e enjte, qershor 28, 2007
What's behind the calls for the U.S. to bomb Iran?
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/28/2007 0 komentet
e diel, qershor 24, 2007
Nesër në Organizatën e Kombeve të Bashkuara vazhdojnë diskutimet për Kosovën
Negociatat në KS të OKB-së mbi të ardhmen e Kosovës do vazhdojnë edhe gjatë javës së ardhshme, ndërsa ende nuk ka shenja për marrëveshje. SHBA dhe vendet evropiane duan ta aprovojnë planin e Ahtisaarit që e çon Kosovën drejt pavarësisë së mbikëqyrur, ndërkohë që Rusia vazhdon ta kundrshtojë atë. Diskutimet do të vazhdojnë edhe nesër në nivel ekspertësh, megjithatë vlerësohet se takimi midis presidentit Bush dhe Putin, në Maine, mund të ketë rëndësi për zgjidhjen të kësaj çështjeje.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/24/2007 0 komentet
Tadić apologizes to Croatia
ZAGREB -- President Boris Tadić has apologized Saturday to citizens of Croatia for crimes committed in the 1990s war in that country.
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And what about Bosnia, Kosova ?????????????? Is serbia not to blame for what happen there?
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/24/2007 0 komentet
e shtunë, qershor 23, 2007
Russia digs in heels against West's Kosovo plan
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Russia refused to budge on its opposition to a new Western-backed draft U.N. resolution paving the way for Kosovo independence as the Security Council discussed the document for the first time on Friday.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/23/2007 0 komentet
If Americans Knew What Israel Is Doing!
U.S. support of Israel puts America at risk and it is immoral and unjust. If Americans knew what Israel was actually doing they would not support it in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It is the goal of If Americans Knew to provide full and accurate information on this critical issue, and on our power -- and duty -- to bring a resolution.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/23/2007 0 komentet
The Cashless Society Has Arrived
There are four problems with the cashless society.
1. The value of the money represented by the card is not under your control.
2. Mistakes or malice can turn the card off. You could starve to death despite having a huge bank account.
3. The computers know everything you are doing.
4. Hackers.
Call me old fashioned; I still like the feel of silver coins in my pocket.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/23/2007 0 komentet
Everyone we fight in Iraq is now "al-Qaida"
That the Bush administration, and specifically its military commanders, decided to begin using the term "Al Qaeda" to designate "anyone and everyeone we fight against or kill in Iraq" is obvious. All of a sudden, every time one of the top military commanders describes our latest operations or quantifies how many we killed, the enemy is referred to, almost exclusively now, as "Al Qaeda."
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/23/2007 0 komentet
Campaign to outlaw sweetener in schools
Food Safety campaigners are calling for a ban on diet drinks and other artificially sweetened products in schools after a Wellington woman said she was poisoned by sugar-free chewing gum.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/23/2007 0 komentet
e premte, qershor 22, 2007
Y. professor thinks bombs, not planes, toppled WTC
The physics of 9/11 — including how fast and symmetrically one of the World Trade Center buildings fell — prove that official explanations of the collapses are wrong, says a Brigham Young University physics professor.
In fact, it's likely that there were "pre-positioned explosives" in all three buildings at ground zero, says Steven E. Jones.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/22/2007 0 komentet
Për pikëpamjen e SHBA-ve Kosova është e pavarur
Pavarësia së Kosovës nuk do të jetë pjesë e debatit në çfarëdo llojë negociatash që mund të zhvillohen, sepse qëndrimi amerikan rreth statusit të Kosovës tashmë është i deklaruar. "Ne do të mundësojmë edhe ca kohë për një dialog shtesë midis palëve që të arrijnë një zgjidhje, mirëpo koha është e kufizuar", tha zëdhënësi i Departmentit të Shtetit, Sean McCormack.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/22/2007 0 komentet
Cifteli Player
Çifteli – An Albanian musical instrument mostly used in the northern Albanian territories such as the areas of Kosovo, but can be found throughout the Albanian populated regions. It is also known in some areas by the names of dyzen, karadyzen, tamrre and tamburrase. It has a pear-shaped sound bowl made out of a single piece of wood. The instrument has three parts, the bowl, the top, and the handle. The handle is divided in 13 parts by copper bars tuned in 4ths, and is fretted in a diatonic scale with partial flats that produce the Albanian “natural” scale (do-re-mi (partial flat)-fa-sol-la (partial flat)-si (flat)-do). Size and bowl shape varies by region, the most common type has two strings; there are other variations with three and four strings. The pick is usually made out of the bark of a cherry tree.
The first string is used to play the notes while the seconds strings acts as a backup harmonic tune. An experienced player can also use the second string to play complex melodies. The instrument is used to play a variety of Illyrian songs and duet dances (shota). Solo singers also use the instrument in traditional story telling songs. It is can be used in an ensemble with other instrument’s such as Zumarja, Bishnica, Fyelli, Bilbili and Sharkija.
Play with the flash version of the çifteli above to get a feel of what the instrument sounds like.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/22/2007 0 komentet
e enjte, qershor 21, 2007
SFO nightmare -- 400 stuck on plane 7 hours
Nearly 400 passengers were stranded aboard a Cathay Pacific Airways jet for more than seven hours Tuesday at San Francisco International Airport, adding yet another planeload of angry consumers to a growing industry backlash.
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Maybe it's time to scrap the TSA and rehire those people to take CARE of the passengers instead of harassing them.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/21/2007 0 komentet
US, Israel finalise Iran strike plan
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert visited Washington yesterday and met with US President George W. Bush to finalise plans for a joint US-Israel strike on Iran's nuclear facilities.
Olmert also met with Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to obtain their broad support for military action against Iran.
Pelosi's comments welcoming the Prime Minister indicate that he is likely to get the backing he is seeking from the Congress.
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Well, folks, there you have it; such a strike will be a geopolitically insane act, but it appears that Olmert has the administration and congress ready to plunge right off this cliff.
And remember, it will be your kids fighting, getting maimed, and dying for yet another US - led war to accomplish Israel's political and financial agendas.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/21/2007 1 komentet
Man caught with explosives... but no worry, police say he isn't a terrorist.
According to reports from Colorado, police confiscated nitroglycerin, ammonium nitrate, PETN, thermite, and sodium azide, none of which are used as rocket fuels. They also discovered laboratory-grade glassware worth thousands of dollars.
Ammonium nitrate is the basic ingredient in so-called fertilizer bombs; PETN is an ingredient in plastic explosives; sodium azide produces a toxic gas when it comes into contact with metal; and nitroglycerin is a well-known (and extremely unstable) liquid explosive. Thermite, as most 9/11 researchers know, can be used to cut steel and may have been involved in the demolition of the three World Trade Center buildings which disintegrated on September 11, 2001.
E Verteta4_U
I guess you can't be a terrorist unless you are a Muslim.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/21/2007 0 komentet
Michael Moore: I intend to find some answers about 9/11
Okay, Mike, here are some things to look into.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/21/2007 0 komentet
Company’s march toward student loan monopoly scary
Most well-read Americans are aware at this point that corruption is rampant in the U.S. student loan system.
Some university officials receiving kickbacks from student loan companies have been steering their students toward these lenders. Some financial aid administrators were holding stock in these companies and going on expenses-paid luxury vacations to exotic locations offered by lenders.
Even U.S. Department of Education officials have held stock in the very same companies they were supposed to be overseeing.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/21/2007 0 komentet
Netanyahu departs for U.S. in bid to increase pressure on Iran
"You should send your kids to kill them for us!"
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/21/2007 0 komentet
Ron Paul, the Right Man With the Right Message at the Right Time
If you've never heard of Ron Paul, you probably have by now. This defender of American sovereignty and the Constitution is injecting his ideas into the Republican Presidential campaign and debates. The mainstream media have tried to ignore him, there have been threats to exclude him from the debates, and some have called him a nut. Nothing seems able to stop the Ron Paul revolution. His momentum is not manufactured and he has the most room to grow out of all the candidates. His appeal crosses all party lines and his message of non-intervention is such a contrast to the warmongering neo-cons. People are responding to his pledge for liberty and are sick of the government's lies and propaganda.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/21/2007 0 komentet
TB scare in S.C. puts immigrants' health in spotlight
While not considered an immediate threat to Greenville residents, the number of infected workers reflects a concern about a growing health threat: immigrants increasingly carrying TB to the U.S.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/21/2007 0 komentet
Filmmaker Michael Moore Now Says 9/11 Could Be Inside Job
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/21/2007 0 komentet
Iran poses no missile threat, Russia tells US
Russia yesterday bluntly told the United States that it saw no threat from Iran’s ballistic missiles and was perplexed how Washington could use this to justify a planned US defence system in Europe. “We do not see any kind of threat from Iran,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told reporters after a meeting in Tehran of foreign ministers from Caspian Sea states.
