reuters tha se Shtetet e Bashkuara janë të përkushtuara për Trepcen e Kosovës. 

Kosovo's ethnic Albanian leaders renew independence vow if talks fail

VIENNA, Austria: Kosovo's ethnic Albanian leaders renewed their vow Monday to unilaterally declare independence if a final round of internationally brokered negotiations fails to produce a settlement by Dec. 10.

Serbia wants out of Kosovo debt?

WASHINGTON, BELGRADE -- Serbia demands that the Kosovo debt be deducted from its overall balance toward the World Bank, official announcements say.

Montenegro hunts Karadžić in mountain resort

PODGORICA -- Montenegro's special police searched for Hague fugitive Radovan Karadžić in Mt. Žabljak this weekend, reports say.

Third round of direct Kosovo talks in Vienna

VIENNA -- The third round of direct Kosovo status talks between Belgrade and Priština will begin this morning in Vienna.

Në Vjenë mbahen bisedime direkte midis Prishtinës dhe Beogradit

Sunday NY Post Blacks Out Ron Paul

The "conservative" paper owned by Media Mogul Rupert Murdoch, has managed the feat of covering the Family Research Council's recent "Values Voter" presidential debate, and ranking candidates according to their popularity with "values voters" without mentioning third-place finisher GOP presidential contender Ron Paul (R-Tex).

BOMBSHELL! French Police investigate Sarkozy's background as Mossad agent

The PJ (Police Judiciere) investigates an electronic mail that was sent during the presidential election to one hundred top responsible of the police force. The email affirms that Sarkozy, like Balkany, Lellouche, Devedjian and Aeschlimann were connected to Mossad. Did a dispensary want to destabilize Nicolas Sarkozy during the presidential campaign? An inquiry entrusted to the Police Judiciere (Judiciary Police) must establish this. At the end of March, 2007, in the 'last right' of the election, all departmental managers of the Public Security, around one hundred senior civil servants, were sent a strange electronic mail. The future president was bluntly accused of having been recruited in 1980s by Mossad, the Israeli secret service.


Ron Paul Comes Third In Poll of Religious Right, Beats Giuliani, McCain, Thompson

In millions of Windows, the perfect Storm is gathering

At the moment, nobody knows who's behind this. Is it a Russian mafia operation? An al-Qaeda scheme? The really creepy thing is that, to date, the controllers of Storm have used it for such relatively trivial purposes. The suspicion has to be that they are biding their time, waiting for the moment when, say, 100 million naive Windows users have clicked on an infected link and unwittingly added their machines to the botnet.

Only then will we know what a perfect storm in cyberspace is like.
Posted Oct 21, 2007 07:58 PM PST

Will Bush/Neocons/Israel try to shut down the internet for their next false flag?

YouTube - If you dont think corporate media is controlled watch this

Employees Expose FOX NEWS Distortions

"As Rupert Murdoch's 'war on journalism' hits new lows, droves of disgruntled employees are confessing their many misdeeds, brought upon by the systematic oppression they faced at FOX News. Watch how FOX executives dictate their bias by forcing reporters to follow memos that predetermine "what they could say and how they could say it."

Fox News GOP Debate Text Poll...Can one person Spam???

Fox News is trying to claim that support for Ron Paul is the result of a few individuals spamming Fox's text message poll. But, as this video shows, such spamming is actually impossible, proving that the Ron Paul support is very real. ( MR)

e diel, tetor 21, 2007

FOX News Debate

FOX News 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM ET         Tune in and watch Ron Paul win another debate.


The incident began when the five men asked the religious woman to move to the back of the bus to prevent males and females from sitting together in public. When she refused, they beat her and the male soldier who sat next to her.
Posted Oct 21, 2007 10:24 AM PST
Category: ISRAEL

"God wills it! God wills it!"(MR)

Berisha: Jo veprime të njëanshëm për shpalljen e pavarësisë

Kryeministri shqiptar, Sali Berisha sërish ka ftuar Prishtinën zyrtare që të mos ndërmarrë asnjë veprim të njëanshëm për shpalljen e pavarësisë, por këtë ta bëjë në konsultime me Shtetet e Bashkuara dhe vendet e tjera të Grupit të Kontaktit.

Nesër në Vjenë mbahet takimi i drejtpërdrejtë Prishtinë-Beograd

Ekipi i Unitetit ka takuar në Paris shefin e diplomacisë franceze

Kosovo talks round three tomorrow

BELGRADE -- Round three of direct negotiations between Belgrade and Priština starts tomorrow at 9.30 a.m at the Austrian Foreign Ministry.

U.S. could pull troops out of Kosovo

KIEV -- U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates will consider shifting U.S. troops from Kosovo to Afghanistan next year, Reuters says.

Albanian PM advises against unilateral Kosovo moves

TIRANA, VIENNA -- Sali Berisha called on Priština authorities to refrain from unilateral moves regarding Kosovo.

Del Ponte: Haradinaj is guilty

PRAGUE -- Carla Del Ponte has said that there is no doubt that former acting Kosovo Prime Minister Ramus Haradinaj is guilty of war crimes.

Cheney: Iran faces 'serious consequences' over nuclear drive

Vice President Dick Cheney Sunday said the United States and its allies would not permit Iran to get nuclear weapons and warned of "serious consequences" if it continues to enrich uranium.
Posted Oct 21, 2007 09:57 AM PST
Category: IRAN

Dear "Dead Eye" Dick

Nobody has shown that Iran is building nuclear weapons. They are building a nuclear power station, which Iran is legally allowed to do under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, with both Iran and the United States have signed. The IAEA confirms that Iran is enriching uranium to the 3% required to operate a power station, but that is a far cry indeed from the 98% enrichment required to build nuclear weapons.


Even if Iran wanted nuclear weapons (and since Iraq has taught the world what happens to nations that do not have them) they are STILL not a threat to the United States because the United States owns and maintains the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons and delivery systems in the world; an arsenal our parents were tricked into paying for with the promise that having the means to turn another nation into a radioactive wasteland was the surest way to prevent an attack.

Now, either that deterrent works or it does not. Either those trillions of dollars worth of missiles, submarines, bombers, and silos are keeping us safe, or all that money was totally wasted. You cannot have it both ways, Dead Eye. (MR)

Israeli troops use Palestinians as shields - video

The Israeli army said on Friday it had suspended one of its commanders after an amateur video showed his men using two Palestinians as shields against rock-throwing youths.

NATO wants independent Kosovo for military base, Serb party charges

What everyone seems to want is its vast mineral wealth in Kosovo, the largest in Europe outside Russia.

A NATO military base may be the "good reason", but ultimately it is not the "real reason" this place is so intently coveted. (MR)

If Americans Knew - what every American needs to know about Israel/Palestine

New Ron Paul Radio Ad

Jo zgjedhje për parti. Referendum për liri

Nën peshën e rëndë të iluzionit që ta fabrikuan politikanët për Kosovën e lirë, ke dalur dhe votuar në katër palë zgjedhje. Pafajësisht ke shpresuar që më në fund zgjedhjet kanë kuptim dhe se institucionet janë të popullit. Ti, qytetar i Kosovës, në fillim ke qenë i bindur që partitë politike dhe njerëzit që po i zgjedh për t'u pranuar në këto institucione politike, janë ata të duhurit - ata që do të ta përmirësojnë mirëqenien ekonomike të familjes tënde, arsimimin e fëmijëve tu, ata që do ta arrijnë pavarësinë e Kosovës në vitin 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007…

Israeli soldiers shoot Palestinian child in the head

ABC News Poll - Can Ron Paul win the nomination?

