e diel, tetor 21, 2007

Cheney: Iran faces 'serious consequences' over nuclear drive

Vice President Dick Cheney Sunday said the United States and its allies would not permit Iran to get nuclear weapons and warned of "serious consequences" if it continues to enrich uranium.
Posted Oct 21, 2007 09:57 AM PST
Category: IRAN

Dear "Dead Eye" Dick

Nobody has shown that Iran is building nuclear weapons. They are building a nuclear power station, which Iran is legally allowed to do under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, with both Iran and the United States have signed. The IAEA confirms that Iran is enriching uranium to the 3% required to operate a power station, but that is a far cry indeed from the 98% enrichment required to build nuclear weapons.


Even if Iran wanted nuclear weapons (and since Iraq has taught the world what happens to nations that do not have them) they are STILL not a threat to the United States because the United States owns and maintains the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons and delivery systems in the world; an arsenal our parents were tricked into paying for with the promise that having the means to turn another nation into a radioactive wasteland was the surest way to prevent an attack.

Now, either that deterrent works or it does not. Either those trillions of dollars worth of missiles, submarines, bombers, and silos are keeping us safe, or all that money was totally wasted. You cannot have it both ways, Dead Eye. (MR)

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