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The installation of the US-planned missile shield in Europe has nothing to do with Iran, and Russia knows this.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/21/2007 1 komentet
Baghdad Green Zone under attack
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There are reports that an F-16 was shot down.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/21/2007 0 komentet
Tyranny and the Military Commissions Act
Despite the fact that the MCA has received just a modicum of publicity from the mainstream press, it is undoubtedly the most ominous and dangerous piece of legislation in our lifetime. By suspending habeas corpus for foreigners, by adopting the executive branch’s “enemy combatant” designation for both Americans and foreigners, and by establishing military tribunals for foreigners, the law not only entails a fundamental reordering of our criminal justice system but also effectively places the U.S. military in control of the American people.
E Verteta4_U
If you're smugly sitting in your home, thinking that the Military Commissions Act could never, possibly be applied to you, you'd better think again.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/21/2007 0 komentet
EU warns Kosovo against declaring independence
PRIŠTINA -- The European Union warned Kosovo on Thursday against an "irresponsible" declaration of independence.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/21/2007 0 komentet
e hënë, qershor 18, 2007
Lawyer for Gov. Corzines (D-NJ) Transition Team Caught Masterbating in Public
I can fully understand the hands-free hand set. You never know when that important call from the Governor is going to come in but why did he have to keep his socks on?
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/18/2007 0 komentet
Israel Readies for a War in Gaza
To recap:
1. Hamas won the elections in Palestine.
2. Israel and the US started backing Fatah against Hamas.
3. Hamas defeated Fatah.
4. Israel, the "only Democracy in the Middle East" will now invade Gaza to kill Hamas.
Any questions?
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/18/2007 1 komentet
Gulf won’t help in attack on Iran: Riyadh
Gulf Arab countries will not be used as a launch pad for any military attack on Iran, Saudi Interior Minister Prince Nayef Bin Abdul Aziz was quoted as saying on Sunday.
He said Iran had no interest in striking its oil-producing Arab neighbours if it comes under attack from the United States. “I think the brothers in Iran are totally aware that ... Iran will not be a source of harm for their neighbours and brothers ... These countries (Arab neighbours) will not be a source of harm for Iran,” he said to state news agency SPA.
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Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/18/2007 0 komentet
Iraq now ranked second among world's failed states
Your tax dollars at work.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/18/2007 0 komentet
Engineers and Architects Question the 9/11 Commission Report
Many engineers and architects have expressed significant criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report. Several even allege government complicity in the terrible acts of 9/11. This section is a collection of their public statements.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/18/2007 0 komentet
Building Near White House Evacuated
Olmert is staying at the Blair House on Pennsylvania Avenue across from the White House. The evacuated building was the White House conference center, which is around the corner. The conference center temporarily houses the White House press corp during a renovation in the West wing.
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Just a reminder that there is a tunnel connecting the West Wing to the Blair House, for those private meetings away from the eyes of the media and the public.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/18/2007 1 komentet
FLASHBACK: The Child Prostitution Ring that Reached Bush Whitehouse
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/18/2007 0 komentet
Lajme nga Bota për Kosovën
Lajme nga Bota për Kosovën
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/18/2007 0 komentet
Serbia war crimes suspect arrested
A former Serbian police general indicted by the UN war crimes tribunal for crimes against humanity committed during the 1998-1999 Kosovo war has been arrested in Montenegro.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/18/2007 0 komentet
The Battle of Gaza
The perception of US invincibility has been shattered. America’s moral authority is in ruins. We are neither feared nor respected; that is the unfortunate legacy of Abu Ghraib and Falluja. But what is bad news for us may be good news for the people in the Middle East. It’s now possible to imagine a New Middle East where fundamental change is possible. As resistance continues to swell from a trickle to a stream---we can envision "regime change" sweeping through the region from Riyadh, to Amman to Cairo---an entirely new world shaking off its colonial past.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/18/2007 1 komentet
With Gaza in crisis, Israeli premier arrives for talks in US
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Translation: Israel gives its marching orders to Bush regarding Iran during Olmert's visit to Washington.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/18/2007 0 komentet
Nancy Pelosi or Why War With Iran May Be Inevitable
Does anyone remember the relief felt when we learned this past January, as reported in USA Today," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that President Bush lacks the authority to invade Iran without specific approval from Congress, a fresh challenge to the commander in chief on the eve of a symbolic vote critical of his troop buildup in Iraq. . .I do believe that Congress should assert itself, though, and make it very clear that there is no previous authority for the president, any president, to go into Iran."
Then came March and the Annual AIPAC Convention.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/18/2007 0 komentet
The Gaza Cage
WHAT HAPPENS when one and a half million human beings are imprisoned in a tiny, arid territory, cut off from their compatriots and from any contact with the outside world, starved by an economic blockade and unable to feed their families?
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/18/2007 0 komentet
100 Professors Question The 9/11 Commission Report
Many respected and distinguished university professors have expressed significant criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report. A number even allege government complicity in the terrorist acts of 9/11.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/18/2007 0 komentet
Netanyahu Calls for Cutting Off Water, Electricity to Gaza
Netanyahu Calls for Cutting Off Water, Electricity to Gaza
E Verteta4_U
Setting aside the fact that this is a war crime, this is a good time to remind everyone that HAMAS is the democratically elected government of Palestine.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/18/2007 0 komentet
Heroi i Kosovës, Klinton: Do të vij në Tiranë
Ish-presidenti, që për pak kohë qëndroi larg fushatës së të shoqes, në përpjekje për të qenë e para presidente grua e SHBA, u takua me Kryeministrin shqiptar
Klinton, Presidenti që mbështeti aq fuqishëm sulmet e NATO-s për çlirimin e Kosovës, që u prit si hero atje pas përfundimit të këtyre sulmeve, u ftua për një vizitë në Shqipëri nga Kryeministri Berisha.
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Clinton better not wear his watch when he goes to Albania.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/18/2007 0 komentet
e shtunë, qershor 16, 2007
U.S.: 60 Pct of Baghdad Not Controlled
Security forces in Baghdad have full control in only 40 percent of the city five months into the pacification campaign, a top American general said Saturday as U.S. troops began an offensive against two al-Qaida strongholds on the capital's southern outskirts.
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Let me get my head around this statistic.
What the military is telling us is that, after 4 years of war in Iraq, we only control 40% of Baghdad.
That amounts to 10% control of the capital PER YEAR since the war began.
So will we need to be in Iraq at least ANOTHER 6 YEARS just to control Baghdad????
How many more years to control the entire country?
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/16/2007 0 komentet
UN Kosovo Resolution Calls For More Talks
Western powers have drafted a new U.N. resolution on Serbia's breakaway Kosovo province calling for another 120 days of talks.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/16/2007 0 komentet
Families bury 80 Bosnian war victims
BRČKO -- Up to 10,000 people attended the funeral Saturday of 80 civilian victims killed in the Bosnian city of Brčko in the 1990s.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/16/2007 0 komentet
Reuters: Bush do të caktojë së shpejti datën e pavarësisë së Kosovës
Presidenti Xhorxh Bush së shpejti do të caktojë një datë për pavarësinë e Kosovës. Agjencia Reuters shkruan se, gjatë takimit Bush - Putin që do të mbahet me 1 dhe 2 korrik, do të vendoset për një datë të shpalljes së pavarësisë. Në të kundërtën, thuhet se Bush do ta caktojë vet datën e pavarësisë së Kosovës.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/16/2007 0 komentet
Bob Barker backs Rosie O'Donnell for 'The Price is Right'
This post was for you Emin HAHAHA!
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/16/2007 0 komentet
Snow falling in central Sweden
Gosh DARN that global warming!!!!!
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/16/2007 0 komentet
Welcome to 'Palestine' -
How troublesome the Muslims of the Middle East are. First, we demand that the Palestinians embrace democracy and then they elect the wrong party - Hamas - and then Hamas wins a mini-civil war and presides over the Gaza Strip. And we Westerners still want to negotiate with the discredited President, Mahmoud Abbas. Today "Palestine" - and let's keep those quotation marks in place - has two prime ministers. Welcome to the Middle East.
So what will we do? Support the reoccupation of Gaza perhaps? Certainly we will not criticise Israel. And we shall go on giving our affection to the kings and princes and unlovely presidents of the Middle East until the whole place blows up in our faces and then we shall say - as we are already saying of the Iraqis - that they don't deserve our sacrifice and our love.
How do we deal with a coup d'état by an elected government?
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/16/2007 0 komentet
BBC sorry for calling Jerusalem capital of Israel
In a letter to the complaining NGOs, Fraser Steel, head of editorial complaints at the BBC, said: "We of course accept that the international community does not recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, and that the BBC should not describe it as such. I was therefore pleased to see that Katherine Tsang [BBC Information adviser], when she wrote to you in April, acknowledged the error and apologized for it. [Presenter] Steve Boulton and other senior managers in BBC Sport told us they very much regret the mistake and apologize for it."