Kosovo Documentary -My Blood My Compromise

My Blood My Compromise reveals a vivid portrait of Kosova's conditions after eight years of UN intervention: the security, the enduring pain and the ongoing struggle for independence.

e shtunë, tetor 20, 2007

Iran nuclear chief in shock resigation

Iran on Saturday announced its top nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani has unexpectedly resigned at a time of growing tension with the West over the Islamic republic's controversial nuclear programme.

Loja per statusin, Trupat amerikane edhe 18 muaj ne Kosove

Vonesa e shpalljes se statusit te Kosoves, detyron amerikanet te shtyjne edhe per 18 muaj qendrimin. Ato jane perqendruar ne zonat e tensionuara duke investuar projekte bamirese .

Sejdiu: Kuvendi i Kosoves do te shpalle se shpejti pavaresine

Deklaratat e presidentit Sejdiu u be duke u mbështetur në bashkëpunimin edhe investimin e madh që ka dhënë bashkësia ndërkombëtare për Kosovën dhe të ardhmen e saj

Fox News Debate in New Hampshire

Ron Paul at the Fox News Debate in Durham, New Hampshire

Serbian police arrest 4 ex-paramilitaries suspected in Kosovo war crimes

BELGRADE, Serbia: Serbian police have arrested four former paramilitary fighters suspected of taking part in war crimes against ethnic Albanian civilians in Kosovo in 1999, a prosecutor said Friday.

NATO cautious on Albania's membership hopes

BRUSSELS, Belgium: NATO warned Albania on Friday that it must push through more reforms of its justice and political system to win early membership in the Western military alliance.

KFOR tanks in Serb's garden

E Verteta4_U: The KFOR troops searched the house for illegal weapons. This is something they do all the time. To Albanians and to the serbs. The 1st thing UNMIK did when they got to Kosovo is they disarmed the people and continue to go house to house to check for illegal weapons.

Ekipi i Unitetit niset sot për në Paris

Ekipi Negociator i Kosovës, i udhëhequr nga presidenti Fatmir Sejdiu, do të udhëtojë sot për në Paris, ku, të dielën, do të ketë një drekë pune me ministrin e Punëve të Jashtme të Francës, Bernard Kouchner.

Treshja u paraqet palëve 14 pika për kompromis të mundshëm

Sipas njoftimeve nga Beogradi, ndërmjetësit ndërkombëtarë do t’u parashtrojnë negociatorëve serbë dhe shqiptarë të Kosovës 14 pika për marrëveshje të mundshme në takimin e tyre të ardhshëm të hënën në Vjenë.Njoftimet citojnë burime diplomatike të thonë se ndërmjetësit ndërkombëtar nga Shtetet e Bashkuara, Bashkimi Evropian dhe Rusia do t’ia paraqesin pikat secilës palë para bisedimeve të drejtpërdrejta.

Military: Iran could fire 11,000 rockets at enemy bases if attacked

Iran is capable of firing 11,000 rockets into enemy bases within the first minute after any possible attack, state-run television quoted a top Revolutionary Guards Corps commander as saying Saturday.

Hawaii is not legally a state!

Whatreallyhappened.com before 9/11

e premte, tetor 19, 2007

Kryetari Daci u takua me kandidatët e LDD-së për kryetarë të komunave

Kryetari i LDD-së akademik Nexhat Daci priti në një takim kandidatët e LDD-së për kryetar të komunave të Kosovës për zgjedhjet e 17 nëntorit.

Ronald Reagan on Ron Paul

RON PAUL The Very Best of Ron Paul

Enjoy !

Establishment Media Finally Admits Ron Paul Is Top Tier Candidate; Could Win Nomination

Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul has broken through to the top tier of Republican candidates running for president. He knows it, GOP voters know it, and as previously reported; media outlets are grudgingly admitting it.

Washington wants Kosovo conference, with no vetoes

E Verteta4_U: Okay now what this is folks is just nother reason to delay the dec. 10th deadline and to have a conference just like they did in dayton and we all know what happen their Bosnia got some land taken away from them. So now the Kosovo status might look like this : the north tip of Kosova ( Mitrovica area) will go to the serbs. With the energy and coal mining sector (Trepca) being on Kosovas side ready for the west to get their hands all over it. Of course both sides will be very upset but rember this conference has no vetos in it.

"UNMIK mission in Kosovo – failure"

E Verteta4_U: I think Vetevendosje leader Albin Kurti and I are the only Albanians who have said this for years now.  "UNMIK = failure"

Në Prishtinë dhe Mitrovicë fillon "Java e luftimit të varfërisë"

Prej sot e deri më 24 tetor në Prishtinë dhe Mitrovicë me një varg aktivitetesh do të shënohet "Java e luftimit të varfërisë", që synon ngritjen e vetëdijes për çështjet që kanë të bëjnë me Kosovën.

Kosova nuk mund të mbetet peng i një statusi të papërcaktuar, tha Topi

Çmimi i bukës prej sot 45 cent

Shoqata e furrtarëve të Kosovës në takimin e mbrëmshëm në Prishtinë, ka vendosur që çmimi i bukës nga sot do të ngritet në 45 cent.

Grossman: SHBA-ja nuk do të pret gjatë pas 10 dhjetorit

Ekipi i Unitetit nuk pranon bisedime tjera pas 10 dhjetorit

St. Pete Times Attacks Ron Paul

He's unimportant amd irrelevant, says the St. Petersburg Times, so that's why they ran a major hit piece, complete with the obligatory "Angry Ron" photo.

Putin briefs Israeli leader on Iran trip

Israeli President Shimon Peres, whose position is largely ceremonial, issued a statement on Thursday comparing Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Hitler and saying there was proof Iran was manufacturing nuclear weapons.

"Even if President Putin says he's not sure that Iran is developing nuclear power for war... many intelligence services around the world have proof that Iran is looking to make nuclear arms for war and death."
Posted Oct 19, 2007 07:45 AM PST
Category: IRAN

Memo to Shimon Peres: Putin has not said that he "...is not sure that Iran is developing nuclear power for war": he has stated firmly that they are not.

It is Russian technicians doing the work on installing the power plant, so Putin is, let us say, in a rather decent position to know.

El Baradei of the IAEA has stated that the Iranians are not building a weapons plant.

And if you are going to make the claim that "....many intelligence services around the world have proof that Iran is looking to make nuclear arms for war and death", why have these intelligence services not come forth and told the world the facts of what they have found?

The bottom line is, you have utterly no proof of these allegations, or you would have presented it in this statement. (MR)

Finally, Action! Ron Paul Introduces Bill to Defend Constitution!

On Monday, Rep. Ron Paul, the outsider Republican presidential candidate who has long upheld these values and who was an early voice warning of the grave danger to all of us of these abuses, introduced the AFA's legislative package into Congress. (The mainstream press has an irrational habit of disparaging outsider candidates -- as if corrupt money and machine endorsements equal seriousness of purpose -- even though the Founders hoped that the system they established would lead citizens, ideally those unembedded in the establishment, to offer their service to the nation.) It is the American Freedom Agenda Act of 2007 [PDF], and you should read it in its entirety: just as accounts of the recent abuses send chills down your spine, this beautifully argued document feels historic and has the ring of great power to correct great injustice.
Posted Oct 19, 2007 08:12 AM PST

The problem is that we already HAD laws that made the actions of the current administration illegal. Congress and the Judiciary simply ignored that inconvenient fact.

