New York City- Feb 18. 2008:
In an interview today with the BBC in New York City our correspondent Mark Mardell conducted a short interview with Afrim Begi of the U.S. speaking about the independence of Kosovo and the recognition his country made today supporting the new Republic of Kosova.
BBC-Mark Mardell: Afrimbegi, Kosova has declared independence and today the U.S. has recognized it, what is your take on that?
Afrimbegi: "Well, some of my AUK patriots and brothers and sisters back in Kosova may feel I'm wrong by saying this... (kqyr bre Afrimin po e perdor Communicating in Business method te Kathy to make a buffer here hehe) I was dissapointed with the independence declaration of Kosova.." I wanted the "Motherland" to be the 51st state of America but we'll see what happens."
BBC: Afrimbegi, you advocate something very surprising as far as Kosova is concerned and many have nicknamed your plan as the "Afrimsarri Plan for KS" what is your response to that?
Afrimbegi: Well (ngom diqka) I've nicknamed it the "Afrim-sorry no independence plan for KS. We should make Kosova ours as an American state! Why should we let the E.U. control the new Republic of Kosova? I just feel that instead of the new EULEX team to rule Kosova we should have the "U.S.A ALL THE WAY" team from the U.S. rule Kosova.
BBC: Afrimbegi, you've written articles in the past about joining Kosova to the U.S. and have recently written the "Declaration of Annexation of Kosova to the U.S." however, there has been opposition in Prishtina (although in PR CIA operatives from Granit Hasani to Granit Jakupi have supported you on this), Mitrovica, Bukuviku and even from your Dukagjini roots back in Kosova still show opposition, how do you feel about that?
Afrimbegi: Valla spo ma ndin bash hiq more BBC ndash me dit...
BBC: Excuse me?
Afrimbegi: haha let me chillax-relax a little bit...No i'm kidding, but no look-shiko, I know all of my fellow patriots back in Kosova want to be independent and all but I advocate and support a different view and think that the U.S. can bring a faster degree of Prosperity to Kosova than the E.U. can.
BBC: But Afrimbegu don't you feel that America is too far from Kosova? I also want to discuss a little bit your interesting take on changing the city names of Kosova and the regions within it. Can you elaborate on this?
Afrimbegi Po more of course edhe shpejt bile... listen America is already there in Kosova with a huge military base and should annex the new Reublic of Kosova and bring economic prosperity to the people there. As far as the name changes I thought up for cities in Kosova, they are listed below as follows from my least favorite to my favorite:
Prishtine: "New Rio E BUKUR E Di Kosova"
Mitrovica: "New Metro-Dardania"
Besiana: "New Besian Boston" eventhough my Minister of Cool Yll Latifi demanded I name this city New London...
Gjilan: "New Jaran" although I know a certain Dhurata that would name this New Milano... but no we didn't decide on least from the last time I checked...
Ferizaj: "Nue (new) Feri"
Prizren: "Old Prize" of Kosova
Gjakova: "New Gjak"
Deqan: " Ramush City"
STRELLC: "WOOOO HOOOOOO katun hahaha" wow even in America Strellc would still be a katun! qka me bo?
*mayor here for Strellc will be A guEST from Tirana to rule the breakway Afrimian Strellc seeking to join Albania!
And last but certainly not least...
Peja: New Honolulu-Hawaii ----
BBC: Afrimbegu, will you do everything it takes to make Kosova the 51st U.S. state?
Afrimbegi: You betchya your ass BCC that I will do whatever it takes because I love Kosova like a fat loves cake... we need to improve Kosova...
BBC: Afrimbegu, ti definitivisht sje normal, you are not normal!!! What is is your message to your fellow Albanian patriots!?
e martë, shkurt 19, 2008
Decleration of the Annexation of Kosova
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