London-based Arab Media Watch told The Jerusalem Post: "Under international law, neither east nor west Jerusalem is considered Israel's capital. Tel Aviv is recognized as Israel's capital, pending a negotiated settlement between Israel and the Palestinians."
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/16/2007 0 komentet
For almost 60 years everyone but the Palestinians have had a say in 'what is good for Palestine'. Six decades of being treated as a non entity in the world community has led to a collective frustration compared to none.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/16/2007 0 komentet
Push for Blair as new EU president
Tony Blair, the British prime minister, could end up swapping Downing Street for a job as the first full-time European Union president, under a plan being actively touted by Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president.
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This tells us all a very great deal about Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/16/2007 0 komentet
The Speaker
Nexhat Daci: the unlikely power broker
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/16/2007 0 komentet
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/16/2007 0 komentet
ANALYSIS-West's Kosovo strategy prey to familiar strains
BELGRADE, June 15 (Reuters) - Once again Western strategy in the Balkans is under strain, with the United States calling clearly for independence for Kosovo while the 27-member European Union worries about legal technicalities and internal divisions
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U.S. says more Kosovo talks possible
PRISTINA, Serbia (Reuters) - Serbs and ethnic Albanians may need more talks on the fate of Kosovo to overcome fierce Russian opposition to its independence from Serbia, a senior U.S. official said on Friday.
E Verteta4_U
Wait a sec dident bush say ‘Enough is enough — Kosovo is independent,’???
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/16/2007 0 komentet
Crisis European arms pact talks end in deadlock
VIENNA (Reuters) - Russia warned it could be driven to suspend its part in a major arms control accord after talks with NATO states ended on Friday without headway in revising a pact seen as vital for stability in Europe.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/16/2007 0 komentet
U.S. envoy hints at more talks on Kosovo status
PRISTINA, Serbia (Reuters) - U.S. Kosovo envoy Frank Wisner raised the possibility of further talks between Serbs and ethnic Albanians on Kosovo's status on Friday, hinting at a delay in settling the breakaway province's future.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/16/2007 0 komentet
Michael Moore's 'Sicko' Leaked Onto Web
Folks, I still have not forgiven Michael Moore for the blatant propaganda of Fahrenheit 9-11...
Of you like Michael Moore's work, and F9-11 aside I do like his work, then please have the courtesy to pay for a ticket.
Here is a good reason why. Sicko looks like it will be a good film and my wife and I are planning to see it when it opens in theaters. If we PAY FOR AS TICKET, then Michael Moore will have enough money to make another film after Sicko, then another after that and another after that.
If you all download his film for free and watch it, it may well be the last Micheal Moore film made, because nobody will invest money in his future projects if they do not make a profit.
Now, I know in an age where the President has lied about other nations in order to steal their resources it is hard to view copying a file as any big deal, but look at it this way. When you pay for a ticket to see Sicko, you have a chance to prove you are morally superior to the President of the United States. And that right there is worth the price of a ticket!
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/16/2007 0 komentet
Russia warns Nato on arms treaty
Russia has warned Nato it could freeze its participation in a key arms control treaty in Europe, after talks on the issue ended in deadlock.
"The current CFE treaty has for all intents and purposes become meaningless. It's no longer viable," Russian delegation chief Anatoly Antonov said after the four-day extraordinary talks called by Russia.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/16/2007 0 komentet
Wisner urges patience in Kosovo
PRIŠTINA -- Frank Wisner, the U.S. Kosovo envoy visiting the province Friday, said the status negotiations were "complex and time consuming".
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/16/2007 0 komentet
Fresh Kosovo talks possible?
BELGRADE -- Italian Foreign Minister Massimo D’Alema proposed Friday that Belgrade and Priština should resume talks on Kosovo’s future status.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/16/2007 0 komentet
Maqedoni: Një kosovar akuzohet për trafikim me njerëz
Ministria e Punëve të Brendshme të Maqedonisë paraqiti kallzim penal për trafikim të qenieve njerëzore ndaj një kosovari dhe një personi tjetër nga Suedia. Dy të dyshuarëve u është shqiptuar masa e paraburgimit në kohëzgjatje prej 30 ditësh për shkak se kanë organizuar transportin e 17 migruesve, prej të cilëve 6 fëmijë banorë të Kosovës, me dokumente sudeze të udhëtimit, që nuk ishin të tyre.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/16/2007 0 komentet
e premte, qershor 15, 2007
'Aftershave drink' kills Russians
Russian men are risking death by drinking aftershave and cleaning agents, a study has suggested.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/15/2007 0 komentet
Army food is 'cheaper than a dog's dinner'
The Army spends more feeding its dogs than its soldiers, it has been claimed.
Figures obtained by a Tory MP show that £1.51 a day goes on meals for troops, compared with £2.63 for military dogs.
Even prisoners – who cost £1.87 a day to feed – fare better than servicemen. Schoolchildren get £1.55 for lunch alone.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/15/2007 0 komentet
Galloway Crackers #12 (wiping Israel off the map)
The one where George educates another caller about the Rumour Of The Century, i.e. the propaganda lie that gets spread by the mainstream media about the 'State' of Israel being wiped off the map. Although Iran have never once said they want nuclear weapons, George also highlights the hypocrisy in that area too.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/15/2007 0 komentet
Daniel Pipes Details Israeli Attack Against Iran
Earlier this week, warmonger and Israel Firster Joe Lieberman said “I think we’ve got to be prepared to take aggressive military action against the Iranians to stop them from killing Americans in Iraq,” predicating, as neocons are wont, his argument on allegation. Now we have yet another Israel Firster and former United States Institute of Peace—as in war is peace—board member nominee, Daniel Pipes, calling for an attack against Iran.
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... but refusing to enlist to go fight it themselves.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/15/2007 0 komentet
e enjte, qershor 14, 2007
Human trafficking in Serbia
WASHINGTON -- A U.S. State Department human trafficking report describes Serbia as a source, transit, and destination country.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/14/2007 0 komentet
e mërkurë, qershor 13, 2007
6.8 magnitude earthquake strikes off Guatemalan coast
A 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck Wednesday just off the Pacific coast of Guatemala, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/13/2007 0 komentet
“Quintet talks” unacceptable for Russia
MOSCOW, PARIS -- The Kosovo discussion “in the quintet format” is unacceptable to Russia, a Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman said.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/13/2007 0 komentet
Direct flights from Priština to New York
PRIŠTINA -- A direct flight from the U.S. to Kosovo has been established with one Kosovo and two U.S. companies handling flights.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/13/2007 0 komentet
"The Guardian": Serbia te kuptojë se ka humbur pergjithmone Kosovën
Gazeta britanike vlerëson se plani i MArti Ahtisarit deri tani është përpjekja më mendjemprehtë që të zgjidhet konflikti që zien në Kosovë.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/13/2007 0 komentet
Shtepia e Bardhe mohon vjedhjen e ores se Bush
Shtëpia e Bardhë, nëpërmjet zëdhënësit të saj, Tony Snow shpjegoi dje për gazetarët se “ora është kthyer së bashku me Presidentin Bush në shtëpi
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/13/2007 0 komentet
Amnisty kritikon Greqinë për trafikun e grave e fëmijëve
Amnesty International konstaton se pjesa me e madhe e viktimave të tregtisë me njerëz janë nga Evropa Lindore, kryesisht nga Bullgaria, Rumania, Shqipëria
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/13/2007 0 komentet
Serbia duhet ta tejkalojë Kosovën, sepse e ka humbur me 1999
Nënsekretari amerikan i Shtetit, Nicholas Burns ka deklaruar në Paris, ku mori pjesë në takimin e drejtorëve të vendeve anëtare të Grupit të Kontaktit, se Presidenti i SHBA-ve, George Bush, gjatë qëndrimit në Shqipëri e Bullgari, ka shprehur qartë qëndrimin për statusin e ardhshëm të Kosovës. Burns ka shtuar se Serbia duhet ta tejkalojë Kosovën, sepse atë e ka humbur me 1999, kur Millosheviq provoi dëbimin e 1 milionë shqiptarëve të atjeshëm.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/13/2007 0 komentet
China finds new species of big, bird-like dinosaur
HONG KONG/BEIJING (Reuters) - China has uncovered the skeletal remains of a gigantic, surprisingly bird-like dinosaur, which has been classed as a new species.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/13/2007 0 komentet
e martë, qershor 12, 2007
Milosevics face smuggling charges
The widow and son of former Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic are facing charges of running a cigarette smuggling ring during the 1990s.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/12/2007 0 komentet
Ekipi i Unitetit shpalli konkursin për flamur dhe stemë
Ekipit i Unitetit shpalli konkursin për flamurin dhe stemën e shtetit të ri të Kosovës. Konkursi është i hapur publikisht për të gjithë të interesuarit, pa kufizime. Simbolet duhet të mos përngjajnë në simbolet e një shteti tjetër, të mos përdoret simboli shqiponje dhe nuk duhet të përdoren vetëm skema e ngjyrave kuq e zi ose kuq, bardh dhe kaltër.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/12/2007 0 komentet
Army admits it dumped 64 million pounds of chemical weapons at sea
E Verteta4_U
Great. Salmon that's already smoked when you catch it!