I'm understand why Ron Paul is introducing this legislation; he is committed to working within the system. And while Congress may well pass this bill in order to make themselves look good for the 2008 elections, common sense will tell you that they have no more intention of enforcing the new law than they have the old until We The People force the Congress to do their job.

Nooses Found Hanging Inside N.J. Home Depot


The candidates are desperate to have issues they can campaign on going into 2008. The one issue they do not want to talk about is the war. That is a losing issue for any candidate who refuses to end the war.

So, expect desperate attempt to create new issues to distract voters from the war. Global Warming is already faltering due to bad science. Illegal immigration is already losing immediacy. So, we get birth control pills to 6th graders, and nooses and swastikas to try to stir up the dust somewhere else, ANYWHERE else, anywhere but the war and the lies that tricked us into them.

So, to my black brothers and white brothers and red brothers and green brothers, please do not get suckered in. All of this noose nonsense is just desperate attention-getting by candidates who create a problem, then demand your vote to fix it. This is no different than when Hitler had his Brown Shirts cause trouble all over Germany, then ran for office with a promise to make the trouble stop. Germany feel for it, and look what happened to them.


How a Second Terrorist Attack Will Benefit George W. Bush

Bush may not have been warning of World War III but threatening it. There is always the possibility that World War III is already begun.

Putin calls on U.S. to set pullout date in Iraq

MOSCOW, Russia (CNN) -- Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday called on the United States to set a date for withdrawal from Iraq, saying the U.S. military campaign had become a "pointless" battle against the Iraqi people

e enjte, tetor 18, 2007

Fox News asks Ron Paul why he gets most military support while calling for Iraq withdrawal

Fox asked Paul about a study showing he is the candidate with the most support from members of the US military, even though he is calling for immediate withdrawal from Iraq. "We take the traditional position that you should only go to war under a declaration and win and get out," Paul explained. "It's protecting the troops ... and the fact that we get the money from the military more than all the other Republicans put together is a pretty darn good endorsement."
Posted Oct 18, 2007 07:21 AM PST

Now let me see: it couldn't possibly be that Paul's position on the wars is logical and consistent, could it?

That what the man says makes absolute sense?
(M R)

AP Interview: Serbia offers near complete autonomy to Kosovo Albanians, but no independence

Two Spanish peacekeepers with NATO force die in Kosovo car crash; 2 others injured

PRISTINA, Kosova: Two Spanish peacekeepers serving with the NATO-led mission in Kosovo died and two others were injured in a road accident, officials said Thursday.

Ed Brown Gassed, Tortured In Deprivation Tank

Tax protester speaks for first time since arrest in prison phone call

Croatia elected to UN Security Council

NEW YORK -- Croatia and Costa Rica were elected on Tuesday to the UN Security Council for 2008-09.

Kosovo talks to continue after Dec. 10 – Russia

e mërkurë, tetor 17, 2007

Press Conference: The Three Top GOP Candidates

Paul's Campaign Says Campaign War Chest Has Positioned it in Top-tier of GOP Race

Department of Defense Interrupts Ron Paul Interview on CSPAN

A strange interruption occurs at minute 2:05 of the Cspan interview with Ron Paul. A Department of Defense graphic comes on screen conveniently at the same time Dr. Paul is giving his response to bringing our troops home from around the world. Is it a strange coincidence or something else?



Muslim children look forward to the holiday Eid Al Fitre just as Christian children look to Christmas... or Jewish children look to Chanukah. It's a time for gifts, for festive meals, for family togetherness.... not for the Muslims living in Gaza.... Israel made sure of that. There was no money to buy the gifts, there were no gifts to buy period! Israel's sanctions have put an end to commerce and trade among other things...


E Verteta4_U: Congrats MIke !

Bush warns of World War III if Iran goes nuclear

Translation: I will start WW3 if Iran does not surrender its right to build nuclear power stations as set forth in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which both Iran and the US signed. I will do so becauise Israel, who did NOT sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and is building nuclear weapons, done told me too!

Ron Paul: Rock Star

By the way, did you know that Ron Paul leads all presidential candidates in donations from members of the military? That’s right. He’s being chastised by his fellow Republicans because of his views on American involvement in Iraq yet the donations flow in.

"When I Came Home": The Best Film Yet About Iraq War Veterans

video about Vet living in his car in Brooklyn after coming home from Iraq.

Dollar falls vs euro as housing starts plunge

The dollar fell broadly on Wednesday after a report showed housing starts dropped to their lowest level in 14 years in September, adding to concerns that the housing market may drag on the U.S. economy.

Traders sold dollars after the Commerce Department said home construction starts fell 10.2 percent last month, below Wall Street's consensus forecast.

Silicon Valley Loves Ron Paul


Aloha fellow Granite-staters. Live Free or Die!

As most of you know, New Hampshire carries a special totemic place in the Presidential Primaries. The GOP candidate who wins New Hampshire has almost always gone on to win the GOP nomination. The sole recent exception was Pat Buchanon, who won in New Hampshire but lost his monentum in the Iowa Caucuses, in hindsight, through massive vote fraud.

And this is the point I want to hammer home. The American people have united together to back Ron Paul. No longer willing to be distracted by manufactured issues, the people have united behind just one issue (the war) and for one purpose (to end that war), and in the process discovered that they ARE just one people after all (nooses planted by government disrupters not withstanding).

The GOP leadership is terrified of Ron Paul. His ascendancy is a threat to the established dynasty.

The Democratic leadership is terrified of Ron Paul. His ascendancy is a threat to their ambitions for the White House.

The Neocons are terrified of Ron Paul. His ascendancy is a threat to their war agenda.

Israel is terrified of Ron Paul. His ascendancy is a threat to their long-established control over the United States government.

The mainstream media is terrified of Ron Paul. His ascendancy is a threat to their power over who will or will not be a candidate on the ballot.

Ron Paul is loved by the people but he is surrounded by enemies on all sides. And if We The People really want change, if we want Ron Paul as our next President, then signs and money and votes will not be enough.

It is imperative for all Americans, even those who OPPOSE Ron Paul, to work to guarantee the accuracy and honesty of the elections process. We already know that the government will never change a system from which they themselves benefit, nor will the media, which owns Voter's News Service, ever examine the accuracy of the votes. Even after courts proved Ohio's 2004 election was rigged for Bush, none in the mainstream media dared suggest that maybe his occupancy of the White House was illegal.

So, it's up to all of you. You have all made a great start reasserting your control over the nation. Your hands are on the tiller of the ship of state. Reefs are ahead, but there is still time to steer back into clear water, if only you can fight those who intend to smash the ship on the rocks, the better to fill their own pockets with the wreckage.

The future of this nation will be decided by who wants it most.

Get involved, protect the accuracy of the elections. The alternative is too terrible to contemplate.

One of the biggest Israeli propaganda myths is the invention of 72 virgins as a Muslim reward for suicide. This has been repeated to the western world so often that most people accept it as fact. The media wants us to believe that there cannot be anything wrong about Israelis – who must be seen as eternal victims – to cause anyone to commit suicide as a means of striking back at them. Heavens no! The motivation for suicide bombings in Israel has nothing to do with Jewish treatment of Palestinians. Instead it has to do with the evilness of the Palestinians and their religious beliefs. This is the “bill of goods” they sell the western mind while at the same time faking most, if not all the “Islamic suicide bombings” to blame on Muslims.

Debunking the Suicide for 72 Virgins Myth!

Israel's Olmert to pay snap visit to Russia

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert will hold talks in Russia with President Vladimir Putin on Thursday, the Israeli leader's office said on Wednesday, announcing the surprise visit.

