e premte, janar 04, 2008

Iowa Live Blogging: Ron Paul defeats Republican national front-runner in Iowa

Though Paul finished fifth in the Iowa Republican caucuses, the 72-year-old maverick placed far ahead of former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who is running first in national polls.
Posted Jan 3, 2008 09:27 PM PST

Proving that the National Mainstream Media Polls do not measure public opinion so much as try to manufacture it!

Now, some things we learn from tonight.

1. All the Ron Paul support on the internet is meaningless if you don't get out to the polls and actually vote. I don't care how cold it is; make the effort.

2. Nobody expected Ron Paul to win tonight, but there is no question he did far better than most commentators were expecting.

3. Scare-mongering as a campaign strategy is SOOOO 20th Century!

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