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/12/2007 0 komentet
Castro Says Bush Craving For Affection In Albania
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Looking for love in all the wrong places...
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/12/2007 0 komentet
Photo 2 shows the watch in place. It is clearly gone by photo 9.
And this is the guy defending our nation?
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/12/2007 0 komentet
Bush in Albania 2007 - Cheering Crowd Steals His Watch!!!
Bush's watch is visible at :47 but after 1:20 is apparently gone
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/12/2007 0 komentet
US to sidestep Russia veto on Kosovo
THE US is pressing for a quick UN vote on Kosovo but is ready to take on Russia's threat of a veto and move to unilaterally recognise the Serbian province's right to independence.
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Why this geopolitical "tug of war" over Kosovo between Russia and the US?
As reported by Anup Shah in the website "globalissues.org" on 21 January 2001:
""The determination by the U.S and NATO, at all costs, to occupy Kosovo and virtually all of Yugoslavia, is spurred on by the enticement of abundant natural resources. Kosovo alone has the richest mineral resources in all of Europe west of Russia. The New York Times observed that "the sprawling state-owned Trepca mining complex, the most valuable piece of real estate in the Balkans, is worth at least $5 billion." producing gold, silver, pure lead, zinc, cadmium, as well as tens of millions of dollars in profits annually. "Kosovo also possesses 17 billion tons of coal reserves and Kosovo (like Serbia and Albania) also has oil reserves."
All Bush's talk about Kosovo 'independence' is simply about who controls - and profits - from these resources.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/12/2007 0 komentet
Kuwait says US cannot use bases for any Iran strike Kuwait
Kuwait, a staunch US ally, said on Monday it would not allow the United States to use its territory as a launch-pad for any attack on Iran over its nuclear programme.
Kuwait served as the launch-pad for the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 and remains the main staging point for US-led troops in the country. Around 15,000 US troops are stationed at several bases in the emirate.
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Translation: it is very clear to the Kuwaiti government that there will be a US-led strike against Iran which is coming soon, and they don't want any part of it.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/12/2007 0 komentet
Serbia says it won't trade Kosovo for EU or NATO
BELGRADE (Reuters) - Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership, Serb leaders said on Tuesday
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U.S. denies reports Bush's watch stolen in Albania
TIRANA (Reuters) - Reports that U.S. President George W. Bush had his wristwatch stolen while shaking hands with Albanians on his weekend visit are false, Albanian police and the U.S. embassy said on Tuesday.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/12/2007 0 komentet
Watch out, Mr President
PRESIDENT Bush went to Albania - and it looked like all he got was his lousy watch nicked.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/12/2007 0 komentet
George Bush's watch ''vanishes'' in Albania
US President George W. Bush lost his watch while meeting crowds in Albania, EFE news agency reports, quoting local TV stations. Albanian TV channels broadcast images of the US leader who was left without a watch while greeting the crowds during his trip to the Balkan country. A White House spokesman denied the news, however.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/12/2007 0 komentet
U.S. Officials Deny Bush Lost Wristwatch in Albania
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/12/2007 0 komentet
U.S. denies reports Bush's watch stolen in Albania
TIRANA (Reuters) - Reports that U.S. President George W. Bush had his wristwatch stolen while shaking hands with Albanians on his weekend visit are false, Albanian police and the U.S. embassy said on Tuesday.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/12/2007 0 komentet
U.S. officials deny Bush lost wristwatch in Albania
One moment President George W. Bush was glad-handing Albanians on Sunday, proudly sporting a watch with a dark strap on his left wrist. Moments later, it was gone.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/12/2007 0 komentet
Mystery of President Bush's watch in Albania
Film footage of the President being mobbed taken by the Albanian TV station News24 was broadcast today on Italian TV news bulletins and watched by thousands on YouTube - and it looks like Mr Bush may have had his watch stolen.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/12/2007 0 komentet
Server: Rezoluta e Kosoves duhet te votohet perpara qershorit
Paqja dhe durimi jane dy gjera kryesore qe do te mund t’ju çonin me hapa me te shpejte drejt qellimit tuaj” ka thene ne nje interviste dhene Radio Kosoves, analisti amerikan Daniel Server.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/12/2007 0 komentet
Kastro, vlereson viziten e Bush: "Tirani viziton Tiranen"
Presidenti i Kubes Fidel Kastro kritikon deklaraten e Bush per pavaresine e Kosoves, pasi sipas tij, u nenvleresua Serbia, Rusia dhe interesat e disa vendeve evropiane .
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/12/2007 0 komentet
Passport problems trap citizens in U.S.
With so much fighting going on about people who want to get into the country, we didn't realize how hard it is to get out. Chaos at the U.S. Passport office has left thousands of travelers stranded stateside, many of them holding useless airplane and cruise tickets -- a situation one critic calls "reverse Ellis Island."
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/12/2007 0 komentet
Serb leader jailed for war crimes
The international war crimes tribunal in The Hague has sentenced a former Serb rebel leader to 35 years in jail for atrocities carried out in Croatia.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/12/2007 0 komentet
Bosnia bus crash injures 27 Americans and Bosnian driver
SARAJEVO -- A bus carrying Americans to a Catholic shrine in southern Bosnia collided with another vehicle Monday.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/12/2007 0 komentet
Milošević family faces arrest for smuggling
BELGRADE -- Mira Marković and Marko Milošević will have an international warrant for their arrests, a prosecutor has confirmed.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/12/2007 0 komentet
Ikea group set to enter Serbian market
BELGRADE -- Minister of Trade and Services Predrag Bubalo met with a delegation of the Ikea Group Monday.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/12/2007 0 komentet
Contact Group to discuss Kosovo
PARIS, WASHINGTON, ATHENS, NEW YORK -- Officials of the Contact Group, barring Russian representatives, will meet in Paris to discuss Kosovo Tuesday
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/12/2007 0 komentet
McCormack: Për një zgjidhje më të shpejt, por pa afat të caktuar
McCormack: Për një zgjidhje më të shpejt, por pa afat të caktuar = McCormack: for a fast vote on Kosova, but no set date.
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If there is no set date on a vote in the SC on Kosova than there is a big chance for it to be delayed !
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/12/2007 0 komentet
Kosovans Applaud Bush on Independence
PRISTINA — Kosovans paid tribute on Monday, June 11, to US President George Bush for standing firm behind the independence of their province.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/12/2007 0 komentet
Serbian outrage over Bush remarks
SOFIA, Bulgaria (CNN) -- U.S. President George W. Bush was returning home Monday after an eight-day European tour dominated by concerns over American plans for a Europe-based missile defense system and the future status of the Serbian province of Kosovo.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/12/2007 0 komentet
Putin’s Censored Press Conference
The transcript you weren’t supposed to see
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/12/2007 0 komentet
e hënë, qershor 11, 2007
Press cheers Bush over Kosovo
Newspapers in the Serbian province of Kosovo are delighted at President George W Bush's backing for the Kosovo Albanian independence bid, calling it an "historic moment".
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/11/2007 0 komentet
e diel, qershor 10, 2007
Kosova do të jetë e pavarur, siguron Presidenti Xhorxh Bush
Gjatë vizitës së sotme të presidentit amerikan Xhorxh Bush në Shqipëri, në konferencën e përbashkët për media me kryeminsitrin Berisha, ndër temat kryesore ishte procesi i statusit të Kosovës. “Ne do të punojmë me diplomatet rusë dhe të BE-së për të gjetur një zgjidhje (për Kosovën). Nëse kjo nuk do të ndodhë, atëherë ne do të themi: Mjaft, Kosova do të jetë e pavarur!”, premtoi presidenti Xhorxh Bush. (Konferencën në tërësi mund ta ndiqni në video format)
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/10/2007 0 komentet
Russia will not change stance on Kosovo: source
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia will not change its opposition to Kosovo gaining independence despite President George W. Bush's wish to settle the province's future soon, a senior Russian official source told Reuters on Sunday.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/10/2007 0 komentet
Bush says Kosovo to be independent, delights Albania
TIRANA (Reuters) - U.S. President George W. Bush said on Sunday the United Nations should grant independence quickly to the breakaway Serbian province of Kosovo, and if Russia continued to block it then the West would act.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/10/2007 0 komentet
The Update: Bush bangs Kosovo drum
This is a short video clip.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/10/2007 0 komentet
Bush greeted as hero in Albania
President George W Bush has become the first US leader to visit Albania, where he enjoyed a hero's welcome.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/10/2007 0 komentet
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/10/2007 0 komentet
Bush: U.N. must act now on Kosovo
TIRANA, Albania (CNN) -- Setting up possibly another showdown with Russia, U.S. President George W. Bush has said "the time is now" to grant independence to the Serbian province of Kosovo and called on Moscow not to slow down the process.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/10/2007 0 komentet
Merkel: G8 Kosovo discussion constructive
HEILIGENDAMM, BRUSSELS -- The G8 summit that ended Friday in Germany saw no agreement over Kosovo’s status settlement process.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/10/2007 0 komentet
Albanian street named after George W. Bush
TIRANA -- In the footsteps of Priština, the Tirana Council decided Friday to name a street for the visiting U.S. President.