"The prime minister intends to discuss with the Russian president a series of regional issues including the peace process with the Palestinians and Iran's threats and its attempt to equip itself with nuclear weapons," the announcement said.
Posted Oct 17, 2007 11:17 AM PST

If Olmert thinks he can change Putin's mind on Iran, he's absolutely unhinged.

Putin's own scientists and technicians have been installing the power plant, and know for a dead moral certainty that this is simply a power plant, which Iran is permitted to build under its participation in the Non-Proliferation Treaty (to which Israel, which has nukes, is not a signatory).

If Olmert thinks he can threaten Putin from drawing support from Iran, he's gravely mistaken.

Ron Paul Banned for Opposing Foreign Aid

The Republican Jewish Coalition bars Ron from their forum.

Ekipi i Unitetit qëndron të dielën në Paris

Ndërkaqë me ftesë të shefit të diplomacisë franceze Bernard Kushner, Ekipi i Unitetit do të qëndroj të dielën në Paris. Pritet që pesëshja kosovare ta njoftojë Kushnerin, me rrjedhën e bisedimeve për statusin e Kosovës.

e martë, tetor 16, 2007

Anti war protesters in local area

Drifting from promise of independence

Once seen as inevitable, Kosovo's separation from Serbia now seems a fading prospect.(Re-posted by major reader request.)

Blogs as reliable as mainstream media - ACCC

CONSUMERS who get their news from the internet are likely to trust a blog for reliability as much as a mainstream media site, the competition watchdog said today.
Posted Oct 16, 2007 01:51 PM PST

Who told you Saddam had nookular bombs? The blogs or ABCNNBBCBS?

Who told you that the claim that Saddam had nookular bombs was total bovine excrement? The blogs or ABCNNBBCBS?

Who was right? The blogs or ABCNNBBCBS?

I am blogger, hear me roar!  ( http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/blogger.html)

Support for gun control dwindling in America

"We better arrange for, I mean, I expect there will be another mass school shooting any day now!" -- Official White Horse Souse

Mainstream media in Phoenix

New plan would double time Austria's immigrants must spend learning German

VIENNA, Austria: Austria's interior minister, wading deeper into an increasingly acrimonious immigration debate, said Tuesday he wants to double the time that immigrants spend in German language courses to ensure they assimilate into Austrian society.

Police in Kosovo arrest man suspected of slaying 14 Serbs in 1999

PRISTINA,Kosova: Police in Kosovo arrested an ethnic Albanian Tuesday accused of murdering 14 Serb villagers in one of the bloodiest ethnic attacks during U.N. administration of the province.

"Serbia could become Mecca for investors"

LJUBLJANA -- Slovenian daily Delo printed an article about Serbia’s chances of becoming an “economic tiger” in the Balkans.

6 milion euro dhe një buxhet rezervë për zgjedhjet e 17 nëntorit

SHBA: Zgjidhja për Kosovën është pavarësia

E Verteta4_U: pavarsia = trepca for America

CNBC learns not to 'mess with' Ron Paul, followers

Those Ron Paul supporters the MSM all hoped were an internet fantasy just got very, VERY real!(M R)

Victory! Ron Paul NOW invited to MSNBC presidential candidate forum

"Ron Paul was rejected because of his consistent voting record against U.S. assistance to Israel and his criticism of the pro-Israel lobby."

I think that a big part of Ron Paul's support in America is because of his consistent voting record against U.S. assistance to Israel and his criticism of the pro-Israel lobby.  (M R)

The Voice of the White House for October 15th 2007

Have you noticed that the US Media has begun non-stop Russia-bashing?

Do you really want a war with Russia? They really DO have weapons of mass destruction AND the missiles to deliver them with.

Israel would love nothing better than to have the US and Russia destroy each other, leaving Israel with its nuclear arsenal to dominate the Middle East, and with that oil as leverage, Europe as well.
(M R)

Hillary shifts right with talk of military strike on Iran

"Israel says we should do this!"

Obama would consider missile strikes on Iran

"Israel says we should do this!"   see http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/offtowar.html

Edwards: 'Iran must know world won't back down'

"Israel says we should do this!"   see http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/offtowar.html

Giuliani sends sharp warning on Iran

"Israel says we should do this!"   see http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/offtowar.html


Ron Paul not invited to MSNBC presidential candidate forum

Okay folks, Drop Tim Russert an email and suggest that Ron Paul be included.(MTP@NBC.com)


Outsourcing Torture

The Bush administration has called for the respect of human rights in Burma, a pretty safe piece of posturing, but it remains silent as Egypt’s dictator, Gen. Hosni Mubarak , unleashes the largest crackdown on public opposition in over a decade. Our moral indignation over the shooting of monks masks the incestuous and growing alliance we have built in the so-called war on terror with some of the world’s most venal dictatorships.

Mubarak, who has ruled Egypt for 26 years and is grooming his son, Gamal, to succeed him, can torture and “disappear” dissidents—such as the Egyptian journalist Reda Hilal, who vanished four years ago—without American censure because he does the dirty work for us on those we “disappear.”

Putin warns US against attacking Iran

Translation: if the US attacks Iran, it will have Russia to deal with. ( M R )

e hënë, tetor 15, 2007

LDD nuk dyshon fare se do të dal subjekt shumë i fuqishëm nga zgjedhjet e nëntorit

Kryesia e Lidhjes Demokratike të Dardanisë mbajti takimin e saj të rregullt nën kryesimin e kryetarit të saj akademik Nexhat Dacit. Në këtë takim u bë vlerësimi i përgatitjeve të deritanishme për fushatën zgjedhore, si dhe raportuan anëtarët e kryesisë në cilësinë e të deleguarve të kryesisë së LDD-së mbi takimet e tyre me kryesitë e degëve të LDD-së nëpër Kosovë.

Durres, Banoret ne proteste per mungesen e ujit

Banoret e zones se ish-kenetes ne Durres prej 7 muajsh nuk kane uje prandaj, sot jane grumbulluar per te protestuar ne vendin ku mbushin uje

Ron Paul is today's Thomas Jefferson


The Conference was on the WhatReallyHappened Radio Show

Ron Paul Revolution BIG Interstate Billboards

Arigona Zogaj - Five hundred people demonstrate for asylum

Arigona Video

Arigona released a letter and video in which she threatened to kill herself unless her family is reunited in Austria, where they had lived since 2001.

Putin confirms Iranian trip, plans to discuss disputed nuclear program

WIESBADEN, Germany: Russian President Vladimir Putin insisted Monday he would travel to Iran despite reports about a possible assassination attempt, arguing direct contact and "peaceful means" were the only way to deal with Tehran's nuclear program.

Chancellor, other top officials to begin review of Austria's immigration policies

VIENNA, Austria: Chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer and other Austrian officials launch a sweeping review Monday of the country's immigration policies, which came under fierce criticism after a Kosovo family was expelled last month.

Putin arrives after delay to meet Merkel, discuss Kosovo, Iran's nuclear program

WIESBADEN, Germany: Russian President Vladimir Putin showed up late, but brought flowers for German Chancellor Angela Merkel at a meeting Sunday where the two were to deal with tough issues such as more sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program and independence for Kosovo.

Serbs, Kosovo Albanians wide apart as talks enter 'decisive phase,' mediator says

BRUSSELS, Belgium: Rival Serbs and ethnic Albanians remain deeply divided over the future status of the province of Kosovo and painful decisions have to be made as talks enter a decisive stage, the European Union's chief mediator said Sunday.

