e premte, mars 14, 2008

Kosovo Government funds KEK projects with EUR 117.4 million

1 koment:

Anonim tha...

Kosovars. It is the time for a new good start.
1 - Serbian minority in Kosova should have no less rights than Albanian in Serbia, but Nothing more.
2 – Stop dual parallel governments in Kosova and in North Mitrovica.
3 - Ask Serbian Government to pay, at least 7 billion Dollars, for 190,000 destroyed or damaged homes, and for families of more than 10,000 killed by the Serbian army and Serbian Paramilitary.
4 -The Ahtisaari plan was not approved by the UN and was rejected and never accepted Serbia. The Ahtisaari plan was rejected and void by Kosovars too, with declaration of the independence. Therefore, it’s null and void. Don’t let anyone to put this “PLAN” on the table again. This plan is nothing more than an “UTOPIA”. It didn’t work and newer will work again.
5 – If you won’t stand up for your land and your rights, everybody will play with you.