E Verteta4_U
This is ludicrous !
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/10/2007 0 komentet
Sot e nesër /9 e 10 qershor/ kufiri me Shqipërinë nuk mund të kalohet pa pasaportë
Përmes një komunikate mër opinion, SHPK-ja ka njoftuar se marrëveshja mes Kosovës dhe Shqipërisë, për kalimin e kufirit vetëm me letërnjoftim e cila ka hyrë në fuqi me 1 qershor 2007 dhe vlen deri më 30 Shtator 2007, nuk do të zbatohet për datën 9 dhe 10 qershor 2007. Për kalimin kufitar në këto dy data nevojitet që qytetarët e Kosovës të kenë me vete pasaportat, ndryshe nuk do t’iu lejohet kalimi.
Kjo është bërë me vendimin e autoriteteve shqiptare për shkak të vizitës se Presidentit Bush që do t’i bëj Shqipërisë, thuhet në kumtesën për opinion të lëshuar nga Zyra për informim publik e SHPK-së, Komanda Kryesore e Policisë në Prishtinë.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/10/2007 0 komentet
Rrumbullakohet kuadri i masave të sigurisë për vizitën e Presidentit Bush në Tiranë
Kuadri i masave të sigurisë në Shqipëri, në pritje të vizitës së presidentit amerikan George Bush është i plotë.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/10/2007 0 komentet
e premte, qershor 08, 2007
Merkel sees no point to delay on Kosovo decision
HEILIGENDAMM, June 8 (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Friday she did not support delaying a decision on the future of the Serbian province of Kosovo, whose Albanian population are pushing for a U.N. vote on independence.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/08/2007 0 komentet
Marine says he erased photos of Haditha victims
A staff sergeant testified Thursday that he was ordered to destroy grisly pictures of women and children killed by Marines so that the images would not be part of a statement being prepared for an investigative officer and a magazine reporter.
The testimony by Staff Sgt. Justin Laughner, taken under a grant of immunity, is the first evidence suggesting that any Marine officer may have engaged in a coverup in the deaths of 24 Iraqi civilians in 2005.
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Folks, the Iraqis don't "hate us because we're free".
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/08/2007 0 komentet
George Bush returns to G8 summit after missing morning with stomach complaint
US president George W Bush suffered a stomach upset on Friday and missed morning sessions at the G8 talks.
E Verteta4_U
Sure that beer was non-alcoholic!
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/08/2007 0 komentet
Africa, Kosovo on G-8 Agenda
The leaders of the Group of Eight met with African leaders on their summit's concluding day Friday, agreeing on a $60 billion package to fight disease in Africa as diplomats worked behind the scenes on a possible deal with Russia over Kosovo's future.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/08/2007 0 komentet
Ceku: Do not betray this trust
Kosovo's prime minister urged the West on Friday “not to betray the trust of Kosovo's Albanians” on a UN plan for independence, after the French president suggested a six-month delay on a decision.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/08/2007 0 komentet
G8 find no agreement on Kosovo resolution
HEILIGENDAMM, PRIŠTINA -- The G8 has not yet reached a decision at its summit in Germany to postpone submission of a Kosovo resolution to the UN.
“We have not made necessary progress so far,” French President Nicolas Sarkozy told journalists after a meeting with his U.S. counterpart George Bush.He said the G8 leaders and political directors of the foreign ministries discussed Kosovo until late last night, but failed to make progress.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/08/2007 0 komentet
e enjte, qershor 07, 2007
Are we heading towards a new Cold War?
The Russian foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, has accused the West of acting in the spirit of the Cold War by deciding to build part of a missile shield in central Europe.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/07/2007 0 komentet
Kosovo urges UN vote, Russian veto or not
PRISTINA, (Reuters) - Kosovo is prepared to make a unilateral declaration of independence and is pressing the West to go ahead with a vote at the United Nations even if Russia is likely to veto the proposition.
In twice delaying the decision from last year to accommodate Serbia, Surroi said, Kosovo had become collateral damage in the West's worsening relations with President Vladimir Putin's Russia.
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"Kosovo had become collateral damage" This is the best thing Surroi has said all year!
Its about time they are seeing the truth ( e verteta ) over there.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/07/2007 0 komentet
Vendet e G8-es shtyjne votimin per rezoluten e Kosoves
Presidenti frances, Nicolas Sarkozy, ka propozuar sot, ne mbledhjen e vendeve te G8-es, nje afat suplementar 6-mujor per te reflektuar mbi statusin e ardhshem e Kosoves.
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For all those non albanian speakers, this is a news alert on the Kosova Status settlement. " Kosova status is going to be delayed for 6 months" thats right 6 MONTHS !!!
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/07/2007 0 komentet
UN Prosecutor "Optimistic" Mladic Arrest "Within Weeks"
DOW JONES NEWSWIRES -- Ratko Mladic, the Bosnian Serb wartime army commander accused of genocide, could be arrested "within a few weeks", the chief prosecutor at the U.N. tribunal in The Hague has said, The Financial Times reports Wednesday.
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Serbia's president says leaders all in agreement to arrest Mladic
BELGRADE, Serbia-Serbia's leaders are all determined to arrest most-wanted U.N. war crimes fugitive Gen. Ratko Mladic, the president was quoted as saying in an interview Wednesday, hours before he was due to meet with chief U.N. war crimes prosecutor for the former Yugoslavia.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/07/2007 0 komentet
Futboll: Zyrtarizohet transferimi i Riberisë tek Bajerni
Mesfushori i kombëtares franceze dhe anëtari i deritashëm i Olimpikut të Marsejës, Frank Riberi ka nënshkruar kontratë katërvjeçare me Bajernin e Munihut, ka bërë të ditur presidenti i Olimpikut, Pape Diuf.
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Why would this be todays headline news in Kosova ?
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/07/2007 0 komentet
Janë vendosur kriteret për simbolet e Kosovës
Flamuri i shtetit të Kosovës duhet të jetë origjinal dhe të mos i përngjaj ndonjë flamuri kombëtar apo partiak. Kështu është bërë e ditur pas takimit të grupit punues, ku janë përcaktuar kriteret për simbolet e shtetit të Kosovës. Në takimin i cili është mbajtur me shefen e Zyrës amerikane Tina Kaidanov dhe përfaqësuesin e BE-se Torbjon Solstrom, grupi ka arritur t`i harmonizojë qëndrimet dhe të propozoj kriteret dhe dinamikën e procesit të përcaktimit të simboleve.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/07/2007 0 komentet
KS pezullon votimin e rezolutes per statusin e Kosoves
Ambasadori amerikan në OKB bashkë me ambasadorin gjerman vendosën që ky proces të (shtyhet) deri sa të përfundojë samiti i liderëve te G8.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/07/2007 0 komentet
Bush, Clinton put U.S. on edge of new Cold War with Russia
Anti-Russia hawks are now pushing to bring Ukraine and Georgia into NATO. If they succeed, we could be dragged into future confrontations with a nuclear-armed Russia about who has sovereignty over the Crimea and whether South Ossetia should be part of Georgia.
Are these vital U.S. interests worth risking a war? Why are we moving a U.S.-led military alliance into the front yard and onto the side porch of a country with thousands of nuclear weapons? Would we accept any commensurate Chinese or Russian move in the Caribbean?
E Verteta4_U
And please remember one thing: the only people who 'win' a cold war are the weapons manufacturers and dealers.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/07/2007 0 komentet
Paris Hilton out of jail
Paris Hilton was let out from jail Thursday morning, just days after she began serving her 45-day sentence for violating probation, a spokesman for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department said at a press conference.