Austria's interior minister meets with Kosovo girl whose plight sparked immigration debate

VIENNA, Austria: Austria's interior minister, criticized for his tough stance on immigration, met quietly this weekend with a Kosovo girl whose plight had touched off a nationwide debate over the country's restrictive residency laws, local media reported Sunday.

Hurdles remain on Kosovo question

BRUSSELS: Rival Serbs and ethnic Albanians failed Sunday to overcome the deadlock over the future status of the disputed province of Kosovo, as senior European Union diplomats warned that the chances of a breakthrough appeared increasingly slim.

Ron Paul Stings Hillary Clinton on Iraq War, Warns of Draft

Ron Paul NYC Meetup Rally at the Hyatt

Ron Paul Grand Central Station NYC (10-13-07)

Putin do të vizitojë Iranin

Ekipi Negociator kthehet sot nga Brukseli

Këshilli i ministrave të BE-së diskutoi për Kosovën, mbështetje për negociata dhe për Ishingerin

Këshilli i Ministrave i Bsshkimit Evropian në takimin e Luxemburgut porositë se mirëpret dinamikën intensive të aktiviteteve në procesin e statusit dhe atmosferën konstruktive të bisedimeve të mbajtuar deri më tani.

Troika talks Kosovo with Russia-NATO Council

MOSCOW, BRUSSELS -- The Kosovo mediating Troika will today brief the Russia-NATO Council on the Kosovo negotiating process.

Solana to report on Kosovo talks

BRUSSELS -- EU High Representative Javier Solana will today inform EU foreign ministers of developments in the second round of Kosovo talks.

e diel, tetor 14, 2007

Kosovo talks end, new meeting in Vienna

BRUSSELS, PRIŠTINA -- The Contact Group Troika announced in Brussels Sunday a new round of Kosovo talks for October 22 in Vienna.

Washington Post Interview with Ron Paul

Serbia Says Use of Force Is an Option in Kosovo

e shtunë, tetor 13, 2007

Ron Paul Wins AL Straw Poll By Landslide, Again!

This is for all those presstitutes in the MSM who insist that Ron Paul's popularity is an internet hoax. (M R )

The DCA Site - Updating You on DCA and Cancer - Dichloroacetic acid and Dichloroacetate

Beautiful Son

This is the website for Don King's film about autism. He was on the whatreallyhappenedradio show this morning

Your Stomach After Ramadan

USAREUR commander wants to keep 40,000 American soldiers in Europe

Here comes the demonization of Russia.

This is precisely the tack this administration takes when it identifies another country (read: Iran and Iraq) with resources which the US desperately needs.

Then comes the "justification" for the taking of those resources, no matter the price in blood and money.

I'd almost be willing to bet that we see a return of the draft in the not too distant future. ( MR )

Në rajon festohet Bajrami

Besimtarët myslimanë kanë pritur Bajramin me festime në Shqipëri, Kosovë dhe Maqedoni.

Petersen për bisedimet për Kosovën

Ish kreu i misionit të OKB-së në Kosovë, Soren Jessen-Petersen, ka deklaruar se në rast të mos miratimit të një Rezolute të re në Këshillin e Sigurimit të OKB-së, shumë shtete në botë pajtohen se duhet të gjendet një tjetër rrugë për të ecur përpara, qoftë mbi bazën e Rezolutës 12 44 ose në një mënyrë tjetër.

Petersen per Kosoven: Zgjidhja do te jete pavaresia

Sipas Petersen, çdo propozim qe do te shtynte zgjidhjen ose qe do te zgjaste bisedimet edhe me shume nuk e ndihmon qendrueshmerine ne Kosove dhe ne rajon

Empire State building to light up for Eid

The Empire State Building in New York will be lit up green to celebrate the Muslim festival of Eid.

Armed & Secure

Dedicated to Telling the Truth about Guns & Gun Owners

Zëri YT!

Albanian forum !

Serbian paramilitaries threaten war over Kosovo

BELGRADE, Serbia: A group of Serbian paramilitaries threatened Friday to go to war over Kosovo if the ethnic Albanian-dominated province declares independence from Serbia.

EU optimistic on progress in talks on Kosovo's future status

BRUSSELS, Belgium: European Union officials expressed optimism before a crucial round of talks on Sunday between Serbs and ethnic Albanians over the future of Kosovo, saying both sides had demonstrated a willingness to resolve one of Europe's most intractable territorial disputes.

Fearing deportation, Kosovo teenager pleads for reunification of family in Austria

VIENNA, Austria: Clutching a teddy bear, a 15-year-old Kosovo girl who had threatened to kill herself unless her family was reunited in Austria pleaded Friday for the return of her deported father and four siblings.

Tune in to the whatreallyhappened radio show

Oct 13th show....
First Guest: Jim Tassano, and alternate cancer cures being suppressed in the United States
Second hour: Film maker Don King and his new documentary on Autism.

Photos from NYC HQ’s Rockin’ 4 Ron Paul Party

Bush, Congress at record low ratings: Reuters poll

President George W. Bush and the U.S. Congress registered record-low approval ratings in a Reuters/Zogby poll released on Wednesday.

US general damns Iraq 'nightmare'

Retired Lt Gen Ricardo Sanchez also labelled US political leaders as "incompetent" and "corrupted".

He said they would have faced courts martial for dereliction of duty had they been in the military.

Walmart Intercom: 9/11 Truth

Nathan Moulton shows just how easy it is to get on a Walmart intercom to spread some 9/11 truth.

Iran calls on Muslims to boycott "peace conference"

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran's top cleric urged Muslim countries on Saturday to boycott a U.S.-sponsored international peace conference on Palestinian statehood next month.

Direct Kosovo talks resume on Sunday

KRAGUJEVAC -- Direct talks between Belgrade and Priština are set to resume tomorrow in the UN Headquarters in Brussels.

The new Serbian Islamic community

At a mass gathering held Thursday in Novi Pazar, the new Serbian Islamic community leader, reis-ul-ulema Adem Zilkić,called on believers from Sandžak to overcome differences and preserve peace and dignity (Beta)

Ekipi i Unitetit udhëton për në Bruksel

Anëtarët e Ekipit të Unitetit, të udhëhequr nga kryetari Fatmir Sejdiu do të udhëtojnë pasdite për në Bruksel, ku nesër do të marrin pjesë në takimin e drejtpërdrejtë me palën serbe. 

e premte, tetor 12, 2007

War fears in Kosovo as Moscow veto looms

E Verteta4_U: Re-Posted by reader request.

Paul Envisions Smaller Government, Less Global Intervention

As part of an ongoing series of in-depth interviews with presidential candidates, Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, explains his vision of limited government, decreased U.S. intervention in conflicts abroad and details his stance as an anti-war Republican.

Ron Paul in NYC

We found out tonight that CNN and local New York media will be covering a rally
tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 10:00 AM at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Midtown
Manhattan. Ron Paul will be making an appearance.

Your attendance will be very much appreciated by Dr. Paul.

Let's send a message to the Mainstream Media that Ron Paul is in it to win!

Grand Hyatt website: http://www.grandnewyork.hyatt.com/hyatt/hotels/index.jsp

The International Murdoch Media Smearing Of Ron Paul Begins

Me fat festa e fiter bajramit !

SRSG’s message on the occasion of Fitr Bajram

PRISTINA – Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in Kosovo (SRSG)
Joachim Ruecker issued the following message on the occasion of Fitr Bajram

Al Gore dhe Paneli i OKB-së për klimë, fitues të Nobelit për paqë

Aktivisti i fushës së ndryshimeve klimatike, ish nën kryetari amerikan Al Gore, si dhe Paneli Ndërqeveritar i OKB-së për Ndryshimet Klimatike janë fitues të Çmimit Nobel për Paqe. Do shiqptare kan kujtu se fiton Martti Ahtisarrii Heheheheehehehhehe !

