Just moments after Dr. Martin Luther King was killed by a sniper's bullet, a photographer took the above picture. Dr. King lies on the balcony floor. The witnesses are all pointing in the direction the fatal shot was fired from. There is no confusion among the witnesses as to where the source of the shot was. They are not confused by echoes. There is no uncertainty. All three witnesses are pointing in exactly the same direction.
The official story is that these men are pointing at the bathroom window in the rear of the rooming house from which James Earl Ray is supposed to have fired a gunshot.
But is that where the witnesses are pointing?
As part of the research, Ted Wilburn went back to the Lorraine Motel, to the very spot where Martin Luther King was shot, and took a photograph of the crime scene location that shows a great deal of the surroundings.

Indicated at left is the actual window of the rooming house from which the government maintains that James Earl Ray shot Martin Luther King.
A line has been drawn from the rooming house window back to the balcony on which the pointing witnesses were photographed. Note the end of the line near the fire extinguisher and the intersection of the line with the top of the pale blue door.
Using the fire extinguisher and the top of the door as landmarks, a line is drawn on a detail of the photo taken just moment after the shooting, indicating the direction back to the window of the rooming house.

As can be seen, NONE of the witnesses are pointing towards the window of the rooming house at 422 South Main Street!
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