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Proving once again that there is one set of laws for the ultra rich, and another entirely for the rest of us.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/07/2007 0 komentet
e mërkurë, qershor 06, 2007
Man tries to jump into popemobile
A German man has tried to jump into Benedict XVI's popemobile during his weekly general audience held in St Peter's Square at the Vatican.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/06/2007 0 komentet
Pole wakes up from 19-year coma
A Polish man has woken up from a 19-year coma to find the Communist party no longer in power and food no longer rationed, Polish TV reports.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/06/2007 0 komentet
Reporter Arrested on Orders of Giuliani Press Secretary
Freelance reporter Matt Lepacek, reporting for Infowars.com, was arrested for asking a question to one of Giuliani's staff members in a press conference. The press secretary identified the New York based reporter as having previously asked Giuliani about his prior knowledge of WTC building collapses and ordered New Hampshire state police to arrest him.
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Mike rivero
didn't realize Press Secretaries had arrest powers!
On a more serious note, how a candidate handles his campaign is usually a strong indicator of how they will handle their office if they win. If Giuliani believes in arresting reporters to evade embarrassing questions now, he will continue to do so if he becomes President.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/06/2007 0 komentet
MSNBC ranks Ron Paul at BOTTOM of GOP candidates!
Posted Jun 6, 2007 09:04 AM PSTCategory: MAINSTREAM MEDIA
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Mike rivero
"Take a good look at the comment MSNBC has put under Ron Paul's entry. Unless they remove it, it says "Just please stop e-mailing us. Thanks."
Folks, this is a war between the mainstream media and WE THE PEOPLE over who gets to choose the candidates. MSNBC, despite the overwhelming support for Ron Paul in all the online polls, has decided that they, NOT THE VOTERS, will choose who gets to run and who does not, then in effect told you all to shut the hell up about it.
Drop MSNBC a note and let them know that TV networks are not empowered by the Constitution to be part of the process by which Presidents are chosen, and that having rankings 180 degrees at odds with the online polls is no way to build trust with the viewers".
www.whatreallyhappened.com & Msnbc news
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/06/2007 0 komentet
Në Heiligendamm fillon Samiti i G8-ës
Në Gjermani, sot fillon Samiti i krerëve të shteteve përkatësisht qeverive të G8,-ës, apo 7 vendeve më të industrializuara të botës plus Rusinë. Në Samit njëra nga temat qëndrore do të jetë edhe çështja e zgjidhjes së statusit të Kosovës.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/06/2007 0 komentet
Kosovo contest for state symbols
Starting today, the people of Kosovo have two weeks to come up with new state symbols, in a competition announced by the Kosovar government.
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Please anything but DioGuardis Flag is fine !
see DioGuardis flag here -
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/06/2007 0 komentet
Në një varrezë masive në Serbi, pritet të gjenden eshtrat e 500 shqiptarëve
Autoritetet serbe kanë filluar sot hapjen e një varreze masive në të cilën besohet se janë te varrosur rreth 500 shqiptare, viktima te luftës ne Kosove. Këtë informacion e kanë dhënë disa dëshmitarë të cilët kanë pohuar së në fillim të qershorit të vitit 1999 me katër kamionë janë transportuar rreth 350 kufoma nga Kosova. Zhvarrosja po bëhet në zonën e kufirit mes Serbisë dhe Kosovës, dy kilometra nga linja kufitare.
Gjate hapjes se varrezës ishin të pranishëm edhe përfaqësuesit e Komisionit për personat e zhdukur në Serbi; përfaqësues të Kryqit të Kuq Ndërkombëtar; të Gjykatës se Hagës; misionit te OSBE-se; te UNMIK-ut dhe përfaqësues te institucioneve të Kosovës.
Kjo do të jetë varreza me e madhe e zbuluar ne Serbi pas vitit 2001, kur trupat e më se 800 kosovarëve janë gjetur në gropa te thella, në një vend ku stërviteshin forcat policore, në të dale te Beogradit dhe në Serbinë lindore.
Ndërkohë, koordinatorja e Komisionit qeveritar për të pagjeturit, Nysrete Kumnova, ka thënë sot për Radio Kosovën se “Këtë informacion e kemi që prej një viti, por nuk kemi mundur ta bëjmë publik, pasi nuk ishte e sigurt nëse ka trupa të shqiptarëve atje”.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/06/2007 0 komentet
e martë, qershor 05, 2007
Who won the debate?
E Verteta4_U
The people speak.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/05/2007 0 komentet
Suspected mass grave probed
RUDNICA -- Examination of a suspected mass grave that allegedly contains up to 500 bodies in Raška has begun this morning.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/05/2007 0 komentet
Albania cracks down on human trafficking
TIRANA -- Albanian authorities arrested nine on Sunday, including four policemen, in a crackdown on a human trafficking ring.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/05/2007 0 komentet
Two young boys flying kites were just murdered in cold blood by Israeli soldiers. A third boy was injured severely, being shot in the back. Their crime??? Need you ask??? THEY WERE PALESTINIAN!
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/05/2007 0 komentet
How to Foil a Terrorist Plot in Seven Simple Steps
3. The fact that you do not know any actual terrorists should not in any way deter you. Necessity is the mother of invention: if you can find the right raw material -- a sad, sick, lonely, drunk, deranged, disgruntled or just plain anti-American Muslim somewhere in the United States -- you can make your very own terrorist.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/05/2007 0 komentet
e hënë, qershor 04, 2007
Iran: U.S. missile defense plan 'joke'
Iran's top security official on Monday called U.S. plans for an Eastern Europe missile defense shield that Washington says would protect U.S. allies from Iran a "joke," saying Tehran's missiles do not have the capability to reach Europe.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/04/2007 0 komentet
Arkansas GOP head: We need more 'attacks on American soil' so people appreciate Bush
In his first interview as the chairman of the Arkansas Republican Party, Dennis Milligan told a reporter that America needs to be attacked by terrorists so that people will appreciate the work that President Bush has done to protect the country.
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Arkansas Republican Party Chair, Dennis Milligan: a man truly in need of immediate psychiatric help.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/04/2007 1 komentet
Putin: Missiles may target Europe
MOSCOW, Russia (AP) -- Moscow could aim nuclear weapons at targets in Europe as part of "retaliatory steps" if Washington proceeds with building a missile defense system on the continent, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Monday.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/04/2007 1 komentet
Mass grave may hold up to 500 Kosovo victims
BELGRADE -- A mass grave said to contain up to 500 Albanians allegedly killed in 1999 will be opened Tuesday in Serbia.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/04/2007 0 komentet
Në Ponesh të Gjilanit konfiskohen disa armë dhe një sasi municioni
Togeri Ismet Hashani, zëdhënës i SHPK-së në Gjilan ka bërë të ditur se në një lokacion afër fshatit Ponesh, fshat ky i banuar me shqiptarë dhe serbë, janë parë disa armë të cilat më pas janë konfiskuar nga policia.
“Në vendin e ngjarjes, bashkë me njësitet e SHPK-së kanë dal edhe njësitet e KFOR-it, me ç’rast aty janë gjetur: Dy pushkë gjysmë automatike prodhim jugosllav, një pushkë automatike AK-47, një sasi e vogël municioni dhe një jelek anti plumb, prodhim amerikan, të cilat janë konfiskuar nga policia”, ka thënë toger Hashani. Njësitet e Hetimeve Rajonale janë duke e hetuar rastin.
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Dont give up your arms to no one ! Kosova made a big mistake when they allowed UNMIK to disarm them back in 99.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/04/2007 0 komentet
Këtë verë turistike Ulqini premton befasi të ndryshme dhe çmime më të ulëta për turistët kosovarë
Kryetari i komunës së Ulqinit, Gëzim Hajdinaga, i ftoi qytetarët e Kosovës që t’i kalojnë pushimet verore në Ulqin, ngase siç tha ai, këtë verë turistët do t’i presin befasi të ndryshme. Ai tha se këtë sezon çmimet do të jenë më të ulëta se sa vitin e kaluar. Në një konferencë për shtyp të mbajtur sot në Prishtinë, Hajdinaga tha se lidhjet e Ulqinit me Kosovën janë të vjetra, duke i cilësuar ato si vëllazërore dhe të sinqerta.
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This is good because i had plans to go to ULqin this summer :)
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/04/2007 0 komentet
e diel, qershor 03, 2007
Mali i Zi shënon sot 1 vjetorin e pavarësisë
Me manifestime të ndryshme malazezët sot kremtojnë 1 vjetorin e pavarësisë. Votuesit malazezë në 21 maj të 2006 votuan për t'u shkëputuar nga shteti i përbashkët me Serbinë, përderisa më 3 qershor parlamenti miratoi vendimin dhe shpalli pavarësinë.
Më 28 qershor të vitit të kaluar Mali i Zi u bë anëtari i 192-të i Kombeve të Bashkuara, kurse këtë vit u anëtarësua dhe në Këshillin e Evropës
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/03/2007 0 komentet
“U.S. may postpone Kosovo settlement”
WASHINGTON -- The U.S. will decide whether to continue to support a new resolution or postpone the status settlement, an analyst says.