9-11 Truth at Mount Rushmore

Ron Paul Girl - Register Now!

The Nobel: Dynamite or damp squib?

The Nobel Peace Prize has a long history of being awarded to people who seem ill-deserving of it, and the current award to Al Gore underscores that the Peace Prize can be and often is decided on political agendas.

Cop shoots man. Cop cuffs man. Then he pistol whips him. All on video. No charges laid. No investigation.

M. Ferati & Sh. Behluli

3. Me fat Bajramin          ENJOY !    And from all of us here at E Verteta we wish you all a happy bajram !   ME FAT BAJRAMI !  EID MUBARAK !

No, Really by Rick Fisk

Fundraising is another indicator of real support. Ron Paul raised 5 million last quarter which isn’t as much as Thompson, Romney or Giuliani. But it represents a 114% increase over second quarter fundraising. It will also be used far more efficiently than other campaigns which have yet to acquire significant grass roots support for the money they’ve raised and spent so far. This is a very important issue. Romney has been running millions of dollars worth of television ads and does not have much to show for it. And more and more, old media members continue to hop on Ron Paul’s bandwagon.

Kryetari Daci uron besimtarët mysliman

Me rastin e festes së Fiter Bajramit, ju shprehi urimet e mia më të sinqerta të gjithë besimtarëve të fesë islame, si dhe kryetarit të Bashkësisë Islame myftiut Naim Tërnava.

Kavaje, Berisha vizitoi Xhamine me rastin e Bajramit

Me rastin e Festes se Fiter Bajramit Kryeministri Berisha, i shoqeruar nga bashkeshortja, vizitoi paraditen e sotme Xhamine e qytetit te Kavajes, ku u prit nga Myftiu i xhamise Besnik Leçini, Imami Xhaferr Shkodra dhe besmitare te tjere.

`Eid astronomically on October 13

Muslims will celebrate `Eid Al-Fitr, the feast that marks the end of Ramadan, on Saturday, according to astronomical calculations.


It is clear from this article that the powers-the-think-they-are are very afraid of Ron Paul. This is just one of several articles which have appeared all at the same time trying to sell the idea that Ron Paul's popularity is a manufactured illusion that exists only on the internet. This of course ignores his recent fundraising success, and the very obvious support that shows up at every public venue where Ron Paul speaks.

There is also a certain arrogance displayed in these articles which implies that the internet is somehow not part of the real world, and of course, an implied message that the mainstream media is somehow more to be trusted than the internet, even though the media repeated without question the myth that Iraq had nuclear bombs, while the internet blogs reported correctly that the claims were bogus.

As I mentioned before, the current media-war is not just about Ron Paul. At stake is the future direction of American politics and whether the US Mainstream Media will continue their self-appointed role of pre-screening all candidates before the voters ever set foot in the polls, or if We The People will restore our right to choose for ourselves which candidates shall be on the ballots.

Rev. Yearwood: "Ron Paul is Better than a Lot of Democrats!"

Ron Paul fundraising shocks the media: 5 million! (MSNBC)

Austrian president wades into deportation debate

VIENNA, Austria: Austria's president on Thursday waded into a national debate about deportations of foreigners, saying he remembered a time when Austrians fled to other countries, and were admitted.

Brussels encourages Kosovo talks

BRUSSELS, NEW YORK -- The European Union wants “all efforts” to be put into securing a status solution via negotiations.

Kondoliza Rajs dhe Robert Gejts në Moskë, bisedojnë edhe për Kosovën

Sekretarja amerikane e Shtetit, Kondoliza Rajs dhe Sekretari i Mbrojtjes, Robert Gejts, kanë filluar sot bisedimet strategjike në Moskë me homologët rusë në përpjekje për të zbutur mosmarrëveshjet për statusin e Kosovës dhe për planet amerikane të raketave në Europë.

U mbajt ceremonia qendrore e faljes së Fitër Bajramit

Kryetari i Bashkësisë islame të Kosovës, myftiu Naim Tërnava edhe në ceremoninë qendrore bëri thirrje për dashuri në mes njerëzve, tolerancë e mirëqenie të përgjithshme. Ai kërkoi nga të gjithë besimtarët që festa e Bajramit të Madh të shërbejë për forcimin e lidhjeve familjare e vëllazërore në mes tyre. Në ceremoninë e faljes së Bajramit të Madh në Prishtinë morën pjesë edhe përfaqësues të partive politike dhe qytetarë të shumtë.

Free RON PAUL 2008 stickers

Free vinyl stickers...Ron Paul 2008 red , white or blue (specify) Appx 3"x 7".. with self-addressed, stamped envelope. This is not paid for or in any way compensated by the Ron Paul campaign. We have called and gotten approval from them to do this as long as we make this clear. (tax purposes) We are just patriotic Americans who would love to see a real change in our country.We are doing this on our own. Send a self-addressed stamped envelope (one stamp is sufficient) to: Ron Paul sticker offer 19754 McKillop Rd. N.E. Scotts Mills, Oregon 97375 Any donations will go into more stickers...:) Or better yet, donate to Ron Pauls campaign at www.ronpaul2008.com

e enjte, tetor 11, 2007

Pakoja e Ahtisaarit


"No troops in Kosovo in case of independence"

VIENNA -- Belgrade will "strongly back" Kosovo Serbs in case of a declaration of independence, but will not send in troops.

Ischinger criticizes Washington

Dusseldorf -- The EU envoy in the Contact Group Troika, Wolfgang Ischinger, was critical of the U.S. approach to the Kosovo status crisis.

Shyhrete Behluli - BESA BESE

E Verteta4_U: The Albanians have lost their Bes ! If they had it Kosov would be free by now. Besa bes where have you gone ???????????

Kosovo Crisis - Kosovo

Just another video I found on YouTube.

The Biggest Home Made Political Signs Ever?

Giant Ron Paul banners dominate L.A. to Vegas

'No More Wars For Israel' Conference held in Southern California Weekend of October 12-14

On the weekend of October 12-14 patriotic voices of conscience from around the world will be gathering in southern California to call for an end to the endless wars being waged… and yet more planned, if the neocons get their way…. in the Middle East by the U.S., sacrificing the lives of our sons and daughters all for the sake of a worthless parasitic and terrorist nation by the name of Israel that has been subjugating the Arab Christian and Muslim population of Palestine for nearly sixty years.

NOW is the time to stand up and let your voices be heard….BEFORE our out-of-control president and the Israeli moles who encircle and advise him begin what very well may be World War III by attacking the peaceful nation of Iran….AGAIN for the sake of the cancer in the Middle East known as Israel. This one of a kind and important conference will be held in Orange County, California, minutes away from John Wayne International airport, and 30 minutes from LAX.

Ron Paul; nothing but net.

Ron Paul is doing something that no one else, so far, has been effective at. Dr. Ron Paul has found the pulse of the country and the sleaze-balls who hijacked the ship of state don’t like it one bit.

Vote on the Michigan Republican debate

Paul campaign fueled by Web cash and savvy

The current media-war is not just about Ron Paul. At stake is the future of American politics and whether the US Mainstream Media will continue their role of pre-screening all candidates before the voters ever set foot in the polls, or if We The People will restore our right to choose for ourselves which candidates will be on the ballots.   Mike Rivero

Everything You Need to Know about Disinformation in 2 Minutes

And how to identify those pesky government shills.

Iran builds air base near Afghan border

Translation: the Iranian military knows what's coming.

Ron Paul Wins Debate In Another Landslide

Ron Paul won another debate by a landslide this week despite efforts on the part of the mainstream media to limit the Congressman's exposure and to force Rudy Giuliani down the necks of viewers.

Mitt Romney Goes All Alberto Gonzales on the Constitution

Matthews asked, "Congressman Paul, do you believe the President needs authorization of Congress to attack strategic targets in Iran, nuclear facilities?"

"Absolutely," said Paul, who in 2002 was one of six House Republicans to vote against authorizing Bush to attack Iraq. "This idea of going and talking to attorneys totally baffles me. Why don't we just open up the Constitution and read it? You're not allowed to go to war without a declaration of war."

Paul went on to dismiss the whole notion that Iran poses a threat to the US. "The thought that the Iranians could pose an imminent attack on the United States is preposterous. There's no way. This is just... war propaganda, continued war propaganda, preparing this nation to go to war and spread this war not only in Iraq, but into Iran, unconstitutionally. It is a road to disaster for us as a nation. It's a road to our financial disaster if we don't read the Constitution once in a while."

Serbia accuses US of 'obstructing' Kosovo talks

BELGRADE, Serbia: Serbia accused the United States on Wednesday of "obstructing" the Kosovo talks by promising independence to the breakaway province.

False bomb scare prompts UN staff to evacuate headquarters in Kosovo

PRISTINA, Kosovo: NATO peacekeepers in Kosovo found no explosives in a car that alarmed U.N. staff in Kosovo on Wednesday and prompted them to evacuate the organization's headquarters, officials said.

Does Iran want bombs or electricity? Leading powers still can't agree

Zilkić officially new Islamic community leader

BELGRADE -- A ceremony in Belgrade today confirmed the appointment of Adem Zilkić as the new leader of Serbia's Muslims.

e mërkurë, tetor 10, 2007

Ron Paul Wins Michigan Debate

Ron Paul @ CNBC Repub. Debate 10-9-07

US diplomat says December deadline for negotiating Kosovo settlement must be met

Pas rastit Zogajt, Parlamenti austriak në sesion të veçantë debaton deportimin e të huajve

Sarkozy: Putin nuk është "i mbyllur" për kompromisin mbi Kosovën

U.S., Russia clash at UN over Kosovo

NEW YORK, MOSCOW -- The U.S. and Russia clashed again over Kosovo on Tuesday at a closed-door session of the UN Security Council.

Albania hosts NATO exercise

TIRANA -- NATO and European partner nations have launched three-week military exercises in Albania, the largest ever held there.

Kosovo: Bomb scare evacuates UN HQs

E Verteta4_U: Look for a real bomb to go off and watch unmik blame it on Kosovars and than the negotiations get delayed again.

Russia warns again: Kosovo independence 'unacceptable'

It's all about the battle for Kosovo's resources.

And if Kosovo does go ahead and delcare its independence, what precisely is Russia prepared to do?
( M R)

Zionists using Holocaust to silence people: chief rabbi

The Ron Paul factor

Something wasn't adding up.

All indications were that Ron Paul had won the GOP debate at the Reagan Library. Poll after poll had the Texas congressman thousands of votes ahead of any other candidate, yet major news networks weren't giving him the time of day.
Posted Oct 10, 2007 08:29 AM PST

The mainstream media's power and prestige rests on its perceived ability to "pre-sell" candidates to the voters. Between Ron Paul and the blogs, that power is on the wane, and is the mainstream media can't load up the ballot with candidates pre-approved by the corporations that own them, then the money starts to go away and the politicians are less likely to pass laws that favor the media monopolies.

This attempt to eject Ron Paul is more than just opposition to Ron Paul's pro-peace policy; it is the mainstream media's fight for survival, to hang onto the glorious ride they have had all these years lying to the people.

Ron Paul looks like he can get enough support and votes to even overcome the vote fraud the media (Voter's News Service) will undoubtedly throw at him. and if he does, expect the FCC to get a chairman who will NOT be warm and fuzzy with the networks. (Ron, if you are reading this, I am available for that job).

Dispatch From Michigan

The main thrust of her report to me was that there were a LOT of Ron Paul supporters there. What amused her in particular was that (they counted), the list of supporters of other candidates rallying outside the auditorium included.

2 Fred Thompson supporters
15 Mitt Romney supporters
Maybe 300 Ron Paul supporters

End of list.
Posted Oct 10, 2007 08:33 AM PST

"Ron Paul only has 2% of the polls! Ron Paul only has 2% of the polls! Dear God, please believe me, Ron Paul only has 2% of the polls!" -- ABCNNBBCBS

No evidence of Iranian nuclear bomb plan: Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin says there is no evidence that Iran is trying to build a nuclear weapon.

Anti-War Group Releases Ad Hailing Ron Paul

Kosovo will declare independence 'within days' if talks fail

So if Kosovo declares itself independent from Serbia, what precisely are the US, Russia, and Serbia going to do?

And remember: Kosovo has the richest mienral resources in all of Europe west of Russia.

e martë, tetor 09, 2007

Banning Desmond Tutu

But in a move that still has faculty members shaking their heads in disbelief, St. Thomas administrators—concerned that Tutu's appearance might offend local Jews—told organizers that a visit from the archbishop was out of the question.

Stop Poisoning Yourself! This sweetener can kill...

U.S. warns against Turkish action in Iraq

The US is absolutely impotent to prevent these attacks, and Turkey knows it.

Go And See the Truth For Yourself, I Did

UN SC holds closed-door Kosovo meeting

Ekipi Negociator takon sot shefin e diplomacisë britanike

Ban Ki Mun dhe Ryker raportojnë sot për Kosovën në KS

e hënë, tetor 08, 2007

The Lies Of The Racak "Massacre" And Other Myths Of Kosovo

Zgjedhjet 2007 Albin Kurti 26.09.07 Vetëvendosje



BEHGJET PACOLLI***********ADD****************

Kosovo war ! Fair or biased? part 1

Degët e LDD-së në diasporë të votojnë në Kosovë me 17 nëntorë

Austrian authorities defend deportation of family to Kosovo

In a letter and video broadcast on Austrian TV, Arigona threatened to kill herself unless her family was allowed to reunite in Austria. Her mother has been allowed to stay in Austria while Arigona remains missing and, according to media reports, has been hospitalized with a nervous breakdown.

"Serbia's chance slim in Kosovo conference"

BELGRADE -- Dušan Janjić says that Belgrade would not have a chance to come out victorious in an international Kosovo conference.

Ischinger in Moscow, set to meet Lavrov

MOSCOW -- The EU envoy to the Contact Group Kosovo Troika, Wolfgang Ischinger, is in Moscow today.

Haradinaj rikthehet në Hagë, Stijoviq përpiqet të njollosë figurat e luftës

Ishinger dhe Lavrov bisedojnë sot në Moskë për Kosovën

Ekipi i Unitetit nuk ka marrë indikacione zyrtare për Dejton të dytë për Kosovën

The Ron Paul Breakthrough

His antiwar message is the key to Paul's burgeoning success.


As a side note, Columbus's wife came from a family of the Knights of Christ, surviving Templars who focused on navigation and map-making (Remember Prince Henry the Navigator?). The Knights of Christ provided maps and much of the support to Columbus although Queen Isabelle took all the credit for herself. That's why Columbus' ships are traditionally shown with a splayed red cross on the main sail; the cross of the Templars.