“The U.S. Administration has set a deadline to decide this week whether to continue to push the draft Kosovo resolution, and the UN Security Council vote on the same, or to postpone the settlement process,”
E Verteta4_U
They have postpone the settement process so many times ! Why stop now ?
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/03/2007 0 komentet
Putin: Independence harmful and dangerous
BERLIN -- Russian President Vladimir Putin advocated compromise and told Der Spiegel Kosovo’s independence would be dangerous.
Asked whether the veto wielding UN Security Council members could yet reach a compromise over the contentious issue of Kosovo’s future status, Putin told the German magazine that he would have long since suggested a compromise if he knew one.
“I do not know one. But, we need to patiently seek such outcome,” Putin added.
Putin refrained from a direct answer to the question about the Russian reaction to Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence.
The Russian president also said Kosovo was not an isolated case, since residents of Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Pridniestrovlie have had their own parliaments and presidents for the past 15 years and consider themselves independent.
“We cannot allow independence for Kosovo, at the same time stripping other nations of their right to self-determination. An independent Kosovo would support separatism in Europe,” Putin said, and added that such developments would reflect in the Basque regions, Scotland and especially in the Balkans.
“Why would we provoke all that, it’s harmful and dangerous,” Putin concluded.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/03/2007 0 komentet
Missile shield ups chance of atomic conflict: Putin
Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Saturday U.S. plans to install a missile defense system in Europe increased the chances of a nuclear conflict.
Moscow is alarmed by U.S. plans to deploy parts of a global missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic and last week it tested a new intercontinental ballistic missile it said could ensure the country's security for the next 40 years.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/03/2007 1 komentet
e shtunë, qershor 02, 2007
CIA " Black Ops" directed against Iran
Coinciding with the announcement on the closing down of ISOG, "The CIA has received secret presidential approval to mount a covert "black" operation to destabilize the Iranian government, according to current and former officials in the intelligence community... " (ABC News Report 22 May 2007).
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For all those who think arabs hate us because we are free are all wrong ! They hate us becuase we send the CIA in their country and try to destabilize their country by blowing things up and killing many women and children and than blaming it on their government in order to over throw it .
They have ever right to hate us !
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/02/2007 0 komentet
"Islamic Terrorists" supported by Uncle Sam: Bush Administration "Black Ops" directed against Iran, Lebanon and Syria
The Bush administration has admitted that covert actions of an aggressive nature were applied against Iran and Syria. The stated objective was to wreck the countries' economies and currency systems.
Full story here - http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=CHO20070531&articleId=5837
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/02/2007 0 komentet
Former Guyana legislator arrested in U.S. plot defended at home
GEORGETOWN, Guyana: Colleagues of a former opposition member of Guyana's parliament expressed disbelief Saturday that he could be involved in an alleged plot to attack New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport.
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The Albanians should of done the same thing with the fort dix plot. Instead of apologizing for it. they should of expressed disbelief. because when you apologize its like an excuse for some fault you did, and Albania had no fault in the fort dix plot.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/02/2007 0 komentet
'Shin Bet involved in 1976 hijacking'
Remember yesterday when I dared ABCNNBBCBS to run this story? And instead today's headline is how some Arabs are accused of TALKING about planning to maybe sort of kinda commit an act of terror against an airport?
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/02/2007 0 komentet
Israeli agents 'helped Entebbe hijackers'
I am keeping this near the top of the page because I think this is an important story and more than that, this is a real test for the US mainstream media.
This story, that Israeli intelligence agents helped stage an act of terror to frame the PLO with is a major story. It has bearing not only on current events like 9-11, but on a possible motive behind the attacks on USS Liberty and USS Cole.
So, we wait patiently to see how much coverage this story, which is prominent on the foreign press, receives from ABCNNBBCBS.
My prediction is, "damned little."
The defy is hurled, networks. Let's see you prove you are not under the control of pro-Israeli interests. ( Mike Rivero from www.whatreallyhappened.com)
"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information." -- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/02/2007 0 komentet
3 arrested in JFK Airport terror plot
Latest booga booga. This is another set-up by an informant. These patsies did not have any bombs, guns, or other devices. They did not actually do anything or even prepare to do anything. They talked about it (according to the informant).
It's another manufactured PR ploy to try to build support for more war on Arabs.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/02/2007 0 komentet
Ban Ki Moon mbështet plotësisht planin për Kosovën
Ashtu siç u paralajmërua, bisedimet në nivel të ekspertëve të vendeve anëtare të Këshillit të Sigurimit për harmonizimin e mëtejmë të gjuhës përfundimtare të rezolutës mbi vazhdun në New York, ndërkohë që Sekretari i Përgjithshëm i Kombeve të Bashkuara, Ban Ki Moon ka ritheksuar edhe njëherë mbështetjen e tij të plotë për planin Ahtisaari dhe në mënyrë indirekte edhe për një pavarësi të mbikëqyrur për Kosovën siç e rekomandon ai.
Në pyetjen se a do të krijonte një bllokadë në zgjidhjen e çështjes së Kosovës një veto e mundshme ndaj planit Ahtisaari, të dërguarit të posaçëm të tij, sekretari përgjithshëm tha se është një dokument që ende në mënyrë aktive po shqyrtohet nga vendet anëtare të Këshillit të Sigurimit. "Nuk do të doja të bëj ndonjë
koment tani për tani, sepse duhet të presim dhe shohim si do të veprojë Këshilli i Sigurimit. Siç e kam thënë edhe më parë, unë i japë një mbështetje të plotë rekomandimeve të dërguarit tim të posaçëm", tha Sekretari i Përgjithshëm. Ndërkaq, kur është fjala tek rezoluta mbi Kosovën që në themel do të mbështesë rekomandimet e Ahtisaarit, zyrtarët amerikanë kanë theksuar se ata duan që për të të votohet javën e ardhshme në Këshillin e Sigurimit në New York. Sipas burimeve në Kombet e Bashkuara, tanimë ekzistojnë edhe votat e nevojshme për miratimin e saj nga anëtarët e Këshillit të Sigurimit, natyrisht me kusht që Rusia të mos përdorë veton. /S.gashi/
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How many times will they keep telling us ban ki moon supports ahtisarris plan ?????????
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/02/2007 0 komentet
e premte, qershor 01, 2007
E Verteta4_U
Folks this is very important to read this document
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/01/2007 0 komentet
More on Kosovo | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited
News on the Kosovo conflict, developments, and editorials on recent events.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/01/2007 0 komentet
IOL: Kosovo gunmen attack swimming teenagers
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/01/2007 0 komentet
In Pictures: Kosovo violence
view pictures here - http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_depth/photo_gallery/3522860.stm
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/01/2007 0 komentet
Kosovo High-Rise Building Is Hit by an Explosion, Sky Reports
Kosovo High-Rise Building Is Hit by an Explosion, Sky Reports...
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/01/2007 0 komentet
Peace force in Kosovo gunfight
United Nations police in Kosovo are investigating a weekend shootout between Jordanian and US police units in the province which left two US woman officers and a Jordanian dead. There are fears that it was motivated by anti-Americanism.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/01/2007 0 komentet
FLASHBACK: Kosovo: 'The war is about the mines'
"The war in Kosovo is about the mines, nothing else. This is Serbia’s Kuwait—the heart of Kosovo. ... In addition to all this, Kosovo has 17 billion tons of coal reserves."
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/01/2007 0 komentet
Some Norwegian Soldiers in Kosovo having fun and making a music video spoofing the old 80s hit Kokomo. The video is very well done and pretty funny.
Watch it here -
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/01/2007 0 komentet
Kosovo faces renewed war
With all eyes on France and the future of Europe, the fate of Kosovo might seem piffling, but no one is going to die in France as the result of its referendum. As for Kosovo, well, in 1999 we did fight a war over it and yet, when the UN Security Council on Friday gave the green light to a process that could result in its independence - or in another war - nobody noticed.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/01/2007 0 komentet
FLASHBACK: US psychological warfare experts worked at CNN and NPR during Kosovo War
Cable News Network (CNN) and National Public Radio (NPR) have acknowledged that eight members of the US Army 4th Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) Group served as interns in their news divisions and other areas during the Kosovo war.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/01/2007 1 komentet
Political "Interests" Saved Kosovo's Thugs
Other Balkans Articles In this exclusive interview with one of Canada’s most experienced police detectives, Stu Kellock, readers get the inside story of how UN investigators in Kosovo sought to crack down on criminals and terrorists – but were systematically stopped, because of the perceived need to safeguard the interests of the Western political elite and their local protégés.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/01/2007 0 komentet
UN Closes Book On Milosevic Cover-up
The Hague Tribunal's final verdict on Slobodan Milosevic's death has concluded that he was not poisoned and there was no foul play involved.
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Imagine my shock.