US man faces potential 30-year prison sentence for stealing a doughnut

America has more people in prison than any other nation on Earth.

Politicians use fear to justify wars, Paul says

R ep. Ron Paul believes political leaders are pumping up the threat of terrorism to accomplish political goals. Paul, the 10-term Texas congressman, told Monitor reporters and editors that concerns about the country's security have been overblown to justify needless foreign invasions and domestic surveillance programs.

No matter what the question is, Rudy says 9/11

Giuliani wastes no opportunity to bring up 9/11 on the campaign trail. Sometimes, it looks like a stretch.

Ron Paul TV Commercials

US to Continue Push for Pluralism in Russia

A senior State Department official said Friday the United States has not given up on democratic reform in Russia, and will continue to do what it can to promote pluralism there. Top Bush administration cabinet members go to Moscow late next week for a wide-ranging dialogue.

Muslims Suspend Laws of Physics!

Stand firm on Kosovo

Slowly, but not yet surely, Kosovo is moving towards independence. Whether this is a foolish claim or a soon to be confirmed fact is highly contested. But its shadow hangs over today's meeting of Serbian and Albanian negotiators in New York to discuss the future of a territory that was the focus of Europe's most recent war.

e diel, tetor 07, 2007

Ron Paul - Nashville Rally - Part 4 R

Category: POLITICS/ELECTIONS/CORRUPTION        Look at the crowd! And yet CNN insists that Ron Paul has only 2% of the poll numbers. ( M R )

Kosovo independence inevitable – DiCarlo

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Rosemary DiCarlo says Kosovo's independence was "an inevitable solution."

Kosovo on agenda as Putin, Sarkozy meet

Dayton-style Kosovo conference soon?

Të mos pritet konensus botëror për pavarësinë e Kosovës, thotë Surroi

Ishinger paralajmëron një "Dejton" për Kosovën

E Verteta4_U: Dont forget Ishinger was part of the last "Dayton" they had for Bosnia. And we all know what happen with Bosnia.

Ron Paul Draws Big Nashville Crowd

e shtunë, tetor 06, 2007

Kosovo guerrilla group says ready to fight Serbia

PRISTINA, Kosovo(Reuters) - Kosovo public television has broadcast footage of masked and armed members of a self-proclaimed guerrilla army who said they were ready to fight for Kosovo's independence from Serbia.

U.S. asks Croatia to take any Kosovo refugees

ZAGREB (Reuters) - A Croatian newspaper reports that the United States has asked Croatia to accommodate refugees and keep them out of NATO and European Union territory if a flare-up in Serbia's breakaway Kosovo province provokes a mass exodus.


Sovereignty and Limits for Kosovo

Ischinger sees "progress in atmosphere"

In the first meeting between Belgrade and Priština teams in New York all they agreed on was to meet and talk again in Bruksel. What is Ischinger talking about "progress in atmosphere" ???????

Treshja pret intensifikim të negociatave, thotë Ishinger

I dërguari evropian në Treshën ndërkombëtare, Volfgang Ishinger, ka thënë para ambasadorëve të vendeve të Bashkimit Evropian në Bruksel se Treshja e Grupit të Kontaktit pret intnsifikimin e bisedimeve ndërmjet palëve në periudhën e mbetur.

Daniel Fried shpreh kundërshtimin e Uashingtonit për shtyrje përtej afatit të caktuar

E Verteta4_U: What a silly  game this is. 1st we see Frank Wisner say Kosovo can not reach an agree by the end of this year and now Daniel Fried is saying hes wrong we can reach an agreement.

e premte, tetor 05, 2007

The Trepca story - Video

Fears of violence in tug-of-war over Kosovo

If you're scratching your head, and asking, "why is this little place worth so much bother?", just look at the natural resources.

As stated in http://www.globalissues.org/Geopolitics/Kosovo/Political.asp"

""The determination by the U.S and NATO, at all costs, to occupy Kosovo and virtually all of Yugoslavia, is spurred on by the enticement of abundant natural resources. Kosovo alone has the richest mineral resources in all of Europe west of Russia. The New York Times observed that "the sprawling state-owned Trepca mining complex, the most valuable piece of real estate in the Balkans, is worth at least $5 billion." producing gold, silver, pure lead, zinc, cadmium, as well as tens of millions of dollars in profits annually. "Kosovo also possesses 17 billion tons of coal reserves and Kosovo (like Serbia and Albania) also has oil reserves."

Updated Google Earth exposes Israeli military sites

I was under the impression that there was a US law that restricted satellite images of Israel to low resolution.

Although I am interested in ultra-high resolution images of the Temple Mount, in regards to the current theory that the original Temple of Herod actually sat in the open space between the Al Aqsa Mosgue and the Dome of the Rock, built on top of a foundation the Romans had had on the same site.
( M R )

Matthews says Bush administration has "finally been caught in their criminality"

Finally? Chris, over here in the real world we were onto the criminality of this government (and the complicit media) about 7 years ago!

So now that it is all falling apart, you don't want to get dragged down with the government whose lies you told for all those years. So you stand up there with the moral righteousness of a reformed harlot and act like you have only just now discovered the government's deceptions, and you are shocked, just simply SHOCKED, at what has been going on!

We The People are not going to fall for it. Bloggers were inundating you and your cohorts with the hard facts behind the government lies for the last 80+ MONTHS, and were ignored by the MSM talking heads. Worse, we were denigrated, insulted, and smeared by the talking heads for our troubles.

So don't stand there posing with your false indignation. You were part of this problem all along and when the Bush regime falls, so too will those talking heads who told his lies without question, hard enough to bounce twice on the pavement.

Are U.S. troops being force-fed Christianity?

Split court says candidates can lie

Admit it, you're not surprised.

White House Says US Does Not Torture

President Ahmadinejad says Thursday Iran 'has passed the difficult points' on its nuclear path

Who could blame them for wanting one, given that Iraq taught the whole world what the US does to unarmed nations.

Doctors: Only severely wounded Palestinians allowed into Israel

Ethnic cleansing by refusal of desperately needed medical treatment, one Palestinian at a time.

DC Forum gives Giuliani 25 minutes to speak, cuts Ron Paul off after 10 minutes

DC Forum allows Giuliani to speak for 25 minutes, cuts off Ron Paul at 10.

Bush says U.S. 'does not torture people'

We know when this man lies: his lips move, and he speaks.

And I, for one, do not feel at all safe under this administration's "protection".

If anything, the actions of this administration, including pre-emptive wars, the vivisection of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, the torture of prisoners, and the 24/7 surveillance has turned what used to be used to be a shining example of a Constitutional Republic into a banana republic.
( M R)

Utah mine investigation documents should not be public

I can certainly understand why the Mine and Safety Administration doesn't want to make this info public, because it would shine a light on just how unsafe mining operations are in the US.

To the mine owners, the people who actually do the mining are expendable.  ( M R)

Momentum building for cluster bomb ban - activists

Kosovo guerrilla group says ready to fight Serbia-TV

PRISTINA, Kosovo, Oct 4 (Reuters) - Kosovo public television has broadcast footage of masked and armed members of a self-proclaimed guerrilla army who said they were ready to fight for Kosovo's independence from Serbia.

Kosovo: Fatal shooting in Đakovica

PRIŠTINA -- The Kosovo Police Service (KPS) confirmed that a 30 year old man was murdered last night in the town of Đakovica.

October 5 anniversary

BELGRADE -- Today marks the seventh anniversary of October 5, 2000, the day that saw the end of the 13 years of Slobodan Milošević's reign over Serbia.