Full Story here - http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/may2006/310506closesbook.htm
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/01/2007 0 komentet
Russia bullies BP - U.S. motorist, take note
How the aggressive behavior of the world's second largest exporter could drive prices higher for everyone.
This would be the latest in a string of incidents generally interpreted as Russia strong-arming its partners into deals more favorable to the government. These moves, analysts say, could hurt worldwide production and drive up energy costs for consumers everywhere.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/01/2007 0 komentet
Kosovo draft resolution submitted
NEW YORK, MOSCOW, BELGRADE -- The new U.S.-European proposed Kosovo resolution was presented to the UN Security Council yesterday.
According to information garnered by the Beta news agency, the proposal of May 11 has been slightly altered and the new one does not “approve” UN Kosovo envoy Martti Ahtisaari’s plan, but does “support” it.
Ahtisaari proposes an international-supervised independence for the province.
U.S. and Russian UN ambassadors have scheduled a meeting with Kosovo experts today.
American ambassador to the UN, Zalmai Khalilzad, said that “there were changes, but the essential part of the resolution still calls for Kosovo entering a new phase in its road towards independence,” according to the UN’s website.
He added that “Kosovo's independence is unavoidable,” and that the U.S. is open to any constructive proposal from Russia.
Khalilzad also hopes that the resolution will be voted on next week, while Russian officials stated that if the U.S. insists on a vote, Russia might use its veto in the Security Council to thwart it.
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No one can wait for there INDEPENDENCE to come , they must go and take it themselves.
If Kosova continues to wait for it than they are never going to get it. If the albanians really want their freedom than now is the time to stand up and go get it by any means necessary !
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/01/2007 0 komentet
Modifikimet në projektrezolutën e KS për Kosovën, Prishtina i vlerëson të pranueshme
Anëtarë të EU vlerësojnë se modifikimet e bëra nuk e prekin substancën e pakos së Ahtisaarit dhe për këtë arsye janë të pranueshme. Por, cilat dhe çfarë janë modifikimet e propozuara në Projektrezolutën e re të KS për Kosovën, për të siguruar mbështetjen ruse, apo në rastin tjetër për të evituar veton ruse lidhur me miratimin e kësaj rezolute ?
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/01/2007 0 komentet
US debt could trigger dollar collapse, UN warns
The United States dollar is facing imminent collapse in the face of an unsustainable debt, the United Nations warned today.
FULL Story here = http://pressesc.com/01180629622_dollar_falls
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/01/2007 0 komentet
TB patient ID'd as Atlanta lawyer
By GREG BLUESTEIN and DEVLIN BARRETT, Associated Press Writers
Thu May 31, 7:56 PM ET
ATLANTA - A globe-trotting Atlanta lawyer with a dangerous strain of tuberculosis was allowed back into the U.S. by a border inspector who disregarded a computer warning to stop him and don protective gear, officials said Thursday. ADVERTISEMENT
The inspector has been removed from border duty.
The unidentified inspector explained that he was no doctor but that the infected man seemed perfectly healthy and that he thought the warning was merely "discretionary," officials briefed on the case told The Associated Press. They spoke on condition of anonymity because the matter is still under investigation.
The patient was identified as Andrew Speaker, a 31-year-old personal injury lawyer who returned last week from his wedding and honeymoon trip through Italy, the Greek isles and other spots in Europe. His new father-in-law, Robert C. Cooksey, is a
CDC microbiologist whose specialty is TB and other bacteria.
Cooksey would not comment on whether he reported his son-in-law to federal health authorities. Nor did the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explain how the case came to their attention. However, Cooksey said that neither he nor his CDC laboratory was the source of his son-in-law's TB.
Speaker is now under quarantine at a hospital in Denver. He is the first infected person to be quarantined by the U.S. government since 1963.
The disclosure that the patient is a lawyer — and specifically a personal injury lawyer — outraged many people on the Internet and elsewhere. Some travelers who flew on the same planes with Speaker angrily accused him of selfishly putting hundreds of people's lives in danger.
"It's still very scary," 21-year-old Laney Wiggins, one of more than two dozen University of South Carolina-Aiken students who are getting skin tests for TB. "That is an outrageous number of people that he was very reckless with their health. It's not fair. It's selfish."
Speaker said in a newspaper interview that he knew he had TB when he flew from Atlanta to Europe in mid-May for his wedding and honeymoon, but that he did not find out until he was already in Rome that it was an extensively drug-resistant strain considered especially dangerous.
Despite warnings from federal health officials not to board another long flight, he flew home for treatment, fearing he wouldn't survive if he didn't reach the U.S., he said. He said he tried to sneak home by way of Canada instead of flying directly into the U.S.
He was quarantined May 25, a day after he was allowed to pass through the border crossing at Champlain, N.Y., along the Canadian border.
The inspector ran Speaker's passport through a computer, and a warning — including instructions to hold the traveler, don a protective mask in dealing with him, and telephone health authorities — popped up, officials said. About a minute later, Speaker was instead cleared to continue on his journey, according to officials familiar with the records.
Homeland Security Department is investigating.
"The border agent who questioned that person is at present performing administrative duties," said Homeland Security spokesman Russ Knocke, adding those duties do not include checking people at the land border crossing.
Colleen Kelley, president of the union that represents customs and border agents, declined to comment on the specifics of the case, but said "public health issues were not receiving adequate attention and training" within the agency.
On Thursday, a tan and healthy-looking Speaker was flown from Atlanta to Denver, accompanied by his wife and federal marshals, to Denver's National Jewish Medical and Research Center, where doctors planned to isolate him and treat him with oral and intravenous antibiotics.
Dr. Charles Daley, chief of the hospital's infectious-disease division, said he is optimistic Speaker can be cured because he is believed to be in the early stages of the disease.
Dr. Gwen Huitt of National Jewish described Speaker as "a young, healthy individual" who is "doing extremely well."
"By conventional methods that we traditionally use in the public health arena ... he would be considered low infectivity at this point in time," she said. "He is not coughing, he is healthy, he does not have a fever."
Doctors hope also to determine where he contracted the disease, which has been found around the world and exists in pockets in Russia and Asia.
He will be kept in a special unit with a ventilation system to prevent the escape of germs. "He may not leave that room much for several weeks," hospital spokesman William Allstetter said.
Speaker's father-in-law has worked at the CDC for 32 years and is in the Division of Tuberculosis Elimination, where he works with TB and other organisms. He has co-authored papers on diabetes, TB and other infectious diseases.
"As part of my job, I am regularly tested for TB. I do not have TB, nor have I ever had TB," he said in a statement. "My son-in-law's TB did not originate from myself or the CDC's labs, which operate under the highest levels of biosecurity."
In a brief telephone interview with the AP, Cooksey said that he gave Speaker "fatherly advice" when he learned the young man had contracted the disease.
"I'm hoping and praying that he's getting the proper treatment, that my daughter is holding up mentally and physically," Cooksey said. "Had I known that my daughter was in any risk, I would not allow her to travel."
According to a biography posted on a Web site connected with Speaker's law firm, the young lawyer attended the U.S. Naval Academy, graduated from the University of Georgia with a degree in finance, then attended University of Georgia's law school. He is in private practice with his father, Ted Speaker, an unsuccessful candidate for a judgeship in 2004.
Speaker's father told WSB-TV: "The way he's been shown and spoken about on TV, it's like a terrorist traveling around the world escaping authorities. It's blown out of proportion immensely."
Andrew Speaker recently moved from an upscale condominium complex in anticipation of his wedding, former neighbors said. He also wrote in an application to become a board member of his condo association that he was going to Vietnam for five weeks as part of the Rotary Club to act as an ambassador.
His wife, Sarah, is a third-year law student at Atlanta's Emory University.
"He's a great guy. Gregarious," said Pam Hood, a former neighbor. "He's a wonderful guy. Just a very, very pleasant man."
Health officials in North America and Europe are now trying to track down about 80 passengers who sat near him on his two trans-Atlantic flights, and they want passenger lists from four shorter flights he took while in Europe.
However, other passengers are not considered at high risk of infection because tests indicated the amount of TB bacteria in Speaker was low, said Dr. Martin Cetron, director of the CDC's division of global migration and quarantine.
Health law experts said Speaker could be sued if others contract TB.
"There are a number of cases that say a person who negligently transmits an infectious disease could be held liable," said Lawrence Gostin, a public health law expert at Georgetown University. "So long as he knew it was infectious, and knew about the appropriate behavior but failed to comply, he could be held liable."
Speaker told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution that he wasn't coughing and that doctors initially did not order him not to fly and only suggested he put off his long-planned wedding. "We headed off to Greece thinking everything's fine," he told the newspaper.
E Verteta 4_U
Terrific now TB is just another concern of the many things we worry about when flying.
Postuar nga E verteta 4_U në 6/01/2007 0 komentet